maporsche wrote:hephzibah wrote:maporsche, I'm afraid you have lumped me in with the wrong crowd as there really is no "crowd" I follow directly, christian or otherwise. I hold similar beliefs to many christians, but far different beliefs in some aspects as well. Life IS an infinite possibility of ideas. However, what possibilities we will choose to see and take is entirely up to us and how much we will limit ourselves through our beliefs, regardless of if those beliefs involve God or not.
So you don't believe that Jesus was your savior, and that he is the only path to heaven.
You also don't believe that God made the world exactly the way it is.
If you say yes to either of these then you have therefore eliminated all other possibilities.
You seem to be unable to see the conflicts in your lines of thinking.
Wrong. Just because an idea exists does not make it wrong. When I'm talking about life being an infinite possibility of idea's I'm meaning it from a different angle than I think you are understanding at this point. You seem to be looking at it from the perspective of the possibilities exist if one does not believe in God, but if they do, there are no possibilities left.
I don't think we are talking about the same kind of possibilities or idea's for that matter. Maporsche, there are millions of christians in this world. While the majority have very similar major beliefs concerning God, yet each and every person has an individual "take" or "ideal" on what they believe and why. There are millions of non-christians as well who again have very similar major beliefs for why God does not exist, yet each and everyone person has an individual "take" or "ideal" on what they believe and why. The list goes on and on with every single religion and person that opposes religion, doesn't oppose religion, wavers about if religion is true and so on.
That is where the "infinite" part of this comes into play. While there are things in life that are absolute certainties to some, there are many that are not, will not, and could never be certainties to others. The possibilities are in the minds of those who believe whatever it is they choose to believe. While they may rule out some things as possibilities, they will never be able to rule out everything, because then they would have to stop thinking, questioning, and searching for answers completely.
Have you had christians that have told you they have all the answers because of God? They were lying. They personally don't have all the answers, but they do believe God does. A possibility to them, but just being a possibility or idea does not make it true. There are people who believe that science does not have all the answers right now, but it will some day. A possibility to them, but just being a possibility or and idea doesn't make it true.
Possibilities exist and will always exist to everyone, everywhere, on different levels because there will never be an answer to everything. So I'm talking about life being an infinite possibility of ideas on an individual level. No matter where you go in life, who you meet, what you do, you will never meet someone who has identical idea's to yours. Similar maybe, even very very close, but never exact. That is part of what makes us unique and set apart from one another. Not clones. We have the ability to think and choose what we believe and why, so as long as there is individuality within this world life will be an infinite possibility of ideas.