cjhsa wrote: Sheehan and Chavez aren't uncomfortable. They luv each other. They both hate the USA.
Sheehan's trip came after Pat Robertson started the national debate, of sorts, about the desirability of assassinating Hugo Chavez. A debate that people such as yourself actually think is legitimate. It is not.
Chavez has not really
done anything to this country except speak out against it's government's policies and to chart his own course in international and economic affairs. That's all. How does that merit assassination talk?
Cindy Sheehan went down to Venezuela because she realized that the same forces which are supporting the assassination of Hugo Chavez, whatever his shortcomings, are the same right-wing forces which rushed the country into the invasion of Iraq.
In the buildup to the Iraq invasion, any voice advising holding off an invasion was considered at best incredibly shortsighted, at worst disloyal. Look what happened with that. Now, those same voices are turning against a foreign leader who goes his own way, who speaks out against US policies, but otherwise does nothing against us. Yet, the right wing is insisting he must go, by violence if necessary. That is insane, that people think mere opposition to US policies by a foreign leader merits a bullet in the head.
Having the right wing successfully prolong this insane debate about our "right" to assassinate Chavez is a far greater danger to liberty in the US than anything Chavez can possibly do, which so far seems to have been limited to following his own economic program against Washington's wishes and saying "Nuts!" to US policy decisions.
Chavez has done nothing to earn this talk about having him killed.