Any serious Christians left?

cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 1 Nov, 2006 11:09 pm
1. I vote my conscience in accordance with the teachings of the bible.
2. The bible says homosexuality is a sin.
3. I will vote to restrict homosexuals the freedoms enjoyed by heterosexuals.
4. I am not imposing my beliefs on anyone.

Anybody for a lesson in logic?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 Nov, 2006 11:30 pm
cicerone imposter wrote:
1. I vote my conscience in accordance with the teachings of the bible.
2. The bible says homosexuality is a sin.
3. I will vote to restrict homosexuals the freedoms enjoyed by heterosexuals.
4. I am not imposing my beliefs on anyone.

Anybody for a lesson in logic?

1. I vote my conscience in accordance with the teachings of the bible.
2. The bible says gambling is a sin.
3. I will vote to remove the the freedoms enjoyed by people who like to gamble for fun.
4. I am not imposing my beliefs on anyone.
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Reply Wed 1 Nov, 2006 11:53 pm
Actually, the Bible doesn't mention anything about gambling. It must be a matter of interpretation.
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Reply Thu 2 Nov, 2006 12:02 am
echi, apparently stealing is a sin, and gambling can lead to stealing sometimes, so therefore ...gambling is a sin.

I've heard drinking can lead to gambling...and playing chess....
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Reply Thu 2 Nov, 2006 12:29 am
For an understanding of the position Arella is taking, here is an article from the Interactive Bible website:


Gambling and the Bible
Recently in a southern city a young man was canvassing the community selling chances on $25.00 to be given away by local church of which the boy was a member. After carefully learning from the youngster the facts, one of his contacts asked him, "Isn't that gambling?" The reply was, "Not if I do it for the church".

It is a modern tragedy that some religious organizations resort to methods of gambling in order to raise money for their operations. Here a boy was being taught by a religious group to feel that a thing wrong in itself was all right if done in the interest of his church. The New Testament teaches the Christian to give of his free-will unto God and the church (I Corinthians 16:1-2). This story illustrates that not only secular groups, but religious groups as well are involved in this widespread sin of gambling. The argument that the end justifies the means is not new. It has been the rallying cry of every tyrant throughout history. It is a double tragedy, however, when it it used as a means of justifying the sin of gambling by those who claim to represent God's work.

Gambling is defined by Webster's Collegiate Dictionary as "to play or game for money or other stake; to hazard; wager." Connected with gambling is the strong element of uncertainty, the large chance of losing. It has been popularly defined as "getting something for nothing without rendering service or exchange of goods, and is essentially stealing and a form of robbery". It involves taking a risk in order to obtain something for nothing and often means losing what one has and obtaining nothing.

Why do people gamble? Some people gamble because of the thrill they receive from the uncertainty connected with it. The more that this attitude pervades them, the more gambling becomes a kind of incurable disease with them. Others gamble because of their strong desire to obtain something for nothing, Others gamble because it makes an egotistic appeal to them to excel over others and win the rewards of the game. Whatever the motives and purposes, gambling is contrary to the teachings of God's Word and is therefore sinful.

Gambling is a way of practicing dishonesty. It is a form of taking what does not rightfully belong to a person. Interested in obtaining something for nothing, the gambler tries in every way to attain his ends, and usually is concerned to learn all the "tricks" he can. He is interested in "fleecing" those that are inexperienced. Gambling often takes the wages from innocent mothers and children and returns nothing. Along with gambling frequently goes cheating, and both are forms of dishonesty. Paul states, "Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labor, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth" Ephesians 4:28. Although the word "gambling" does not appear in the Bible, the practice is clearly condemned in numerous passages of scripture. Gambling is based on the evil desire to get money or goods which belong to someone else without giving fair value in exchange. The Bible calls this sin "covetousness" and makes it clear that those who do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God (Romans 1:28-32).

Because gambling encourages the "getting something for nothing" philosophy, it also encourages laziness and indolence. Men and women who set out on a career of gambling shun honest labor and become parasites. States and cities where gambling is legalized and a "big business" become mere parasites living off the productive labor of others. Such statements as Paul made in II Thessalonians 3:10,11, certainly conflict with the gambler's ideal of living.

Will Oursler in an article on graft and corruption in New York City, makes this frank statement: "Large scale gambling, traditionally the fountainhead of all crime, cannot be carried on without police knowledge and acquiescence." When gambling flourishes the underworld is strong. Murder and government corruption are its companions. "Evil companionships corrupt good morals" (I Corinthians 15:33 American Standard Version). Paul teaches Christians to "Abstain from all appearance of evil" I Thessalonians 5:22.
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anton bonnier
Reply Thu 2 Nov, 2006 12:36 am
The concept that frightens the s hit outa me, is, if its true, that over 80 % of the USA population are "Christians" and enough of them "think" like MA..... give em time and you'll have a country with the power to enforce "the word of their God" and "jesus christ!" watch the blood flow then.
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Reply Thu 2 Nov, 2006 12:44 am
You assume it hasn't already happened anton.
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Arella Mae
Reply Thu 2 Nov, 2006 02:20 am
anton bonnier wrote:
The concept that frightens the s hit outa me, is, if its true, that over 80 % of the USA population are "Christians" and enough of them "think" like MA..... give em time and you'll have a country with the power to enforce "the word of their God" and "jesus christ!" watch the blood flow then.

Excuse me? And just where have you gotten from anything I have ever posted that I would shed blood or are you referring to someone else shedding blood here?

Oh I see, another of those with a whole 62 posts that actually thinks they know someone from what? one thread? Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes
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Arella Mae
Reply Thu 2 Nov, 2006 02:22 am

Thank you for posting that. I do not know exactly where you stand on this issue but the fact that you really are trying to understand my position is greatly appreciated and noticed.
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Arella Mae
Reply Thu 2 Nov, 2006 02:24 am
anton bonnier wrote:
The concept that frightens the s hit outa me, is, if its true, that over 80 % of the USA population are "Christians" and enough of them "think" like MA..... give em time and you'll have a country with the power to enforce "the word of their God" and "jesus christ!" watch the blood flow then.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 2 Nov, 2006 07:13 am
Arella Mae wrote:
anton bonnier wrote:
The concept that frightens the s hit outa me, is, if its true, that over 80 % of the USA population are "Christians" and enough of them "think" like MA..... give em time and you'll have a country with the power to enforce "the word of their God" and "jesus christ!" watch the blood flow then.


Hmmmm.....somebody is baaacckkk
0 Replies
Reply Thu 2 Nov, 2006 07:25 am
Arella Mae- There is one important point that you make, that I cannot fathom. On one hand you vote your conscience, based on learning about the issues. On the other hand, you say that you believe that the bible is the word of god, and believe every word of it. How do you deal with some of the contradictions found in the bible?

Apparently, from what you are saying, I can infer that you may make up your mind about something, but if you subsequently discover something in the bible that is in opposition to your conclusions, you will reverse your decision. Am I correct in that assumption? And when you find a contradiction in the bible, which words do you believe?

I don't know much about the New Testament, but a quick perusal found this passage:

4 For God commanded, saying, Honour thy father and mother: and, He that curseth father or mother, let him die the death.

Well, what about a child who is born into a very abusive family? What about a child whose parents desert him? Should those parents be honored? Should the child "die the death" because he hated his abusive parent?
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Reply Thu 2 Nov, 2006 10:17 am
Intrepid wrote:
Arella Mae wrote:

Hmmmm.....somebody is baaacckkk

Check out the date he joined -- he's been around and posting in the Spirituality & Religion forum since before Arella Mae joined (as Momma Angel). Just because someone has 62 posts (or whatever the total is now) doesn't mean he's new.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 2 Nov, 2006 10:23 am
sozobe, Good show! I failed the connection, but now that I think of it...
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Arella Mae
Reply Thu 2 Nov, 2006 11:45 am
sozobe wrote:
Intrepid wrote:
Arella Mae wrote:

Hmmmm.....somebody is baaacckkk

Check out the date he joined -- he's been around and posting in the Spirituality & Religion forum since before Arella Mae joined (as Momma Angel). Just because someone has 62 posts (or whatever the total is now) doesn't mean he's new.

I didn't catch that part until after I had posted that Sozobe, but if he's/she's been "reading" posts and not posting along then whoever it is should know that I have asked people repeatedly to not refer to me as "MA, MOAN, Momma Angel, etc." for quite awhile now. So, what's up with that?http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons7/7.gif
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cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 2 Nov, 2006 11:56 am
AM, It just proves there's only one of a kind on a2k. One; you can be proud.
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Arella Mae
Reply Thu 2 Nov, 2006 11:56 am
Phoenix32890 wrote:
Arella Mae- There is one important point that you make, that I cannot fathom. On one hand you vote your conscience, based on learning about the issues. On the other hand, you say that you believe that the bible is the word of god, and believe every word of it. How do you deal with some of the contradictions found in the bible?

Phoenix, I don't believe there are any real contradictions in the Bible. There are things that may appear contradictory but if research is done on them I've always found an explanation. Such as events being changed around in order. It's like six people eye witnessing an accident, none of them will tell it exactly the same.

Apparently, from what you are saying, I can infer that you may make up your mind about something, but if you subsequently discover something in the bible that is in opposition to your conclusions, you will reverse your decision. Am I correct in that assumption? And when you find a contradiction in the bible, which words do you believe?[/b]

Phoenix, yes, you can infer that. Try to look at it this way for one second. If one truly believes God is the ultimate authority, and therefore; His word is the ultimate authority, which I believe, why wouldn't I accept God's word over anyone's? Even my own?

I don't know much about the New Testament, but a quick perusal found this passage:

4 For God commanded, saying, Honour thy father and mother: and, He that curseth father or mother, let him die the death.

Well, what about a child who is born into a very abusive family? What about a child whose parents desert him? Should those parents be honored? Should the child "die the death" because he hated his abusive parent?

Phoenix, we are to honor our parents, no matter what. In honoring them in those situations, it doesn't mean we have to put up with physical abuse, etc., it means we still love them despite what they do and we pray for them. It's like I believe about our leaders, we don't talk against them, we pray for them. But you still do what you have to do. Sometimes turning people into the police, etc., is the most loving and honoring thing you can do for them.

I believe that Jesus means resentment, anger, etc., is to be avoided, Phoenix. Ever heard the phrase "resentement kills"?
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Arella Mae
Reply Thu 2 Nov, 2006 12:00 pm
cicerone imposter wrote:
AM, It just proves there's only one of a kind on a2k. One; you can be proud.

And just what do you prove with your cynical little quips, CI? Rolling Eyes

The thing that I don't really care about in you CI is that even if I admit a mistake, wrong, etc., and apologize for it, you seem to think nothing of reminding me of it repeatedly. And you wonder why I believe in Jesus? When someone repents of something He forgets about it. He doesn't beat them up with it for the rest of their life.
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Reply Thu 2 Nov, 2006 12:09 pm
Phoenix wrote:
Apparently, from what you are saying, I can infer that you may make up your mind about something, but if you subsequently discover something in the bible that is in opposition to your conclusions, you will reverse your decision. Am I correct in that assumption? And when you find a contradiction in the bible, which words do you believe?

ArellaMae wrote:
Phoenix, yes, you can infer that. Try to look at it this way for one second. If one truly believes God is the ultimate authority, and therefore; His word is the ultimate authority, which I believe, why wouldn't I accept God's word over anyone's? Even my own?

So, let's say you have done some research on a subject, and have come to some conclusions. Then you read something in the bible that contradicts
your conclusions. Are you saying that you would ignore your own mind in favor of some ancient book?

On other threads, you have alluded to the fact that over time, you have learned about homosexuality, and with that greater knowledge, have softened your stance on it. But the bible hasn't changed. It's stand on homosexuality as an "abomination" is the same as when it was written. How do you explain that? By your own statements, if you take the bible as the "final word", you still should think homosexuality is an abomination.
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Arella Mae
Reply Thu 2 Nov, 2006 12:20 pm
Phoenix32890 wrote:
Phoenix wrote:
So, let's say you have done some research on a subject, and have come to some conclusions. Then you read something in the bible that contradicts
your conclusions. Are you saying that you would ignore your own mind in favor of some ancient book?

And why wouldn't I? If God is the ULTIMATE AUTHORITY who am I to think I know better than God? (Caps for emphasis only)

On other threads, you have alluded to the fact that over time, you have learned about homosexuality, and with that greater knowledge, have softened your stance on it. But the bible hasn't changed. It's stand on homosexuality as an "abomination" is the same as when it was written. How do you explain that? By your own statements, if you take the bible as the "final word", you still should think homosexuality is an abomination.[/color][/b]

Phoenix, I have softened in the respect that I do understand the conflicts, emotions, etc., of what people in this situation face, etc. How could I not? I am human and I can empathize with them. My stance on this is whether it is a choice to be homosexual or not, engaging in the activity itself is a choice. And yes, that means they would have to deny what they feel they are in favor of God. That is what we all do when we choose to do the things God tells us to do instead of doing what we want or choose to do.
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