Miller wrote:
Quote:I personally dont' know of any outstanding developments in pharmaceutics that have been historically developed in Germany.
You might start with Bayer Aspirin in the 1890's.
Miller wrote:
Quote:Court rulings have recently come down that allow pharmacists to use their own moral judgment when determineing whether to fill an Rx for the morning-after pill.
Not to pick on you, kiddo, but time marchs on:
Morning After Pill now available without a Prescription.
And I can find several Corporations (Target, Walgreen's, Wal-Mart) whose internal rules allow for a pharmacist not to fill a prescription on moral or religious grounds, but the company policies also insist that the Doctor's prescription be passed on to and filled by another pharmacist. Also several States have passed legislation regarding this issue, but I can't find a
Court Ruling supporting those laws. I think they violate the
Griswold v. Connecticut 1965 decision and would be struck down upon Supreme Court review. Yes, even this present Court.
And how long can that list be for a Pharmacist? How about birth control pills or patchs? No Viagra? No Condoms? Can a Pharmacist refuse to fill a prescription for anti-Acne medicine on the grounds that the enhanced physical beauty of the user might lead to sexual activity? Can a Muslim Pharmacist refuse to fill a prescription for Christians on the grounds that they are unbelievers? How about the reverse?
Joe(Okay, back to bashing WallyWorld)Nation