CoastalRat wrote:You know, this is the most ridiculous stuff that I have seen lately. How is it that when a Christian votes his conscience it is somehow wrong simply because he has a different moral code than someone else? AM votes as she does based on a morality that she bases on the Bible. MaP, you vote your conscience based on your morality that is based on whatever (your sense of right or wrong maybe? Groping for words here). Please someone tell me what in the name of sense is the difference!!! MaP, maybe your morality is based on your upbringing. What makes that superior to someone's morality based on the Koran or the Bible or for that matter Aesop's Fables?
Voting for what a person believes in is the American way, is it not? But y'all act as though a Christian shouldn't vote unless he is willing to ignore his own moral compass, simply because that moral compass is based on God's Word (or, for the non-believers out there, what the Christian believes is God's Word).
This has nothing to do with imposing Christianity on anyone. It is about striving to mold society into what one wants to see. And like it or not, that is what everyone who votes is attempting to do, whether they are Christian, Jew, Muslim, atheist, agnostic or anything else.
I believe in freedom.
I vote to allow the most freedom to all Americans.
AM, and apparently you as well, vote to restrict freedoms based on your religious beliefs (Iran also restricts freedoms based on religious beliefs).
You are molding society into what a Christian (you) wants to see am I right? Assuming I am, please explain how creating laws based on religious docterine does not impose your religion on me!
I'll repeat my position so that you cannot say that my votes impose my belief on you. I would vote for your freedom to do whatever you want.
I guess you could argue that I'd be imposing FREE WILL on you, which you god has blessed you with, and you're oh-so willing to take it away from others.
So, again, does voting to restrict freedoms/rights from other individuals violate God's gift of free will?