Arella Mae,
Just a couple of things to ponder, in no particular order.
A serious Christian is not concerned with ridicule.
Not all Taliban would cut your head off or strap a bomb to their body. I don't think that Phoenix was referring to you as an individual when she mentioned Taliban. If you step back and look at what she said about this, you may see the insight with which she made these comments.
Not everybody agrees on everything. Even amongst Christians.
Sometimes we need to step back and look at the big picture of things to see how our tiny part affect and effects the world within which we live.
Consider 20th Century Taliban rule in Afghanistan compared to Christian rule in medeival Europe. Strip away technology, allow for geography, adjust for dogma, and there's damned little functional difference; an infidel beheaded in Kabul's soccer stadium is just as dead as a heretic burned at the stake in a cathedral's courtyard, and both are dead for and by much the same rationale. The primary functional difference is a few centuries.
Some of us have progressed. :wink:
I have explained how I feel and why. That is the best I can do. If you don't understand it then you don't understand it. I'm not asking you to agree with me. But, it's my honest answer to all your questions.
Intrepid wrote:Some of us have progressed. :wink:
One would expect a few centuries would do that - of course, not all expectations are met.
timberlandko wrote:Consider 20th Century Taliban rule in Afghanistan compared to Christian rule in medeival Europe. Strip away technology, allow for geography, adjust for dogma, and there's damned little functional difference; an infidel beheaded in Kabul's soccer stadium is just as dead as a heretic burned at the stake in a cathedral's courtyard, and both are dead for and by much the same rationale. The primary functional difference is a few centuries.
The blame for religious atrocity falls not on God but on man.
AM has a big problem if she uses God's word/ commandments as her guide.
Deuteronomy mandates stoning for a wide variety of sins, ranging from a woman have premarital sex, to a child disobeying his parents, to a person eating ostrich. For each of these sins, and countless others, the sinner is to be placed in the public square, surrounded by townspeople who are to throw large rocks at the sinner's head and limbs and "stone him until he is dead."
Has AM ever stoned anybody to death?
CI, you are only helping to boil the pot over. Nothing constructive in your post..
cicerone imposter wrote:Has AM ever stoned anybody to death?
I don't think that's a fair question, CI.
It isn't even possible to stone someone to death.
(Although I have stoned myself to sleep a few times!)
CI, you really should broaden your horizons and read more than the book of Deuteronomy in the bible. There is a whole lot more to it. Really.
Intrepid wrote:CI, you really should broaden your horizons and read more than the book of Deuteronomy in the bible. There is a whole lot more to it. Really.
A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.
Just what part of the bible are you able to pick and choose which parts apply? Isn't the "whole" bible the word of god?