Freedom - Libertas? Yes.
Unconquerable - Invictus? Invincibilis. (Invictus means unconquered.)
Truth - Veritas? Yes.
Equal, like men, women etc are to be treated the same - Equalitas Yes.
It is usually spelled "Aequalitas".
Can someone translate the following for me? It would be GREATLY appreciated.
Never forget that you must die; that death will come sooner than you expect.... God has written the letters of death upon your hands. In the inside of your hands you will see the letters M.M. It means 'Memento Mori' - remember you must die.
If you could translate all of it, that would be great. I've used the online translators and they all translate it the same, but when I translate it back to english it's not what is should be. I know it'll be hard to translate and any help would be greatly appreciated it. Thanks!
Nunquam ut tibi moriendum est obliviscere; ut mors maturius quam
expectas veniet.... Deus in manubus tuis mortis litteras scripsit.
Intra manus tuas litteras M.M. videbis. Eae 'Memento Mori'
significant - ut tibi moriendum est.
Equal would not be (a)equalitas. (A)equalitas is a noun and would therefore mean equality. Equal would thus be (A)equalitus, -a, -um. Depending upon the context, it would of course need to be declined.