Arella Mae wrote:
Why is this not a RECOGNIZED ILLNESS? Are you kidding me?

I'm through. I try to answer everyone's questions because you ask them. I do that because it's common courtesy to answer someone when they address you. So y'all think I don't think, I'm illogical, irrational, dense, and imply I'm mentally ill(?????)etc.

Well, that's perfectly within your rights to think these things...............
...............but that doesn't make me right. (See?)
My question for timber was an honest one and not meant to offend you or anybody else.
Although "illness" may be a strong word (some doctors would argue it's the
wrong word, opting for "disorder" or some other, less unpleasant term), you can clearly see that the only reason your belief does not fit the description is because there are so many who share similar beliefs.
Maybe someone can explain why that, alone, should be reason enough for exemption. In my view, it is cause for greater concern (which is why I decided to ask the question).