Bohne, I guess when I was preggers & preparing to breastfeed, it was a little freaky to me - I asked so many people: does it hurt, is it weird, etc. But once I started and I had learned to do it properly - I loved it. Sorry if it sounds cliched or corny - but it is more about the connection you feel with your child. Rather, I felt with mine. It really is the most incredible feeling ever. Ever. And I won't even get into the science/physiological reasons that make breastfeeding so awesome. There just isn't better baby food for a newborn, and why wouldn't I want to do the best for my kid... Simple.
Of course, that is not a judgement on you in any way - plenty of people feel the way you do. And, as I understand it, a whole generation of Americans was raised on formula not breastmilk, and they're perfectly healthy as well. Each to his own, I guess.
Kickycan, I'll find suitable pictures and post them for your learning benefit.
Joahaeyo...I'm going to respond to you in just a bit....M wants to learn to type as I'm writing this.