Throb with passion
Throb with pain
Similar drumbeats
Are not the same.
Plastic feelings in surreal world,
Flexible fakes and lily of gold,
Pseudo silk of waves unfurled,
Helix spiraling in brass like curl,
All our options are many but few,
Nothing antique; nothing new.
Tomorrow I'll be away
feeling good, feeling pain?
Nobody is able to say
Every thought would be vain
A new life, a new way
Doing through it again
It's no game, no play
It isn't loss, it's gain
A new way of life
I'd like to achieve
The absence of strife
Of the life that I leave
Maybe with a new wife
Happiness I can conceive.
Sorrows are reminders,
That we are still alive.
"marriage of true minds" will
Temper our goodbye's.
It's only in our madness
That we are truly sane,
And only in humility
Can we recognize what's vain.
in the tower of disable
will you write me this song
dispel intricate fable
lift me down it is so strong
communing together in joy and pain
entwined in our plexus once again
can unlike minds agree on like ends?
can hearts find a nexus of amends?
(plexus was a toughie - hadda look it up


snood, the only thing that I could think of was solar plexus.
Enough just means that we want more.
Cornucopia of the mind,
Greed that knows no satiation,
Driving man and every nation
To the brink of lost in time.
"this too shall pass" the saying goes,
laughs will supplant tears, as joys will woes
the high will be low, and paupers-kings,
we live life 'twixt pendulum swings
Maybe one day
In light of time passing
We shall sit
And break bread together
And talk
One friend to another
Children of the Ward
I watch the children playing,
See them dancing in the yard.
Preserve the words they're saying,
Like a fancy Christmas card.
The moments that betray them
Are the moments caught off guard;
Yet the dragons cannot slay them,
Not these children of the ward.
I hear their mothers calling
As they empty out the yard,
Echoing their footsteps,
Like bells tolling in my heart.
I gaze upon the portrait
Of my brother who's been gone:
Time itself cannot prorate
The memory and the song.
To see you I would kiss you;
And give hugs until you groan.
Mama's off to find you,
I must go it all alone -
I've been across some borders,
To describe my private hell;
In deep and shallow waters,
Like a bucket in a well.
Each story has an anchor;
Yes I dragged mine through the bay;
I was lucky just to find her,
Fortunate she went my way.
The sun is like a prism:
See it straining through the glass.
My mind's not like a prison;
I'm no prisoner to the past.
There's a beauty in the foment,
And a rage to top the crest;
Got to have myself a moment,
So I'm ready for the rest.
edgar, WOW!
Melody of dissonance,
From a far off bell,
Crack-ed song of resonance
On the chanson fell.
Broken, yet still hanging,
Despite its tempered flaw,
Desert song still singing
From the splintered broken maw.
Hey, what happened to 'brother'?
UhOh. edgar missed the word, snood.
Brother's name is universal,
Mankind in a quick rehearsal
For the play that sets the stage
Somewhere in the ancient age
Of Ogilvie
The word "brother" appears in the poem I presented.
Someone gives a word and the next person that comes along gives a poem about said word, or has the word in the poem. Be nice and let others in the rotation though. This is orignal writing through, so please only stuff you have written yourself. It doesn't have to be one you just came up with off the top of your head, but that works too
Seed's rules for how to play. I followed them exactly.
Well, I see now, edgar, that you are absolutely right. One cannot be creative and play by rules.
Rules were meant for pubescence,
Not for the painters of words.
We live in our own acquiescence,
Unfettered; untouched; and unheard.
sorry guys, in the process of getting ready to pack up so internet is quite a walk for me, so i only come and check every couple of days now.
lifeless motion upon the grass
never moving, going nowhere fast
upon the stars my gaze fixed
endless emotions through my body are mixed
light is day, dark is night
darkness, the one i fight
lifeless motion upon the grass
blah, forgot a word...
so sorry, edgar. indeed you did include the word.
Lackluster, banal, and pedestrian.
The steed that lacks an equestrian.
The riderless horse,
The tears of remorse,
The what used to be
Are all festerin'