real life wrote:Diest TKO wrote:RL - As far as your line of questioning goes for JPB, why does the his moral opinion hinge on his belief of what the unborn is?
The whole abortion question is over what the unborn is.
first, "The abortion question" suggests that there is only one question invlvoed, and secondly, no the question of "what the unborn is" is not what the issue hinges on.
real life wrote:
If the unborn is a living human being , then it should be illegal to kill it.
Problems for legal forms of death such as war, police action, capitol punishment by these terms.
before you remind me of the difference between a criminal found guilty by a jury of their peers and a embryo, allow me to remind you that the guilty part is what makes your statement true, the choice of death over any other punish ment is an acknoledgement that a state's intrest can provide a justification for death.
real life wrote:
If the unborn is just a clump of cells, like a wart, there is nobody on the pro-life side who would consider it immoral to dispose of it.
So why would someone who supports legal abortion consider it to be immoral?
They might concider it immoral for any number of reasons. They hold suspect the woman's abilities to reaise a child.
Legality is not built on morality.
real life wrote:
Is it immoral to pop a zit, or remove a mole?
It is if it's not your zit or mole, and whoever's zit or mole it is doesnt want you to.
real life wrote:
JPB's stated position was support for legal abortion , but a personal position that having one was immoral.
So what?
real life wrote:
Do you consider those to be contradictory? I do.
I don't.
I find many things immoral. Does it meant that it is the place of law to step in. My veiws of morality are no greater than anyone else's.
I don't find most popular music to be very morally positive, does it mean that a law should be written? Ethically speaking, the music holds no threat to societal order, and I am in no way forced to listen to it.
If I had kids, and some 17 year old pop starlet was singing songs with a sexual undertone, I may find it immoral. This doesn't mean I write my congressman or congresswoman to complain, it means I open up a private dialogue with my child.
Returning to abortion.
You may see abortion, and find it morally wrong for the individual to have an abortion. Their actions for better or worse are theirs, and as much as you might hate it, you'll always be unqualified to make the choice for them.