the side with the decidedly 'odd' numbers!
"Frustration as opposed to depression might underly suicide."
Might depression be a progression from frustration which then leads that individual to suicide? Most people give it another go after having been frustrated in their goals. Some resign those goals. A few take frustration as motivation to resign ultimately, but I don't think these individuals are acting on frustration alone when they've reached that point.
you got me thinking about the different motivations for suicide, and they are not all about depression. The suicide du jour isn't motivated by depression, but by a sense of greater accomplishment towards an end: the sacrifice of the self for the good of a larger cause.
So, I agree. Suicide is not generalizable.
I was referring to despondent suicide.
I think my avatar is sexy!
Infrablue, As I recall the 19th century sociologist, Emile Durkheim, posited the existence of two (maybe there were three) types of suicide: altruistic suicide (your "self-suicide for a greater cause") and egoistic suicide (the boredom or despondency of the highly educated). The latter is what I had in mind: where a person's cultivated expectations fail him and he ends it all, in part because life is not enough for him (eunnui) and in part because he (with his expectations) was too much for life. In a sense one could say he killed himself because he loved (his concept of) life too much. I suspect this type is rarer than the other.
I fear RedHorn is very bored.
Maybe I am...or maybe...I am! Besides there is not much beef to add to the topic of suicide. All I know that it takes a hell of a lot of guts to do so and a hell a lot of bowel movements afterwards!
Speaking of guts, I had a friend, a lawyer who decided, after suffering for some time with ALS, an advanced prostrate cancer, and very severe osteoporosis, to blow his brains out. What a rational act!
Horrible, of course; but rational too.
My sister committed suicide, or rather, she tried. She was discovered in time to save her most rudimentary brain functions, and she lived as a vegetable for about twelve years untill complications set in from being bedridden so long. She started to develope circulation problems in her leg, so a doctor amputated it. She contracted an infection from the surgery and she died a couple of days later, finally.
She was a depressive.
THAT was horrible. I feel for YOU; her pain has ended. Imagine the pain she could have avoided following my lawyer friend's example. Failed suicides can be ghastly in terms of brain damage.
Nihilism, Depression same thread with different subjects? Unusual, however im sorry about the whole incident! Best of luck to you!
One comment about suicide:
It's a very permanent solution to a tempory problem.
not always easy to decide what is a temporary problem for others but it's always easy to judge.
May my sister's solution be truly permanent, whatever it might be.
Amen to that, Infrablue.