Damn, maporsche. You think you might have pretty much beat this thing enough?
Arella Mae- The link that I gave you is from a group of people known as "Messianic" Jews. They follow Jewish traditions, but believe that the messiah has already come, and was Jesus. (Mainstream Jews believe that there is a messiah, but he has not yet come).
Mainstream Jewish groups do not consider these folks Jewish. I have a deep suspicion that these groups are funded by an evangelical Christian group, in an attempt to convert Jews to Christianity in a manner that would be more comfortable to those who were raised in the Jewish tradition. I have no proof of this, so that is simply my "take" on the subject.
During my lifetime, I have been to Catholic, Protestant and Jewish services. The Messianic Jewish service was, to me, one of the strangest hybrids that I have seen.
Maporsche, if it makes you happy, I believe my choice to believe in Christ is superior to your choice not to believe in the same manner that you think your choice not to believe is superior to mine. We both think we are right and following the proper path for our life. If I thought your choice was superior, then I would be pretty stupid to believe as I do.
But none of that leads to the conclusion that I think I am superior to you simply because I am a Christian. And that seems to be what you keep trying to insist on with Arella Mae. Just because she obviously must think her choice is better or superior to your choice (otherwise she would not have chosen it for herself) does not lead to the conclusion that she is a superior person.
Now that we've needlessly beaten this dead horse, what can we turn our attention to next?
Oh, and sorry if I butted in where I was not welcome. Just thought I might be able to throw some additional light on this particular tug of war.
CoastalRat wrote:Oh, and sorry if I butted in where I was not welcome. Just thought I might be able to throw some additional light on this particular tug of war.

Nope, your thoughts are welcome.
And I bet you didn't think a clown could speak so eloquently, did ya?
That's cause I've got a degree from the Ozark Hillbilly Academy.
CoastalRat wrote:Maporsche, if it makes you happy, I believe my choice to believe in Christ is superior to your choice not to believe in the same manner that you think your choice not to believe is superior to mine. We both think we are right and following the proper path for our life. If I thought your choice was superior, then I would be pretty stupid to believe as I do.
But none of that leads to the conclusion that I think I am superior to you simply because I am a Christian. And that seems to be what you keep trying to insist on with Arella Mae. Just because she obviously must think her choice is better or superior to your choice (otherwise she would not have chosen it for herself) does not lead to the conclusion that she is a superior person.
Now that we've needlessly beaten this dead horse, what can we turn our attention to next?
CR-- If she thinks everyone who doesn't share her beliefs is going to hell--she believes she's superior. And she does believe that.
If she runs about amassing an army to join up here to fight a war with longstanding members of this forum because her religion is not treated the way she thinks it should be, she believes her religion merits special treatment--hence it and she are superior and should prevail.
If she just said "I knew the baby's name was Jesus, not Jesu" she negates even other religion's pronunciation of the name of the Christ Child, and she again has delusions of superiority.
I thought you summed it up pretty well, CR.
If christians - Arella in this case - didn't think their choice to believe as they do to be superior, they wouldn't choose it. Just as those who do not choose that way must believe their way superior. I think thinking oneself "better than" others, is a whole 'nother thing.
And I think that's what Arella has been saying. I don't see her going around telling people they're going to hell, or other condemnations of their choices. If she is cornered into saying it by people who for some reason like to keep making this point, she will say that that yes, christians believe that theirs is the one narrow way to avoid hell.
I have a sister who believes exactly like Arella, and when the whole "believe as I do, or else" piece comes up, it is tense. But we don't have to keep making that same point over and over again. Why would I keep challenging her on it, if I know what her answer must inevitably be - except to intentionally stoke the fires of conflict?
Arella - <sigh> -
If you're "sick of it", and you feel like "who cares" about it,, then JUST DON"T KEEP ARGUING ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let someone have the last word!!!!! Leave it alone!!!!!!
All serious Christians on your left.
All non-serious Christians on your right.
Swing your partner and dosey doh

I gues nobody wants to square dance.