FreeDuck wrote:Ticomaya wrote:
It's a discussion of beliefs. Why do you see it as propaganda?
Because the picture painted of the US military is one of angels in uniform and the US Government of Jesus incarnate. You would think the idea that our government acts in our country's self-interest is a foreign concept. And to absolve us of any and all responsibility for the current situation not only smacks of propaganda, but is completely contrary to the conservative principle of accepting responsibility for one's actions.
That's the picture you're painting for yourself. Are you seriously suggesting there is any effort to imply -- by any of the Iraq War supporters participating in this thread -- that war is not violent and ugly, or that members of the US military are not capable of atrocities? We have that message being presented day in and day out on virtually every other thread that discusses the subject of the Iraq War. The picture being painted by all of those threads and posts are that the American military is composed of thugs, hoodlums, and murderers, and that there is no good being done by the US in Iraq. That's the
real reason Walter posted that little bit about Sgt. Wuterich, although he will never admit as much here. How about that little bit of propaganda? Did that pass harmlessly by your radar screen?
FD wrote:Tico wrote:Or are you capable of seeing the other side of this particular viewpoint?
I can see the other side of the viewpoint as to whether or not the invasion was justified. Is that what you meant?
No, I meant the viewpoint you hold on the "propaganda" issue. The presentation of ideas on these fora that you consider to be propaganda -- worthy of your contempt -- and what you don't consider to be propaganda.
FD wrote:I can't see the viewpoint of US good -- everyone else bad.
Who's presenting that viewpoint?