Scipio (what a perversion of an otherwise honorable name) writes:
Quote:People like you truely make me sick. Let's use a tautology to show why!
Apart from no tautology being in evidence, the analogy is feeble to the extent that it barely does not warrent refutation. Barely, but here goes, because i like Bumblebeeboogie, and it appears that no one has yet taken notice of this. The pre-war existence of Saddam Hussein was not doubted by anyone, nor were the resources of the nation mobilized, and thousands of Americans, Brits and Iraqis killed based upon the bare contention of his existence. However, the same cannot be said of weapons of mass destruction. Next time you come here to scream at people, and deport youself in such a disgustingly puerile manner, please bring a better argument than that, 'k?
I hope all here will have the good sense to ignore this obviously hateful poster, so that we can have some dignity in our interchanges. CdK, you are not behaving according to the new standards you've set for yourself.
Article I, Section 2 of the constitution reads, in part:
The House of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.
To impeach simply means to accuse--in this case, this means that the House is the only body which can indict a sitting president. Sorry folks, for however good such a case, it ain't gonna happen.
Article I, Section 3, reads, in part:
The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments. When sitting for that Purpose, they shall be on Oath or Affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside: And no Person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two thirds of the Members present.
In the extremely unlikely event that you got a Bill of Impeachment--you'd never convict.
Whereas it is a wonderful day dream to think of the Shrub haled before the Senate, it simply is not going to happen, given the current composition of the Congress. The only scenario in which this could reasonably be expected to occur would be after the next election, to have Bush in office, after the Democrats capture both the House and Senate. The prospect of former is so sickening, and the latter so fanciful, that i cannot investigate that further.