maporsche wrote:echi wrote:"Then I suggest you get together enough people to lobby to change the law, dys. That is how it works. If you don't like it, then do something to change it. I don't have a problem with that at all and I would back your right to lobby to change the law in a heartbeat. I may not vote for the law (generalized) but I will support your right to try to change it."
Would you support my right to lobby to have your rights taken away?
Good question echi!
I'd also like to point out that not everyone's vote matters in our current system. This law for example was passed by a 200+ margin of lawmakers. Something like 70% of the house voted for this bill. My single vote for the congressman of my single district would have had ZERO influence on this bill.
I wish this bill was up for a general popular vote; I guarentee you it wouldn't have been passed. What American would really support taking away the rights of their neighbors who aren't hurting anybody.
This law will do nothing to curtail gambling in the US anyway, there's still thousands of Indian casinos, Vegas, Atlantic city, homegrown poker games, friends betting on games with their other friends, fantasy football, the lottery, scratching tickets, etc.
If the law was to outlaw ALL gambling then I think there is more of an argument (however I would still oppose it), but this law strictly focuses on removing rights of citizens, not rights of businesses, but of citizens.
Perhaps the problem is that the government in this instance had the power to vote their competition out of business.
If the government wasn't in the gambling business, then perhaps this wouldn't have been seen as such a threat.
Would you support getting the government out of the gambling business?