Fri 13 Jun, 2003 09:08 am
preface-I am a gun owner:
By current law in the state of Colorado it is prefectly legal to enter your local tavern with a big iron on your hip (357 mag the most common) loaded for bear. But light up a camel and you're in trouble with the law.
Well, I guess guns don't hurt people unless they are fired at them.
Cigarettes hurt people as soon as they are lit.
Frankly, though, I think America is very weird about guns.
If your question is should there be stricter gun control laws? My answer would be yes. But than I am not a gun owner nor would I ever want to be. Should note that I am not a smoker either at least not presently.
I smoke camels, but i don't pack iron . . . i'm reconciled to being prohibited smoking in public places; i don't think it unreasonable to insist that the boys leave their toys at home, reliably secured . . .
Why would one saunter into a tavern carrying a firearm on their hip anyway? It's againt the law to be in possesion of a firearm while under the influence of alcohol. There isn't much point in wandering into a tavern if ya ain't gonna drink and carrying a firearm on your hip would just make the violation apparent to everyone...
Colorado's still the Wild West, I see...
Smokers never understand the problem with smoking in public. I smoked for 20 years, and never could get it.
One day, I quite literally woke up allergic to smoke ... I'm talking about clogged sinuses, swollen glands, choking and turn blue not being able to breath allergic.
Needless to say, I get it now.
Why is it smokers never understand the laws/rules of etiquette unless it is pro smoking?
Which is better? Cancer or a bullet?
Damned if I can understand why anyone would want to shoot a camel?
I too smoked, from childhood until my body called "Uncle" about ten years ago; now I can't stand to be around tobacco.
A smoke a day helps you cough, wheeze and throw up. That is till you get used to smoking then it's easy.
the thing about guns dlowan is that they can't hurt a soul. It's those damn bullets that are inside them......I'll grant you it's the guns that make them go really fast......
I smoked for 30 years and quit 13 years ago. I'm healthy right now but who knows what might happen down the road? Of course down the road we all eventually get unhealthy.
Eat right, exercise regularly, die anyway.
I'm not so sure I wouldn't pick up a pack and smoke it today if I could just get used to that "not breathing" part
I'd rather die fast from a bullet than die slow from lung cancer.
Actually, you can do both, but I'd rather go without the cancer. Unfortunately, Bi-Polar has the sad truth. No matter how good you take care of yourself, it all ends the same anyway!
Dys, you? A gun owner? Never could have told from the picture
It's all about quality of life, man.
I shot the sherrif
But I did not shoot the deputy..
Every time i planted a seed
He said: "Kill it before it grows . . ."
True dat.
That's why I smoke lots of crack at schoolyards.