Bush Supporters' Aftermath Thread III

Reply Mon 8 Jan, 2007 11:08 am
I wasn't criticizing -- only noting how it was appropriate.

But as long as I'm here, allow me to weigh in on the current controversy. I don't think showing the photo, in itself, is propaganda or that it deserved such a strong rebuke. However, the amount of propaganda sounding posts that followed in the ensuing discussion is astounding. I don't know if anything other than time would allow the authors to see it as such.
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Reply Mon 8 Jan, 2007 11:10 am
Further it is a pretty safe bet that Saddam was opposed to al Qaida because he wasn't about to turn his quite lucrative dictatorship over to the dictates of Osama bin Laden and not because he opposed al Qaida's activities in general. If you can show any verifiable statement of Saddam condemning the 9/11 attacks, I'll take that back.

Otherwise, there was plenty in the arguments leading up to the decision going to war that linked Saddam and terrorist activities. There was never any argument linking Saddam to 9/11.
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Reply Mon 8 Jan, 2007 11:10 am
FreeDuck wrote:
I wasn't criticizing -- only noting how it was appropriate.

But as long as I'm here, allow me to weigh in on the current controversy. I don't think showing the photo, in itself, is propaganda or that it deserved such a strong rebuke. However, the amount of propaganda sounding posts that followed in the ensuing discussion is astounding. I don't know if anything other than time would allow the authors to see it as such.

It's a discussion of beliefs. Why do you see it as propaganda? Do you think anti-America or anti-Iraq War posts are propaganda?

Or are you capable of seeing the other side of this particular viewpoint?
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Reply Mon 8 Jan, 2007 11:18 am
FreeDuck wrote:
I wasn't criticizing -- only noting how it was appropriate.

But as long as I'm here, allow me to weigh in on the current controversy. I don't think showing the photo, in itself, is propaganda or that it deserved such a strong rebuke. However, the amount of propaganda sounding posts that followed in the ensuing discussion is astounding. I don't know if anything other than time would allow the authors to see it as such.

Do you think that the many dozens or perhaps hundreds of posts by those condemning the U.S. President and/or administration, condemning activities of the U.S. troops, condemning the war in Iraq as illegal and immoral and/or enriching the oil companies, etc. are astounding? Do you think time will allow the authors of those posts to see it as such?

This thread has been kept going so that those of us who choose to do so can show a more honest and balanced assessment of the situation and can appreciate the good motives and the good actions of people who we believe are trying to do the best thing and do good. If we are aggressive in our protest of unwarranted, mean spirited, and hateful posts by the self-righteous and self-appointed bigots who claim moral superiority on this subject, we can certainly be forgiven if not commended for defending the truth against what is truly hateful propaganda.
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Reply Mon 8 Jan, 2007 11:23 am
Ticomaya wrote:

It's a discussion of beliefs. Why do you see it as propaganda?

Because the picture painted of the US military is one of angels in uniform and the US Government of Jesus incarnate. You would think the idea that our government acts in our country's self-interest is a foreign concept. And to absolve us of any and all responsibility for the current situation not only smacks of propaganda, but is completely contrary to the conservative principle of accepting responsibility for one's actions.

Do you think anti-America or anti-Iraq War posts are propaganda?


Or are you capable of seeing the other side of this particular viewpoint?

I can see the other side of the viewpoint as to whether or not the invasion was justified. Is that what you meant? I can't see the viewpoint of US good -- everyone else bad.
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Reply Mon 8 Jan, 2007 11:29 am
Foxfyre wrote:

Do you think that the many dozens or perhaps hundreds of posts by those condemning the U.S. President and/or administration, condemning activities of the U.S. troops, condemning the war in Iraq as illegal and immoral and/or enriching the oil companies, etc. are astounding? Do you think time will allow the authors of those posts to see it as such?

Some and yes.

This thread has been kept going so that those of us who choose to do so can show a more honest and balanced assessment of the situation and can appreciate the good motives and the good actions of people who we believe are trying to do the best thing and do good. If we are aggressive in our protest of unwarranted, mean spirited, and hateful posts by the self-righteous and self-appointed bigots who claim moral superiority on this subject, we can certainly be forgiven if not commended for defending the truth against what is truly hateful propaganda.

Balance is a wonderful thing. It would be good if, in reacting to someone else's unwarranted, mean spirited, and hateful posts in one direction we did not engage in equal yet opposite behavior. Oftentimes, others motives and "self-righteousness" are projected onto them out of defensiveness.
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Reply Mon 8 Jan, 2007 11:43 am
FreeDuck wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:

It's a discussion of beliefs. Why do you see it as propaganda?

Because the picture painted of the US military is one of angels in uniform and the US Government of Jesus incarnate. You would think the idea that our government acts in our country's self-interest is a foreign concept. And to absolve us of any and all responsibility for the current situation not only smacks of propaganda, but is completely contrary to the conservative principle of accepting responsibility for one's actions.

That's the picture you're painting for yourself. Are you seriously suggesting there is any effort to imply -- by any of the Iraq War supporters participating in this thread -- that war is not violent and ugly, or that members of the US military are not capable of atrocities? We have that message being presented day in and day out on virtually every other thread that discusses the subject of the Iraq War. The picture being painted by all of those threads and posts are that the American military is composed of thugs, hoodlums, and murderers, and that there is no good being done by the US in Iraq. That's the real reason Walter posted that little bit about Sgt. Wuterich, although he will never admit as much here. How about that little bit of propaganda? Did that pass harmlessly by your radar screen?

FD wrote:
Tico wrote:
Or are you capable of seeing the other side of this particular viewpoint?

I can see the other side of the viewpoint as to whether or not the invasion was justified. Is that what you meant?

No, I meant the viewpoint you hold on the "propaganda" issue. The presentation of ideas on these fora that you consider to be propaganda -- worthy of your contempt -- and what you don't consider to be propaganda.

FD wrote:
I can't see the viewpoint of US good -- everyone else bad.

Who's presenting that viewpoint?
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Mon 8 Jan, 2007 11:54 am
Ticomaya wrote:
Walter Hinteler wrote:
Foxfyre wrote:
And then you criticize McG, who knows all that, and who properly directs his anger at the terrorists, and who posted a beautiful picture of a genuine act of kindness?

Now I would be interested what exactly that genuine act of kindness has been:
- that a Chief Master Sgt. of a Medical Groups takes personally care
- that the girl was treated in an US military hospital
- all of above?

All of the above.

Well, such is thought to be normal by most armed forces medical services.

(But I admit that similar was quite often used as propaganda.
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Reply Mon 8 Jan, 2007 11:58 am
Walter Hinteler wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
Walter Hinteler wrote:
Foxfyre wrote:
And then you criticize McG, who knows all that, and who properly directs his anger at the terrorists, and who posted a beautiful picture of a genuine act of kindness?

Now I would be interested what exactly that genuine act of kindness has been:
- that a Chief Master Sgt. of a Medical Groups takes personally care
- that the girl was treated in an US military hospital
- all of above?

All of the above.

Well, such is thought to be normal by most armed forces medical services.

So I would imagine you see no problem with posting a picture of this "normal" scene then.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 8 Jan, 2007 12:03 pm
FreeDuck wrote:
Foxfyre wrote:

Do you think that the many dozens or perhaps hundreds of posts by those condemning the U.S. President and/or administration, condemning activities of the U.S. troops, condemning the war in Iraq as illegal and immoral and/or enriching the oil companies, etc. are astounding? Do you think time will allow the authors of those posts to see it as such?

Some and yes.

This thread has been kept going so that those of us who choose to do so can show a more honest and balanced assessment of the situation and can appreciate the good motives and the good actions of people who we believe are trying to do the best thing and do good. If we are aggressive in our protest of unwarranted, mean spirited, and hateful posts by the self-righteous and self-appointed bigots who claim moral superiority on this subject, we can certainly be forgiven if not commended for defending the truth against what is truly hateful propaganda.

Balance is a wonderful thing. It would be good if, in reacting to someone else's unwarranted, mean spirited, and hateful posts in one direction we did not engage in equal yet opposite behavior. Oftentimes, others motives and "self-righteousness" are projected onto them out of defensiveness.

Perhaps. But anybody who would maliciously criticize a member because that member posted a picture of a soldier doing a beautiful thing deserves to be called on the meanspirited hatefulness he exhibits. Also those should be called on it who were inspired by an act of kindness to bring up all the rare real and alleged instances of military misconduct with the implication that such instances are the norm rather than the acts of kindness. And when the hateful, meanspirited remarks are further accented by flat out misrepresentations, exaggerations, and lies, they do evoke passionate defense from those who know the truth.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 8 Jan, 2007 12:04 pm
Ticomaya wrote:
Are you seriously suggesting there is any effort to imply -- by any of the Iraq War supporters participating in this thread -- that war is not violent and ugly, or that members of the US military are not capable of atrocities?

Nope. That's not it at all. I'm speaking about passages like this (sorry Fox, it's really not personal):
But then we saw the tattered infrastructure, the malnourished children, and a people who had been so long terrorized and brutalized that they were no longer able to help themselves. And we rolled up our sleeves and went to work to help them. We witnessed first hand the tragic results of the UN sanctions and saw how inhumane it would have been to have continued them. They want personal freedoms and democracy and all the good things of life that we in the free world enjoy.

In the absence of Saddam who was no better than the terrorists, the terrorists set about to put the people under the thumb of the law of Sharia and that meant they could not be allowed to direct their own lives or have personal freedoms. And as it quickly became apparent that any form of democracy in Iraq was infectious and would likely catch on elsewhere, the terrorists converged on Iraq to prevent it from happening. That coupled with the vicious militant groups within Iraq, each abandoning the idea of a free nation in favor of attempts to grab the power for themselves, and you have the viciousness of terrorism demonstrated by outside terrorists aided and abetted by a relatively small number of homegrown terrorists.

Sorry, but that's just so over the top I can hardly read it. And the bits about everything that's wrong in Iraq being because of those evil insurgents/terrorists. (That's from McG mostly.) And how was the poor, well-meaning US of A supposed to know that these big bad men would come and try to ruin democracy for everyone? And when the big bad men aren't trying to kill freedom, it's those stupid backwards Iraqis who don't know how to preserve their own culture.

Ticomaya wrote:
No, I meant the viewpoint you hold on the "propaganda" issue. The presentation of ideas on these fora that you consider to be propaganda -- worthy of your contempt -- and what you don't consider to be propaganda.

I think I already indicated that I can see it on the "other side". Also, I can see how someone might react to the implication that showing a soldier doing a good thing is, of itself, propaganda.
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Mon 8 Jan, 2007 12:04 pm
Ticomaya wrote:
(from Wichita, KS, btw).

I know a bit about that part of your stae, btw: a (distant) uncle founded/buit four churches there and became a bishop later :wink:
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Mon 8 Jan, 2007 12:06 pm
Ticomaya wrote:

So I would imagine you see no problem with posting a picture of this "normal" scene then.

Correct. But with calling it a "beautiful picture of a genuine act of kindness".
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Reply Mon 8 Jan, 2007 12:07 pm
Walter Hinteler wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
(from Wichita, KS, btw).

I know a bit about that part of your stae, btw: a (distant) uncle founded/buit four churches there and became a bishop later :wink:

Ha! So this whole mess about creationism is your family's fault, isn't it?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 8 Jan, 2007 12:09 pm
Ticomaya wrote:
What did you think you were newly "disclosing" in the above post?

I was asking that you admit that I said there were caring westerners workin in Iraq. You ignored that.

I understand fully you think showing a photograph of an American serviceman comforting a wounded Iraqi child is propaganda. That is because you view the US military as "evil." There is no doubt that had I posted that picture, you would have responded the same way, because my support of the Iraq War has been every bit as vocal and steadfast as McG's. Every single word of my prior post remains as valid as it was before you replied. You continue to swallow all of the anti-America swill put before you, and only occasionally come here to find your previously-held beliefs to be as wrong as you steadfastly believe them to be right. I believe you have admitted your tendency is to believe an anti-American story upon first read, without taking the time to assess its veracity. That is your default position -- mine is the opposite. I do not view the US military as "evil," and certainly do not view the posting of a photograph of a US serviceman doing "good" as anything but a presentation of the "other side of the story," ... news that is not being shown by the mainstream media because it is not "sexy," not interesting, or doesn't promote the media's agenda. For you to assert otherwise is nothing more that a demonstration of your bias.

I'm not anti-American. I'm not anti-military. I'm not a pacifist, either. Surprised?

It's partly because I care about America, and what is stands for, that I am concerned for the mess GWB is making for and of it.
I want Bush and Blair to answer for their crimes.

I'm against war waged on minority nations and based on a dishonest agenda.
And, those who would stand logic and truth on their heads to justify it.


And I note my question to you remains unanswered.

Ticomaya wrote:
So tell me .... what type of photos of US servicemen would you find "acceptable" for publication at A2K? Photos of them being injured by IEDs? Videos of them being targeted by sniper attack? Images of them eating Iraqi babies for dinner?

It was a false and snide non sequitur, and so got ignored.
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Mon 8 Jan, 2007 12:10 pm
Thomas wrote:
Ha! So this whole mess about creationism is your family's fault, isn't it?

Not really: he was sent there by the bishop of Münster to support the poor Westphalian brethren - and it must have really been ... an adventure, when you read his letters.
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Reply Mon 8 Jan, 2007 12:13 pm
FreeDuck wrote:
Sorry, but that's just so over the top I can hardly read it. And the bits about everything that's wrong in Iraq being because of those evil insurgents/terrorists. (That's from McG mostly.) And how was the poor, well-meaning US of A supposed to know that these big bad men would come and try to ruin democracy for everyone? And when the big bad men aren't trying to kill freedom, it's those stupid backwards Iraqis who don't know how to preserve their own culture.

Ticomaya wrote:
No, I meant the viewpoint you hold on the "propaganda" issue. The presentation of ideas on these fora that you consider to be propaganda -- worthy of your contempt -- and what you don't consider to be propaganda.

I think I already indicated that I can see it on the "other side". Also, I can see how someone might react to the implication that showing a soldier doing a good thing is, of itself, propaganda.

I hereby appoint FreeDuck my permanent representative in this thread.
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Reply Mon 8 Jan, 2007 12:14 pm
Foxfyre wrote:

Perhaps. But anybody who would maliciously criticize a member because that member posted a picture of a soldier doing a beautiful thing deserves to be called on the meanspirited hatefulness he exhibits. Also those should be called on it who were inspired by an act of kindness to bring up all the rare real and alleged instances of military misconduct with the implication that such instances are the norm rather than the acts of kindness.

But neither is the norm, really. The norm is that a bunch of people are over there doing their job out of a sense of duty, or for money, or because they like it, or because they feel like they have to. I would wager that a very small minority of people enlist because they want to go help the Iraqi people, but that most military folks jump at the chance to do something that isn't directly related to killing. How often they get those opportunities, I don't know, but I doubt that there is any direct correlation between the frequency of the acts and the frequency of the published photos.

And when the hateful, meanspirited remarks are further accented by flat out misrepresentations, exaggerations, and lies, they do evoke passionate defense from those who know the truth.

Like any of us knows "the truth". I'm sure your opponents feel the same way when they read your posts. And so it goes, on and on, round and round. But really, what the hell am I wasting my time for. That's what we all come here for, isn't it?
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Reply Mon 8 Jan, 2007 12:18 pm
Thomas, you do flatter me. I am not worthy.
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Reply Mon 8 Jan, 2007 12:20 pm
Foxfyre wrote:

We did naively think this war would go better than any other war we have ever fought, at least those we intended to win. Though the loss of life in this one, both military and civilian, is miniscule compared to all the others, it is still war with all the setbacks, screw ups, errors in judgment, mistakes, and frustrations that have been inherent in all wars. And yes, tragedies too.

War itself is inhumane, stupid, and obscene.

Most of us knew most or all of this in advance.

This is why I was against sending an army there.
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