OK. Good luck. Sleep well.
I just heard a rather scary story* about a guy who was traveling and had heartburn and was taking the standard stuff for it (Mylanta?) and it wasn't really helping, and he was just being stoic about it and his wife made him go to the ER, and it wasn't hearBURN, it was heart problems, something with the arteries, really severe, a couple of hours away from disaster. It's not our job to decide what is a waste of the doctor's time -- it's their job to sort these things out.
Eek, that's not very reassuring going-to-sleep advice, sorry.

I'm sure everything is fine. Things staying the same or getting better are always a good sign. Just, if you're in the least bit concerned, I don't think you actually need to have any compunction about going to the doctor to have it checked out.
Let us know!
*Not Snopes-ish email or friend of a friend, either -- this was a guy at a conference my hubby just went to. He's fine now, had some sort of artery-expanding surgery (it has a technical name but I'm blanking) and should be fine.