Any serious Christians left?

Reply Thu 26 Oct, 2006 11:36 am
Thats the spirit. Pick yourself up. Dust yourself off. Pick a partner. Dance to your own beat.
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Arella Mae
Reply Thu 26 Oct, 2006 11:38 am
http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons7/78.gifAh go on with ya...............
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Oct, 2006 11:57 am
Lash, I'm getting the feeling you don't much care for Arella Mae. Am I right?

Lash wrote:

CR-- If she thinks everyone who doesn't share her beliefs is going to hell--she believes she's superior. And she does believe that.

Guess I gotta join Arella's bandwagon here because as a Christian, I gotta admit that I believe that Lash. At least that is what I beleive the Bible says. And my guess is that you do not believe that. So is your view or mine superior? Neither one actually. As to which is correct, guess we won't know that until we die. So, does that make one of us superior over the other? I don't think so. Just means we have different beliefs. I certainly don't think I am superior to you because I am a Christian. And I'm pretty sure Arella doesn't think that either. Of course, I do believe my belief is superior to yours, but if I didn't I would be crazy to be a Christian, wouldn't I?

Lash wrote:

If she runs about amassing an army to join up here to fight a war with longstanding members of this forum because her religion is not treated the way she thinks it should be, she believes her religion merits special treatment--hence it and she are superior and should prevail.

So she isn't allowed to suggest to her like-minded friends that they should check out this forum? And doing so constitutes amassing an army? And because you or anyone else is a longstanding member means others are somehow of lesser standing and shouldn't discuss opposing views with you? That seems to be what you are saying here Lash. Sounds a bit like you are the one feeling superior since you've been a member for so long.

And did she really say her religion deserves special treatment? If she did, I'm sure nobody here listened. So what's the big deal if she did?

Arella Mae does sometimes get defensive, but that is her nature I guess. I tend not to get my dandriff up when people disagree with me and mock my faith, as often happens here (to people of all faiths, not just to Christians, btw). It's why I seldom post on the religion threads anymore. She handles it by sometimes getting defensive. Is that really a big deal? If you don't like it, stay out of discussions that involve her. Given your history with her, I wonder why you even jumped in here on this discussion, other than to goad her.

Lash, I certainly have no bone to pick with you. But since you admittedly addressed these comments to me, I thought I would be kind enough to respond. Hopefully I did so without appearing to believe that I am superior to you. (I am, but that has nothing to do with my being a Christian)

Don't yell. That last comment was a joke. I'm superior because I never make mistakes. Just ask my wife, she'll tell you. :wink:

Have a good day Lash.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Oct, 2006 12:24 pm
CoastalRat wrote:
Lash, I'm getting the feeling you don't much care for Arella Mae. Am I right?
I thought you analyzed that quite well.
Lash wrote:

CR-- If she thinks everyone who doesn't share her beliefs is going to hell--she believes she's superior. And she does believe that.

Guess I gotta join Arella's bandwagon here because as a Christian, I gotta admit that I believe that Lash.

Yes, I know. I think it's a shame that you are satisfied with a belief system that arbitrarily condemns people to burn in hell. I think it says alot about people that they choose to believe some of that ****.

At least that is what I beleive the Bible says. And my guess is that you do not believe that. So is your view or mine superior? Neither one actually.

I reject a belief system that states a few people will be ok and everyone else will scald in agony for all eternity. That's not a religion I respect. The figure in your religion that I loved so much--that I grew up thinking so much of--he wouldn't subscribe to it either.

As to which is correct, guess we won't know that until we die. So, does that make one of us superior over the other? I don't think so. Just means we have different beliefs. I certainly don't think I am superior to you because I am a Christian.
Yes you do. You think you--by virtue of whatever hocus pocus you submit yourself to--will float around in heaven--and that others will burn in hell. There most definitely is an unavoidable superiority in that dynamic. I used to try to tell myself there wasn't because I didn't want to think of myself as superior--but there is.

And I'm pretty sure Arella doesn't think that either.

And I'm sure she does.
Of course, I do believe my belief is superior to yours, but if I didn't I would be crazy to be a Christian, wouldn't I?
You separate yourself from your spiritual belief?

Lash wrote:

If she runs about amassing an army to join up here to fight a war with longstanding members of this forum because her religion is not treated the way she thinks it should be, she believes her religion merits special treatment--hence it and she are superior and should prevail.

So she isn't allowed to suggest to her like-minded friends that they should check out this forum? And doing so constitutes amassing an army?

Ask her, CR. She called them an army. Was concerned about them putting on their ARMOR and such...

And because you or anyone else is a longstanding member means others are somehow of lesser standing and shouldn't discuss opposing views with you? Yeah, that's it. I always refuse to allow people to discuss opposing views. .

That seems to be what you are saying here Lash. Sounds a bit like you are the one feeling superior since you've been a member for so long.
Lame attempt to retreat from the subject.

And did she really say her religion deserves special treatment? If she did, I'm sure nobody here listened. So what's the big deal if she did? I'm getting the feeling you don't much care for her.
Ya think?
Arella Mae does sometimes get defensive, but that is her nature I guess. I tend not to get my dandriff up when people disagree with me and mock my faith, as often happens here (to people of all faiths, not just to Christians, btw). It's why I seldom post on the religion threads anymore. She handles it by sometimes getting defensive. Is that really a big deal? If you don't like it, stay out of discussions that involve her.
If you don't like it, stay out of discussions that involve me.
Given your history with her, I wonder why you even jumped in here on this discussion, other than to goad her.
You were wrong about her in your post, and I responded. You make lame attempts to defend her bullshit--and I don't mind-- You jump in, I jump in, ...same thing.
Lash, I certainly have no bone to pick with you. But since you admittedly addressed these comments to me, I thought I would be kind enough to respond. Hopefully I did so without appearing to believe that I am superior to you. (I am, but that has nothing to do with my being a Christian)
CR. I don't mind that you think you're superior to me. It informs on you, not me.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Oct, 2006 12:46 pm
Gosh Lash, guess I got ya mad at me now too. I'd love explaining my beliefs in regards to your comments, but I doubt it would do any good toward giving you a better understanding of my beliefs than what you think you have, so I won't go to the trouble.

As far as her comment about them putting on the Armor, well, either you understand the biblical reference or you don't. Nothing untoward there in my opinion.

I will address one comment in order to explain myself a bit better than I may have. You wrote the following. " If she runs about amassing an army to join up here to fight a war with longstanding members of this forum because her religion...

I read this as though you were saying she had no business bringing in people to this forum to argue with longstanding members, as though longstanding members shouldn't be argued with because of some special status. It may well be I misunderstood your meaning here, but that is why I responded as I did. Sorry if that is not what you intended to convey. If it is what you intended, then my comment stands.

Finally, I may well have overstepped my bounds by suggesting you stay out of discussions that involve her. Of course you have every right to be in any discussion you wish, regardless of who it involves. My point was simply that it seems whenever the two of you are involved lately, the discussion turns into a cat-fight between you, which does the discussion no good at all.

Oh, one last thing. Please, please, please understand my comments about being superior at the end of my post was a joke. I thought I made that plain and your ending comments were a bit uncalled for.

Again, take it easy Lash and have a good day.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Oct, 2006 01:04 pm
CoastalRat wrote:
Gosh Lash, guess I got ya mad at me now too.
Mad wouldn't be the word.

I'd love explaining my beliefs in regards to your comments, but I doubt it would do any good toward giving you a better understanding of my beliefs than what you think you have, so I won't go to the trouble.
Thank you.

As far as her comment about them putting on the Armor, well, either you understand the biblical reference or you don't.
I understand it quite well. Doing battle and putting on armor and her characterization of this place as Satanic left nothing to the imagination.

I will address one comment in order to explain myself a bit better than I may have. You wrote the following. " If she runs about amassing an army to join up here to fight a war with longstanding members of this forum because her religion...

I read this as though you were saying she had no business bringing in people to this forum to argue with longstanding members, as though longstanding members shouldn't be argued with because of some special status.
Your assumption was incorrect.

Sorry if that is not what you intended to convey.
If you are sincere, your apology is accepted.

Finally, I may well have overstepped my bounds by suggesting you stay out of discussions that involve her. Of course you have every right to be in any discussion you wish, regardless of who it involves. My point was simply that it seems whenever the two of you are involved lately, the discussion turns into a cat-fight between you, which does the discussion no good at all.
I have also noticed when third parties insinuate themselves in an exchange such as this, it only gets longer and more colorful. We verging on three colors even now.

Oh, one last thing. Please, please, please understand my comments about being superior at the end of my post was a joke. I thought I made that plain
You wanted to say it and you did. The added disclaimer was so you wouldn't have to answer for it. Been there. Done that.

Now, you have a good day.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Oct, 2006 01:24 pm
Perhaps the greatest confusion over atheism's definition was caused by A.J. Ayer in his classic presentation of logical positivism, Language, Truth, and Logic. In defending empirical verifiability as a criterion of meaning, Ayer rejected all "metaphysical" utterances, including theistic claims, as nonsensical. To say that God exists, according to Ayer, "is to make a metaphysical utterance which cannot be either true or false." The claim does not "possess any literal significance."

Ayer cautioned against confusing his noncognitivist position with atheism. Atheism, which Ayer construed positively as the denial of God's existence, presupposes that the concept of God has meaning. But "if the assertion that there is a god is nonsensical, then the atheist's assertion that there is no god is equally nonsensical, since it is only a significant proposition that can be significantly contradicted."[11]
0 Replies
real life
Reply Thu 26 Oct, 2006 11:23 pm
timberlandko wrote:
Irrelevant, red Herring, and implicational straw man, rl - nothing was said to indicate maporsche claimed to have made a superior choice personally, or a choice of any sort, for that matter. What maporsche may or may not believe, may or may not perceive to be superior, is not at issue


Everyone makes choices to believe and not believe what they wish to believe or not.

maporsche wants to support the idea that a Christian, having made a choice what he believes, thereafter thinks him/herself superior . Why? Because the Christian contends that his conclusion/belief is the best one.

My question is simple, (thus particularly applicable to you as well):

Do non-Christians, since they also think their conclusions are the best one (that is why they hold those conclusions) also think themselves superior for choosing their superior belief?

The answer, if one is given, will doubtless evidence a double standard. This is plain from the one-sided nature of the proposition that maporsche advanced to begin with.
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Reply Thu 26 Oct, 2006 11:42 pm
real life wrote:
timberlandko wrote:
Irrelevant, red Herring, and implicational straw man, rl - nothing was said to indicate maporsche claimed to have made a superior choice personally, or a choice of any sort, for that matter. What maporsche may or may not believe, may or may not perceive to be superior, is not at issue


Everyone makes choices to believe and not believe what they wish to believe or not.

maporsche wants to support the idea that a Christian, having made a choice what he believes, thereafter thinks him/herself superior . Why? Because the Christian contends that his conclusion/belief is the best one.

My question is simple, (thus particularly applicable to you as well):

Do non-Christians, since they also think their conclusions are the best one (that is why they hold those conclusions) also think themselves superior for choosing their superior belief?

The answer, if one is given, will doubtless evidence a double standard. This is plain from the one-sided nature of the proposition that maporsche advanced to begin with.

I've already stated that my views are superior than the Chrsitian views. Did you not read that.

The difference is that I am not the one claiming that I don't feel that my views are superior like AM was doing.

I was challenging her on the her claim that she does not feel her views are superior, when indeed she does feel that way.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 27 Oct, 2006 04:29 am
You are either deliberaltely avoiding the difference between what you and RL just said, or you are dense.

RL is asking whether Non-christians think themselves superior because they think their conclusions superior, and he is saying that the answer to that question will reveal a double standard.

We've already stipulated that each side thinks their conclusions superior.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 27 Oct, 2006 05:19 am
The problem seems to be a vindictiveness against AM by maporsche. maporsche has admitted to what has been said, but still insists that AM has an agenda different that anyone else.

I am not sure whether the word superior should be used, but each would certainly think that they are right. Why can't it just be left at that?
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Reply Fri 27 Oct, 2006 05:57 am
Most of us can leave it at that.
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Reply Fri 27 Oct, 2006 06:00 am
Wow, I just saw a possum blurb on this thread. He was having a hell of a day yesterday. That would actually be fun to watch -- possum vs the fundies.... er, nemmind.
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Reply Fri 27 Oct, 2006 06:00 am
It all comes down to, "my fodder is better than your fodder". I thought that most of us went beyond that concept at adulthood.

"I say tomato, you say tomahto". Why can't we all leave it at that????
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Reply Fri 27 Oct, 2006 06:03 am
Glad to see that somebody agrees with me, Phoenix Very Happy
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Reply Fri 27 Oct, 2006 06:07 am
Yeah - wish I'd said that Shocked ...
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Reply Fri 27 Oct, 2006 07:55 am
I think you did.
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Reply Fri 27 Oct, 2006 09:28 am
Intrepid wrote:
The problem seems to be a vindictiveness against AM by maporsche. maporsche has admitted to what has been said, but still insists that AM has an agenda different that anyone else.

I am not sure whether the word superior should be used, but each would certainly think that they are right. Why can't it just be left at that?

I've left it at that. I was just responding to RL, who apparently didn't read the entire thread.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Fri 27 Oct, 2006 10:11 am
maporsche wrote:
Intrepid wrote:
The problem seems to be a vindictiveness against AM by maporsche. maporsche has admitted to what has been said, but still insists that AM has an agenda different that anyone else.

I am not sure whether the word superior should be used, but each would certainly think that they are right. Why can't it just be left at that?

I've left it at that. I was just responding to RL, who apparently didn't read the entire thread.

maporsche, you have not left it. You still insist that I feel other than I do. I accept you feel as you have said you feel. Why can't you accept that I feel as I feel? I am honestly asking you this because I really do not undertand why you don't accept what I am telling you when they are my thoughts and feelings.
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Reply Fri 27 Oct, 2006 10:33 am
Arella Mae wrote:
maporsche wrote:
Intrepid wrote:
The problem seems to be a vindictiveness against AM by maporsche. maporsche has admitted to what has been said, but still insists that AM has an agenda different that anyone else.

I am not sure whether the word superior should be used, but each would certainly think that they are right. Why can't it just be left at that?

I've left it at that. I was just responding to RL, who apparently didn't read the entire thread.

maporsche, you have not left it. You still insist that I feel other than I do. I accept you feel as you have said you feel. Why can't you accept that I feel as I feel? I am honestly asking you this because I really do not undertand why you don't accept what I am telling you when they are my thoughts and feelings.

I guess I don't accept what you are saying to be true, because I am apparently unable to understand how your beliefs don't go hand in hand with a feeling of superiority. Allow me to explain why I think that:

You say you have the understanding of the Ultimate Truth. That Ultimate Truth is the god of the bible. You and the followers of the Theory of Christianity claim to have the truth over 4.5 billion other people. You may say that the bible makes this claim, but you have indeed chosen to believe in the bible, so it is your claim as well. Everyone but the believers of your religion will burn in hell, or be without god's presence, or whatever your sect of the Theory of Christianity believes. So to recap.

When I refer to Arella May below, I am referencing Christians in general
Arella Mae knows the only true word of god.
Arella Mae knows that 4.5 billion people will burn in hell (or whatever).
Arella Mae knows that she will not burn in hell.
Arella Mae knows that every other religion is false.
Arella Mae knows that her morals are better than mine (her's come from god, who is apparently perfect)
Arella Mae knows that I was born a bad person, and continue to be a bad person (original sin, and subsequent sins).

These are pretty superior sounding statement, if not superior than at least give me arrogant.

So, Arella Mae, while you may indeed hold on that you don't feel superior, I will continue to believe that you do at least on some level of your psyche, simply because I cannot comprehend how the arrogance of your chosen religion does not automatically come with a superoity complex. I don't think you are lying to all of us, but I do think you are lying to yourself.

I will leave it at that if you like and if you choose we don't have to discuss it any further, but I don't think we'll ever agree.
0 Replies

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