will walmart start to sell GUCCI

it seems that walmart wants us ordinary shoppers to become style conscious .
i can just see all the hollywood types shopping at walmart - i bought a pair of "pool slippers" for $7.96 (canadian !) at walmart yesterday :wink: .
Wal-Mart is trying to go chic, by George
From Friday's Globe and Mail
It's a destination for cheap underwear, pyjamas and children's overalls, but now the country's largest discounter wants to be known for cheap chic too.
After all, shoppers are already heading to Wal-Mart Canada Corp. for a wide range of their everyday needs, said Chris Johnston, vice-president of apparel. Why not entice them to spend more by offering more stylish clothing at low prices?
So Wal-Mart is quickly expanding its edgy George line to more of its stores, and moving into more categories. But it's not just pitching the fashions in its usual way, by showing its own staff wearing the styles in its flyers.
Instead, Wal-Mart for the first time has hired svelte models to showcase the styles. They're appearing in separate catalogues within its flyers, and in a wide-ranging advertising campaign. The George tagline: "It's about style."