mysteryman wrote:I mean a "loss" if they dont gain the majority in both houses.
From what I have read and heard,the dems expect to take both houses,and that anything less would be a loss.
Election forecasts from Moulitsas, Blades and Lakoff
On a panel that the moderator joked was "fair and balanced in the way that Fox News is," liberal netroots leaders and scholars gathered Thursday night in Berkeley, and made predictions about the November election.
"I've never been right," said Markos Moulitsas ZĂșniga of Daily Kos, inspiring laughs from the rapt crowd of hundreds of students and political activists at U.C. Berkeley's Wheeler Auditorium. [..] That said, his predictions cut a wide swath; he suggested that, on the low side, Democrats will take seven to 17 seats in the House, but the party could take as many as 30 to 45 seats --
and he expects a 50/50 split in the Senate.
Paul Pierson, professor of political science at U.C. Berkeley, forecast that the Democrats will take 22 to 25 seats in the House, and
also sees the Senate split 50/50. But Pierson asked the audience to consider: "Where would we be without Iraq?" He suggested that if the election goes well for the Democrats this November it will be a response to the Bush administration's failures in the war, not a ringing endorsement of any alternative the Democrats are offering. [..]
Yet, if the Democrats do succeed in taking back the House, netroots leaders were realistic about what that will mean. In a word, "gridlock," said Blades. [George] Lakoff expressed skepticism about what the centrist Democratic leadership could achieve, even with control of the House, which he hopes they win. [..]
And those are the out-and-out liberals. Compare also the predictions liberals posters here on A2K made, in Put your money where your mouth is and Mid-Term Elections: Predict the Outcome: the most optimistic posters predict that the Dems will eek out the narrowest of majorities in the Senate (51/49), while the others predict a tie at 50/50 or a Republican hold at 49/51.
Now the House, yes - if the Dems dont win the House, we will be sorely disappointed. But the Senate? Nobody is assuming anything, on that count.