Any serious Christians left?

Reply Sun 29 Oct, 2006 11:27 pm
echi wrote:
Arella Mae wrote:
echi wrote:

Do you think you have any ideas about why you might feel like something is either good or bad? I mean, like, without going in a circle?

Huh? Echi, do you have a specific question here you might be trying to ask? Are you asking me if my religious beliefs are what tell me something is good or bad?

No. But since you brought it up. . .

I think he is asking if there is any further depth to your decision making/voting process other than deciding if something is good or bad. If so, he's asking you to describe the process that leads up to a decision of good or bad. That's what most of these posts have been asking but it gets lost in the thumb wars about who has the right and who has the left.
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Arella Mae
Reply Sun 29 Oct, 2006 11:48 pm
Hmm, let me see how to put this. For some things it is easy to decide on whether to vote for it or not because of what it is. Now, like with gambling and same sex marriage that is pretty much the basis of it. It's wrong so it's bad. Of course there are other issues that on the surface may not be really as clear as to whether they are right or wrong and I, of course, would have to do research into them to decide. Like if a vote came up for a tax break for someone I'd have to know all about it before I knew what to vote. So, in some cases yes, it's just a matter of it's that simple of being good or bad and I make a decision and in other cases it's more complex.

And yes, I realize that some may think that I am not looking fully into these issues (gambling and same sex marriage) but I have. I even engaged in a thread on A2K to try to understand homosexuality better. What conclusion I came to was I understand others don't feel they have a choice being that way and who am I to say they don't? But I still believe they have the choice to engage in the activity or not. So, it may seem as though I haven't looked more into this but I have.

I hope that helped, Echi. If it didn't or if you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
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Reply Sun 29 Oct, 2006 11:53 pm
Arella Mae wrote:
So, in some cases yes, it's just a matter of it's that simple of being good or bad and I make a decision and in other cases it's more complex.

And yes, I realize that some may think that I am not looking fully into these issues (gambling and same sex marriage) but I have. I even engaged in a thread on A2K to try to understand homosexuality better.

That's what he's asking about! In what way do you look fully into the issues?

Discussing the process we all use will help us find some common ground and perhaps open some new doors to information we weren't aware of before.
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Arella Mae
Reply Mon 30 Oct, 2006 12:02 am
Butrflynet wrote:
That's what he's asking about! In what way do you look fully into the issues?

Discussing the process we all use will help us find some common ground and perhaps open some new doors to information we weren't aware of before.

When something comes up on the ballot I try to get all the information I can on it. I look to see if it is what it appears to be first. I look for hidden things that might be there. I get information on the person presenting the bill, etc., to see if I can understand them. I try to be as informed as possible when I vote.

I will discuss it with other people to get their viewpoints. If it seems to be fair then I vote for it. If it seems to be unfair I don't vote for it.

Now, that is for things that aren't that simple black and white. :wink:
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Reply Mon 30 Oct, 2006 12:25 am
When something comes up on the ballot I try to get all the information I can on it.

Like the statistics you said you had but lied about?

I look to see if it is what it appears to be first.

How in hell would you know?

I look for hidden things that might be there.

If you can't see what IS there, I don't hold out much hope of you seeing anything other part of it. Where are those statistics you said you had, btw?

I get information on the person presenting the bill, etc., to see if I can understand them. I try to be as informed as possible when I vote.

This is the biggest lie on this board. You ain't askeered o' hell, is ya Ruta Begga?

I will discuss it with other people to get their viewpoints.

They ascertain whether or not a Mexican or faggot gots inny part of the thang. Cuz if'n thay is, thay's gointa put a big godly kybosh on the whole shootin match.

If it seems to be fair then I vote for it. If it seems to be unfair I don't vote for it.

If it seems to be fun or fer them uppity minorities' civil rights, we ainta gonna sit still fer it!!

Now, that is for things that aren't that simple black and white.
We handle snakes to figgur them out!
0 Replies
Reply Mon 30 Oct, 2006 12:42 am
Thanks for the thoughtful response about the things that aren't simply black and white.

What about the things that are simply black and white? What makes them simple black and white issues that don't require the same study process?

Do you ever question the premise of how things became simply black and white issues for you and do the same type of research and discussion devoted to more complicated issues to reconfirm your presumptions?

For instance, many times I find that my feelings about things are based on how I was raised and things I heard my parents say, but once I do some research on the subject for my own education, I sometimes change my stand.

Just posting in this thread has given me a lot of things to think about regarding assumptions being made. Many a time I wrote up a response to someone and realized while writing that I would be a hypocrit if I argued against it and would be doing exactly the same thing. I end up erasing and not posting a lot of things I write because of that rethinking process that composing gives me.
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Arella Mae
Reply Mon 30 Oct, 2006 01:54 am
Butrflynet wrote:
Thanks for the thoughtful response about the things that aren't simply black and white.

What about the things that are simply black and white? What makes them simple black and white issues that don't require the same study process?

Do you ever question the premise of how things became simply black and white issues for you and do the same type of research and discussion devoted to more complicated issues to reconfirm your presumptions?

You are welcome. I don't mind sharing with anyone as long as we can have a civil conversation. Laughing I do and have questioned things yes. There have been times that I thought a certain scripture meant a certain thing and then someone would show me where I might need to rethink it. There have also been times that someone would show me where they thought I needed to rethink it and I didn't adjust my thinking because I believed I was correct about it.

As for the simple black and white issues? Well, for me if the Bible says it is wrong then it is wrong because I believe the Bible to be the Word of God and God is the ultimate authority. I did some research on the homosexuality issue and talked to quite a few on this forum and had many questions answered and some that will probably never be answered. So yes, I am willing to look at things because I don't believe anyone has 100% of 100% of the truth that is there.

For instance, many times I find that my feelings about things are based on how I was raised and things I heard my parents say, but once I do some research on the subject for my own education, I sometimes change my stand.

I completely understand that feeling. My mother is a much stricter type (most would probably call her even more fundamentalist than me) Christian. Now, I was brought up hearing these things and living with them in the home but don't carry all of the same views today. My views are a bit different based on my experiences and my understanding of the Bible.

Just posting in this thread has given me a lot of things to think about regarding assumptions being made. Many a time I wrote up a response to someone and realized while writing that I would be a hypocrit if I argued against it and would be doing exactly the same thing. I end up erasing and not posting a lot of things I write because of that rethinking process that composing gives me.

I would imagine that many of us do that same thing! Posting on this forum has taught me a lot about a lot of different things!
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Arella Mae
Reply Mon 30 Oct, 2006 01:56 am
Lash wrote:
When something comes up on the ballot I try to get all the information I can on it.

Like the statistics you said you had but lied about?

I provided some statistics but I would be happy to provide more if you would like.
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Reply Mon 30 Oct, 2006 02:22 am
Arella Mae wrote:
As for the simple black and white issues? Well, for me if the Bible says it is wrong then it is wrong because I believe the Bible to be the Word of God and God is the ultimate authority.

(You said in other threads that you haven't actually had the chance to vote on same-sex marriages so I won't address that one.)

Let me see if I'm understanding what you've written over the last few posts.

You are saying that the gambling issue is one of those simple black and white issues in which you turn to the bible for instructions on whether it is right or wrong so you'll know how to vote.

If I have understood correctly, that leads me to the next questions...

Do you determine whether the issue is right or wrong for you and your fellow believers and vote accordingly? Or, do you vote according to god's word in the bible without consideration as to whether it is right or wrong for others who don't believe in the bible and god's word?

If I haven't understood correctly, could you restate it all in a couple of paragraphs and specifically address gambling and any considerations that may or may not include non-believers?
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Arella Mae
Reply Mon 30 Oct, 2006 02:27 am
Butrflynet wrote:
Arella Mae wrote:
As for the simple black and white issues? Well, for me if the Bible says it is wrong then it is wrong because I believe the Bible to be the Word of God and God is the ultimate authority.

(You said in other threads that you haven't actually had the chance to vote on same-sex marriages so I won't address that one.)

Let me see if I'm understanding what you've written over the last few posts.

You are saying that the gambling issue is one of those simple black and white issues in which you turn to the bible for instructions on whether it is right or wrong so you'll know how to vote.

If I have understood correctly, that leads me to the next questions...

Do you determine whether the issue is right or wrong for you and your fellow believers and vote accordingly? Or, do you vote according to god's word in the bible without consideration as to whether it is right or wrong for others who don't believe in the bible and god's word?

If I haven't understood correctly, could you restate it all in a couple of paragraphs and specifically address gambling and any considerations that may or may not include non-believers?

All I can tell you Butrflynet is if I believe something is wrong then I won't vote for it. To me, God's word is the ultimate authority so I am going to accept that over the wants of man any day. Many don't like that about me but it is the way it is.

If I were to vote for something that I believe to be wrong in God's eyes I am then compromising my beliefs and the Word of God.
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Reply Mon 30 Oct, 2006 06:12 am
Re: Any serious Christians left?
Jeremiah wrote:
Anyone want to talk the christian bible? For ..against..whatever? Is this against the law yet?

I believe the thread needs to be refocussed. It has become a Arella Mae thread. What does she think? It is clear she does not think, and yet members persist.
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Arella Mae
Reply Mon 30 Oct, 2006 06:50 am
Oh I think Edgar. I think that was pretty rude of you to say such a thing. :wink:
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Reply Mon 30 Oct, 2006 07:13 am
Arella Mae- I think that we can boil down this entire tome of a thread into a few questions for you:

In deciding how to vote, which is primary, to you, the U.S. Constitution or the Bible?

Do you believe in separation of church and state, or would you rather that the U.S. be run according to the teachings of the New Testament?

If so, how is your line of thinking appreciably different from that of the Taliban, except for the fact that they adhere to a different set of rules based on their religion?

I think that if you are honest in your answers, we don't have to go around in circles in reference to this subject.
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Arella Mae
Reply Mon 30 Oct, 2006 07:45 am
Phoenix32890 wrote:
Arella Mae- I think that we can boil down this entire tome of a thread into a few questions for you:

In deciding how to vote, which is primary, to you, the U.S. Constitution or the Bible?

Do you believe in separation of church and state, or would you rather that the U.S. be run according to the teachings of the New Testament?

If so, how is your line of thinking appreciably different from that of the Taliban, except for the fact that they adhere to a different set of rules based on their religion?

I think that if you are honest in your answers, we don't have to go around in circles in reference to this subject.


I have answered most of these questions. How many times must I answer them? You have been given my HONEST answers. If you do not find them honest, well, I don't know what to tell you. I have given my honest answers even though I knew I'd be ridiculed for them.

I don't think I've been asked about the one about the Taliban so I'll answer that. I don't think anyone should go around threatening to cut off anyone's head or kill them if they won't convert to their religion. If someone wants to or doesn't want to practice a religion that is their personal choice.
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Reply Mon 30 Oct, 2006 08:18 am
Phoenix32890 wrote:
Arella Mae- I think that we can boil down this entire tome of a thread into a few questions for you:

In deciding how to vote, which is primary, to you, the U.S. Constitution or the Bible?

Do you believe in separation of church and state, or would you rather that the U.S. be run according to the teachings of the New Testament?

If so, how is your line of thinking appreciably different from that of the Taliban, except for the fact that they adhere to a different set of rules based on their religion?

I think that if you are honest in your answers, we don't have to go around in circles in reference to this subject.

Interesting questions, Phoenix.

I know that you directed this specifically to Arella Mae, but I hope I am not stepping on toes in responding from my point of view.

We don't have a Constitution in Canada like you do in the U.S. However, I support our government and I support my church.

The government makes the laws of the land and runs the country as determined by our elected officials. None of the laws that they have made conflict with my faith. Even those to allow gay marriages. My view on this is that even though it is wrong according to my religion, my religion also dictates that I do not judge my fellow man. As long as a gay man does not want to marry me... I am ok with it.

I say let the government run the country. We have too many religions to not have separation of church and state. I believe that they can co-exist without undue hardship. Of course, many others do not feel the same way.

Your comment about the Taliban puzzled me a bit. The reason? Because the Taliban will murder and maim without batting an eye. At least from what I have seen and read. I do not see the same radical enforcement of beliefs from Christians. At least in this day and age.

How can I judge others when I am far from perfect myself. I constantly strive and work on my desire to follow in the ways of Jesus. I must confess that I fall short in many ways.....but I will not give up.
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Reply Mon 30 Oct, 2006 08:38 am
Your comment about the Taliban puzzled me a bit. The reason? Because the Taliban will murder and maim without batting an eye. At least from what I have seen and read. I do not see the same radical enforcement of beliefs from Christians. At least in this day and age.

Intrepid- Thank you for your thoughtful comments. I knew that I would get a reaction when I equated the Taliban with radical Christianity. Personally, I don't think that the two are so different, only that radical Christianity is a number of hundred years more evolved than radical Islam.

What do the radical arms of the two religions have in common? The more radical the religion, the more separate the roles of men and women, and the attempt to control women, and reproduction.

Intrepid wrote:
.....Taliban will murder and maim without batting an eye. At least from what I have seen and read. I do not see the same radical enforcement of beliefs from Christians.

I know that it is not a common happening, but haven't you read of radical Christians who bomb abortion clinics?
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Reply Mon 30 Oct, 2006 09:10 am
The Taliban was the government of Afghanistan - they determined the laws and the punishments. If the law of the land is defined by those with a religious agenda and they reach control of the government to the point where they determine the laws and the punishments, then it's only a matter of degree as to whether the maiming and beheadings are literal or figurative.
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Reply Mon 30 Oct, 2006 09:25 am
Phoenix32890 wrote:
Arella Mae- I think that we can boil down this entire tome of a thread into a few questions for you:

In deciding how to vote, which is primary, to you, the U.S. Constitution or the Bible?

Do you believe in separation of church and state, or would you rather that the U.S. be run according to the teachings of the New Testament?

If so, how is your line of thinking appreciably different from that of the Taliban, except for the fact that they adhere to a different set of rules based on their religion?

I think that if you are honest in your answers, we don't have to go around in circles in reference to this subject.

Sad I was really looking forward to reading your answers.
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Arella Mae
Reply Mon 30 Oct, 2006 09:29 am

I have answered these questions. Go back and read through the thread and you will see that I have answered them. Let's let the thread get back on focus.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 30 Oct, 2006 09:36 am
Re: Any serious Christians left?
Jeremiah wrote:
Anyone want to talk the christian bible? For ..against..whatever? Is this against the law yet?

The Christian Bible?


It is a book, a collection of words, stories.

Like anything else, its meaning depends on one's interpretation.
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