McTag wrote:Foxfyre wrote:I wonder how many Americans are likely to be in buildings where terrorists are believed to be hiding?
I don't wonder that. I wonder why you mention that.
You mean it's okay to kill anyone who's not American?
(btw it's obfuscation to continually refer to "terrorists" when you mean muslim fighters.)
You aren't that obtuse McTag. I mentioned that because it was your implication that if Americans were in those buildings, we wouldn't bomb them and/or that it is only because they were not Americans that we did bomb them. That has to be at least the second or third silliest thing you've said in this debate since this particular discussion was started.
By our President's definition, a terrorist is one who kills, maims, destroys, injures, murders people in order to terrorize other people to do their bidding. They do not care WHO they kill, maim, destroy, injure, or murder in the process or whether it is accomplished by their hand or by their enemy. Their targets are old men, women, kids, dogs, anybody and anything. If they kill, maim, and destroy enough, they believe they can force anybody who is left to do their will.
They hide among civilians and conduct their attacks from among civilians. Dead civilians are very useful to them because then they can point fingers at "atrocities" knowing full well that misguided and tunnel visioned liberals (like you) will blame the Americans et al and not them. They skillfully use the court of liberal world opinion to ensure that their enemy will not come after them full force and will finally just give up. They then rightfully claim victory plot their next terrorist campaign.
These "Muslim fighters" as you piously calll them are not defending themselves or their homeland and they certainly aren't defending the people they intentionally put in harms way. They are fighting for a fanatical ideal which is to force all--eventually the entire world-- to be under their power and authority. And they do not care how many millions are injured, killed, maimed, tortured, murdered in the process.
Americans don't think or operate like that. Americans try as best they can to avoid civilian causalties, they show mercy when they can, they rebuild any infrastructure they break as best they can. and when its over they go home. Muslim terrorists not only do not bother to replace what they destroy but they frequently force their subjects to do without it in the first place. When they win one "victory", they don't go home and put away their weapons. They plot their attack on their next victim.
Yes it is okay to bomb Muslim terrorists or any other terrorist. And yes, you'll have to look very hard to find any Americans or other free people among them. Historically, democracies do not make war on democracies. Some might think that human rights and personal freedom are therefore the prescription for world peace.
That's something the terrorists do not intend to allow to happen in Iraq.