Bush Supporters' Aftermath Thread III

Reply Wed 3 Jan, 2007 05:59 pm
georgeob1 wrote:

You are a resourceful and competent defender of a point of view that I share to a large degree, but not completely. Better yet, you avoid bitterness and mean-spirited personal attacks on others, and usually bounce back from such things yourself with grace and good cheer. I admire all that greatly.

OK I read the Coulter pieces. I'll confess to never having read any of her books or more than a couple of her columns. I didn't see anything equivalent to calling liberals SOBs or truly evil, but couldn't miss the mocking tone of most of her references to them. They are such a core element of her style that they may pass unnoticed before the eyes of a sympathetic reader. However I suspect that liberals note them quickly and sorely - and find them offensive as a result.

Overall I believe that many of her arguments are sound, but that she is a good deal too stridently theoretical for my political taste. Her essay on former Justice O'Connor is a case in point. O'Connor was a middle-of-the-road figure on the Rhenquist Court who espoused several pragmatic resolutions of contentious issues. In that, she did us all a good service in continuing the British tradition of pragmatic muddling through such issues, as opposed to the more strident, abstract, and theoretical approach historically taken in continental Europe. The historical track record for British democracy is a hell of a lot better than that of continental Europe (in my view) precisely because of that difference. Like Coulter, I found some of O'Connor's decisions a bit too contorted. However, unlike Coulter, I don't fault her for attempting to compromise on such contentious issues.

Thank you George. I seriously try to be a faithful member of the Elwood P. Dowd school of pleasantness and I am always taken back by those who seem unable to grasp that concept. Even after all this time it catches me off guard. And then when I lose my cool, I feel the worse for it. Oh well, even this old dog can probably learn new tricks.

I especially appreciated your critique of Coulter and pretty much agree with it except that she probably irritates me less than she does you. I posted recently that I do think she sometimes crosses the line into bad taste and/or is inappropriate, but for the most part she usually nails her subject, finds some humorous aspect(s) to it, and can be brilliant in her commentary. She is overly strident, yes, but no moreso than many writing on the Left who I think are far more mean spirited in their assessment of our President or other public figures. It's too bad though that a different style, delivery, and/or particular type humor has to be translated by some as meanspirited, hateful, etc. etc. etc.

I didn't like her column re O'Connor either. I deplored some of O'Connor's votes and cheered others and in fact the lady was a bit wishy washy at times, but for the most part she distinguished herself as a Supreme and didn't deserve the harsh critique she got from Coulter.

I don't think Coulter minds though. She is laughing all the way to the bank as her unique style, cutting wit, and those little moments of brilliant insight have surely made her a millionaire.
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Reply Wed 3 Jan, 2007 06:01 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
georgeob1 wrote:

You are a resourceful and competent defender of a point of view that I share to a large degree, but not completely. Better yet, you avoid bitterness and mean-spirited personal attacks on others, and usually bounce back from such things yourself with grace and good cheer. I admire all that greatly.

OK I read the Coulter pieces. I'll confess to never having read any of her books or more than a couple of her columns. I didn't see anything equivalent to calling liberals SOBs or truly evil, but couldn't miss the mocking tone of most of her references to them. They are such a core element of her style that they may pass unnoticed before the eyes of a sympathetic reader. However I suspect that liberals note them quickly and sorely - and find them offensive as a result.

Overall I believe that many of her arguments are sound, but that she is a good deal too stridently theoretical for my political taste. Her essay on former Justice O'Connor is a case in point. O'Connor was a middle-of-the-road figure on the Rhenquist Court who espoused several pragmatic resolutions of contentious issues. In that, she did us all a good service in continuing the British tradition of pragmatic muddling through such issues, as opposed to the more strident, abstract, and theoretical approach historically taken in continental Europe. The historical track record for British democracy is a hell of a lot better than that of continental Europe (in my view) precisely because of that difference. Like Coulter, I found some of O'Connor's decisions a bit too contorted. However, unlike Coulter, I don't fault her for attempting to compromise on such contentious issues.

Thank you George. I seriously try to be a faithful member of the Elwood P. Dowd school of pleasantness and I am always taken back by those who seem unable to grasp that concept. Even after all this time it catches me off guard. And then when I lose my cool, I feel the worse for it. Oh well, even this old dog can probably learn new tricks.

I especially appreciated your critique of Coulter and pretty much agree with it except that she probably irritates me less than she does you. I posted recently that I do think she sometimes crosses the line into bad taste and/or is inappropriate, but for the most part she usually nails her subject, finds some humorous aspect(s) to it, and can be brilliant in her commentary. She is overly strident, yes, but no moreso than many writing on the Left who I think are far more mean spirited in their assessment of our President or other public figures. It's too bad though that a different style, delivery, and/or particular type humor has to be translated by some as meanspirited, hateful, etc. etc. etc.

I didn't like her column re O'Connor either. I deplored some of O'Connor's votes and cheered others and in fact the lady was a bit wishy washy at times, but for the most part she distinguished herself as a Supreme and didn't deserve the harsh critique she got from Coulter.

I don't think Coulter minds though. She is laughing all the way to the bank as her unique style, cutting wit, and those little moments of brilliant insight have surely made her a millionaire.

I would like to see you, or any Coulter supporter, highlight what they consider to be a piece of 'brilliant insight.'

I contend that Coulter is a millionaire because she insults Liberals, loudly, and no other reason.

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Reply Wed 3 Jan, 2007 06:03 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:

Don't let the door hit you on your way out. Come back after you pull your head out of your @$$.

Of course, no matter what I point out as 'angsty,' you will argue until the cows come home (probably to your barn) that it isn't 'angsty' and that I don't understand the definition of 'angsty' and that I am nothing but a terrorist sympathizer anyways. Let me go ahead and circumvent your probable several-post long denials by pre-emptively telling you that you are full of sh*t if you think that Conservatives and Republicans are just hunky-dory with the reversal of their political fortunes over the last few months.


Well, if your effort in quoting that post was intended to be an example of an "angsty" post, it does indeed appear you might not have a clue what the word means.

Otherwise, it would appear I've been angsty for many, many years now.
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Reply Wed 3 Jan, 2007 06:04 pm
blatham wrote:

There is a hungering appetite in many of you to find and smite 'evil'. It is a manifest destiny which rises out of your nationalist and religious arrogance. It is the unreflected mental device with which you define yourselves, individually and collectively, as the 'good'. And it all just happens to flow down the same river as many corporate interests and your military industrial economy.

tico and foxfyre...How many Japanese citizens or German citizens or Italian citizens in 1935 were truly bad people? Not many. Probably really only a very few. But those citizens rallied, they swallowed the narratives, they were moved by the sophisticated and unperceived manipulation of their cultural and national mythologies. "We need a strong heroic man at the helm". "We are the diamond of the world and they would tear us down." "They are like rats". "How could the land of Johnny Appleseed do bad things!?"

You make a couple of interesting points here, Bernie, and I believe there are significant elements of truth in both of them. However there is also a resonance between them which perhaps escaped your notice.

The hell of it was that we had to fight the basically good people of Germany and Japan in order to protect ourselves from and destroy the truly evil systems which had captured them. Moreover, we, in response to the expressed theme of our British and Canadian allies who preceded us in the conflict, did so with a strong element of what you now term as "nationalist and religious arrogance". Was Churchill's "nationalistic and religious arrogance" morally or politically inferior to the supremely "realistic and pragmatic" accomodation offered to Germany by Pierre Laval and Marshal Petan of France?

Deal with that aspect of the question, and I will avidly follow.
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Reply Wed 3 Jan, 2007 06:13 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
I especially appreciated your critique of Coulter and pretty much agree with it except that she probably irritates me less than she does you. I posted recently that I do think she sometimes crosses the line into bad taste and/or is inappropriate, ...

... so do I ... but I don't think I've posted any articles that qualify as such.
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Reply Wed 3 Jan, 2007 06:21 pm
Ticomaya wrote:
Foxfyre wrote:
I especially appreciated your critique of Coulter and pretty much agree with it except that she probably irritates me less than she does you. I posted recently that I do think she sometimes crosses the line into bad taste and/or is inappropriate, ...

... so do I ... but I don't think I've posted any articles that qualify as such.

Nor do I. The O'Connor column came close maybe, but even there Coulter was just expressing a different opinon from mine in Coulter's own unique sassy manner.

If anybody thinks that was unbearably strident though, they should have heard Michael Savage savage Gerald Ford this week. He had me cringing and shaking my head but also reaching for a couple of history lessons. He made Ann Coulter look like Sister Theresa. Smile
0 Replies
Reply Wed 3 Jan, 2007 06:21 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:
I would like to see you, or any Coulter supporter, highlight what they consider to be a piece of 'brilliant insight.'

I contend that Coulter is a millionaire because she insults Liberals, loudly, and no other reason.


I don't read Coulter for brilliant insight. And while I appreciate fully all of the barbs she tosses at leftists, I can understand why you wouldn't. I suggest you don't read her, Cyclops -- I've suggested this to you before.

I would like for you, or any other Coulter irritatee, to point out when I, or anyone else, have ever forced you to read a single word she's written.
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Reply Wed 3 Jan, 2007 06:34 pm
Ticomaya wrote:
Cycloptichorn wrote:
I would like to see you, or any Coulter supporter, highlight what they consider to be a piece of 'brilliant insight.'

I contend that Coulter is a millionaire because she insults Liberals, loudly, and no other reason.


I don't read Coulter for brilliant insight. And while I appreciate fully all of the barbs she tosses at leftists, I can understand why you wouldn't. I suggest you don't read her, Cyclops -- I've suggested this to you before.

I've taken your suggestion, actually - I don't read her.

I would like for you, or any other Coulter irritatee, to point out when I, or anyone else, have ever forced you to read a single word she's written.

I would like for you, or any other Liberal irritatee, to point out when I, or anyone else, have ever forced you to read a single word they've written. And then go back and review the gigantic amount of pissing and moaning about how the nasty, mean-spirited Liberals won't leave your nice, civilized Conservative threads alone.

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old europe
Reply Wed 3 Jan, 2007 06:41 pm
What I don't understand is your (Tico's and Foxy's, specifically) endorsement of Ann Coulter. You post articles that you find funny and witty, and you call them an amusement.

Here's the introduction from one of Coulter's articles you posted, Tico:

Ann Coulter wrote:
You know, the war where the U.S. military is killing thousands upon thousands of terrorists (described in the media as "Iraqi civilians," even if they are from Jordan, like the now-dead leader of al-Qaida in Iraq, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi). That war.

The introduction, the first four sentences. I've bolded the part I take issue with. She's saying that the US military is "killing thousands upon thousands of terrorists". Thousands. She implies that the thousands of dead Iraqi civilians the media reports about are really all just terrorists.

Oh yeah, and she gives one example - Zarqawi - as reference that all the dead Iraqis are really just terrorists.

That's what I take issue with.

Imagine posters on this board posting articles that claim that all the victims of 9/11 were really just imperial capitalists and criminals, and that they were successfully killed. But that the media still chooses to call them "civilians".

Then imagine a number of posters concratulating the author of that article for his quality as a "comedian" (as Tico did, introducing that AC article) and other posters agreeing about the "wit" and the "amusement" the article offers.

That's how I perceive Coulter's articles and your praise.

Now carry on.
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Reply Wed 3 Jan, 2007 06:49 pm
An understandable, even mostly reasonable, but distinctly "Old European" view of the situation.

Rumsfield will always have a place in my heart.
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old europe
Reply Wed 3 Jan, 2007 07:06 pm
georgeob1 wrote:
An understandable, even mostly reasonable, but distinctly "Old European" view of the situation.

Rumsfield will always have a place in my heart.


I like being called "mostly reasonable", and I can accept "distinctly Old European".
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Reply Wed 3 Jan, 2007 07:45 pm
Surely you are going to allow me to respond to this since you were gracious enough (well brave enough) to take up the thrown gauntlet. Smile

old europe wrote:
What I don't understand is your (Tico's and Foxy's, specifically) endorsement of Ann Coulter. You post articles that you find funny and witty, and you call them an amusement.

I think reading through these old Coulter columns, I am beginning to better appreciate why I am probably so annoying to so many and attract the flak that I attract. I (and I think most conservatives) do read Coulter for the entertainment factor. I sure don't hunt up an Ann Coulter column expecting to get basic information that isn't available anywhere else. But after reading the generally biased slant in the newspaper, putting up with the sneering sanctimoniousness (is that a word?) of the Leftwing talking heads on TV and reading the unkind criticism in most mainstream newspaper columns, and even perusing some of the excessively scholarly and sometime self-important opinions from the Right, Ann is the relief valve.

She actually says the kind of stuff I would like to say and she generally does it with more good humor than spite and with more wit than rancor.
I like to use humor, satire, and exaggeration to make my point too and that is as poorly understood and accepted by those on the Left as Coulter is. So in a wierd, warped, sort of way, she's almost a soul sister. Does that make sense?

Here's the introduction from one of Coulter's articles you posted, Tico:

Ann Coulter wrote:
You know, the war where the U.S. military is killing thousands upon thousands of terrorists (described in the media as "Iraqi civilians," even if they are from Jordan, like the now-dead leader of al-Qaida in Iraq, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi). That war.

The introduction, the first four sentences. I've bolded the part I take issue with. She's saying that the US military is "killing thousands upon thousands of terrorists". Thousands. She implies that the thousands of dead Iraqi civilians the media reports about are really all just terrorists.

I think you are looking at it through the prism of pacifism or an anti-war stance and buy into the Leftwing spin put on it. So you read something very differently than I read there.

I read that she is using exaggeration and humorous sarcasm to demonstrate her contempt for that very media who implies that U.S. soldiers are targeting civilians rather than terrorists and that it is mostly civilians we are killing rather than terrorists. She is quite accurately illustrating that we are targeting terrorists, not civilians. She knows, as some of the rest of us know, that the vast majority of the civilians are being killed by those very terrorists, not U.S. soldiers.

And I can't tell you how MUCH I resent any implication that the civilian deaths are by our intent and how dishonest it is to blame the U.S. military and/or George Bush) rather than the terrorists themselves. So you see her words as insensitivity. I see them as reality and feel 'right on sister' when I read them. I oppose terrorists who kill civilians and think those who are unable to focus on the terrorists as the bad guys are the ones who are on the wrong side.

Oh yeah, and she gives one example - Zarqawi - as reference that all the dead Iraqis are really just terrorists.

That's what I take issue with.

That one example though was a biggie. And one that the media largely ignores as they emphasize the negatives in Iraq and none of the progress being made. You see it as her comparing civilians to Zarqawi. As I have already said, I see it that she puts terrorist murderers and Zarqawi in the same sack.

Imagine posters on this board posting articles that claim that all the victims of 9/11 were really just imperial capitalists and criminals, and that they were successfully killed. But that the media still chooses to call them "civilians".

Then imagine a number of posters concratulating the author of that article for his quality as a "comedian" (as Tico did, introducing that AC article) and other posters agreeing about the "wit" and the "amusement" the article offers.

I can't see a correlation between your illustration and what Coulter is communicating here.

But imagine posters on this board (or the media or the Leftwing columnists and talking heads) claiming that all or most of the deaths in Iraq are civilians that the U.S. military has intentionally targeted by the order of their Commander in Chief who advocates that the soldiers torture them first. That's the kind of crap we get all the time and it is particularly what Coulter is noting with biting sarcasm.

That's how I perceive Coulter's articles and your praise.

Now carry on.

Noted and understood. And I hope by this little exercise you can see how Coulter nor my praise or, more precisely, my appreciation is not so insensitive and callous or mean or advocacy for evil as some try to make it. Coulter zeroes in on the hypocrisy, misrepresentations, and disingenuities of the Left and yes, perhaps too stridently and sometimes with too much emphasis, exposes it. She is also an unashamed conservative who will take that side of an issue. It's her stock in trade and in my opinion, she can be brilliant in the execution.

Without casting any aspersions on you as you have been one of those Lefties I really do like Smile, I can appreciate why you don't like her.
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Reply Wed 3 Jan, 2007 08:57 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:
I would like for you, or any other Liberal irritatee, to point out when I, or anyone else, have ever forced you to read a single word they've written. And then go back and review the gigantic amount of pissing and moaning about how the nasty, mean-spirited Liberals won't leave your nice, civilized Conservative threads alone.


The difference, oh so put upon Cycloptichorn, is that we have asked you, in this thread, to refrain from the inane postings that serve NO purpose than to irritate "Bush Supporters." It isn't that we can't scroll past your inanity, it's that we have asked you not to post it in the first place. (Feel free to use any one of the several thousand Anti-Bush threads out there for that purpose. Hell, start another if you think it deserving.) If it is in response to a matter being discussed, fine ... but when it is an out of the blue "Hey, Look How Big an Idiot Bush is Now" type of post, it's SPAM in this thread, IMO.

I didn't check, but the overwhelming number of those 15 Coulter articles I posted were in this thread. Coulter articles posted in this thread cannot be complained about by you. And those few that were not posted here, were posted in threads where the article was relevant to the topic being discussed.
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Reply Wed 3 Jan, 2007 09:44 pm
Ticomaya wrote:
Cycloptichorn wrote:
I would like for you, or any other Liberal irritatee, to point out when I, or anyone else, have ever forced you to read a single word they've written. And then go back and review the gigantic amount of pissing and moaning about how the nasty, mean-spirited Liberals won't leave your nice, civilized Conservative threads alone.


The difference, oh so put upon Cycloptichorn, is that we have asked you, in this thread, to refrain from the inane postings that serve NO purpose than to irritate "Bush Supporters." It isn't that we can't scroll past your inanity, it's that we have asked you not to post it in the first place. (Feel free to use any one of the several thousand Anti-Bush threads out there for that purpose. Hell, start another if you think it deserving.) If it is in response to a matter being discussed, fine ... but when it is an out of the blue "Hey, Look How Big an Idiot Bush is Now" type of post, it's SPAM in this thread, IMO.

I didn't check, but the overwhelming number of those 15 Coulter articles I posted were in this thread. Coulter articles posted in this thread cannot be complained about by you. And those few that were not posted here, were posted in threads where the article was relevant to the topic being discussed.

Well, you could simply ignore each and every one of those who SPAM your thread. It wouldn't even be hard to do. Just don't respond to them at all. I think your collective egos get in the way of that solution, however.

I find it to be very interesting that the Conservatives on this site have really tried to defend the idea for a long time that they have 'turf,' certain threads that just aren't allowed to have conversational drift like other threads. Indicative of their character and reflective of concepts such as the 'homeland.'

You could ignore people the same way you have always told people who don't like Coulter, to not read what she writes when you post it - you say that rather then yell at you, they should take the non-confrontational route...

I don't criticize your choice of where to post Coulter articles, I criticize you for posting them because she's a horrendous bitch, and the fact that you find things she says funny - and even more so the reactions that it raises amongst those who don't like her - really says a lot about you, a lot of bad things, Tico.

At least Fox has the balls - ironic, that - to admit the truth:


She actually says the kind of stuff I would like to say and she generally does it with more good humor than spite and with more wit than rancor.

Coulter absolutely is a preeminent figure amongst Republicans, same as Limbaugh, same as all of your media figures.

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Reply Wed 3 Jan, 2007 09:57 pm
Coulter doesn't just say the things she writes in her articles, she has a long-deserved reputation for letting things loose on-air.


Just a few gems

* "The ethic of conservation is the explicit abnegation of man's dominion over the Earth. The lower species are here for our use. God said so: Go forth, be fruitful, multiply, and rape the planet--it's yours. That's our job: drilling, mining and stripping. Sweaters are the anti-Biblical view. Big gas-guzzling cars with phones and CD players and wet bars -- that's the Biblical view."

* "When we were fighting communism, OK, they had mass murderers and gulags, but they were white men and they were sane. Now we're up against absolutely insane savages."e chuckled at and posted because she 'says the things you would like to say'; then there is something seriously wrong with you

And everyone's favorite

* "When contemplating college liberals, you really regret once again that John Walker is not getting the death penalty. We need to execute people like John Walker in order to physically intimidate liberals, by making them realize that they can be killed, too. Otherwise, they will turn out to be outright traitors."

0 Replies
Reply Wed 3 Jan, 2007 10:58 pm
And if you quote Coulter accurately and/or put her quotes into context rather than use a corrupted and quite dubious unsourced and rigged Wikipedia article, you will find less there to smear.

An honorable person would do what OE did, choose a paragraph in context from the articles Tico posted and show how it is objectionable.
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Reply Wed 3 Jan, 2007 11:18 pm
Ticomaya wrote:

The difference, oh so put upon Cycloptichorn, is that we have asked you, in this thread, to refrain from the inane postings that serve NO purpose than to irritate "Bush Supporters." It isn't that we can't scroll past your inanity, it's that we have asked you not to post it in the first place. (Feel free to use any one of the several thousand Anti-Bush threads out there for that purpose. Hell, start another if you think it deserving.) If it is in response to a matter being discussed, fine ... but when it is an out of the blue "Hey, Look How Big an Idiot Bush is Now" type of post, it's SPAM in this thread, IMO.

I didn't check, but the overwhelming number of those 15 Coulter articles I posted were in this thread. Coulter articles posted in this thread cannot be complained about by you. And those few that were not posted here, were posted in threads where the article was relevant to the topic being discussed.

This is amazing, absolutely phucking amazing. You cons don't have the slightest notion of what freedom of speech is. What I'd like to see is any person with less than this rabid right wing viewpoint ever complaining [save for someone being purposefully ticoish] about anyone posting anything anywhere.

It's incredibly childish, it's this is my sandbox and you can't play in it. Well, it ain't your sandbox, Tico and the truth ain't spam. I'm sure people wouldn't come near as much if it weren't such a freak show. The question has been raised and it hangs over this and other similar threads.

How can any sentient human being support these incompetent and immoral liars, thieves, ... ?

Additionally, you folks are amazingly hypocritical. You show up with your viewpoints on each and every thread possible. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Quit your whining, Tico and do some thinking.
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Reply Wed 3 Jan, 2007 11:24 pm
Foxfyre wrote:

She actually says the kind of stuff I would like to say and she generally does it with more good humor than spite and with more wit than rancor.
I like to use humor, satire, and exaggeration to make my point too and that is as poorly understood and accepted by those on the Left as Coulter is. So in a wierd, warped, sort of way, she's almost a soul sister. Does that make sense?

Sadly, oh so sadly, pre-eminently good sense. But I don't think you're telling most of us anything we haven't realized for a good long time.

And you have the temerity to chide others for speaking bluntly.

As I said, when it comes to these neocons, the hypocrisy runs deep, perhaps deeper than the delusion.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 3 Jan, 2007 11:36 pm
Ticomaya wrote:
Foxfyre wrote:
I especially appreciated your critique of Coulter and pretty much agree with it except that she probably irritates me less than she does you. I posted recently that I do think she sometimes crosses the line into bad taste and/or is inappropriate, ...

... so do I ... but I don't think I've posted any articles that qualify as such.

I read all of the ones that you posted and I must say that they were definitely not her worst. In fact, I noticed something that looked oddly like restraint in several of them -- perhaps an editor had a go at them. She's still hateful and unfunny and couldn't piece together a factual argument with duct tape. But that's just my opinion.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 4 Jan, 2007 12:05 am
Foxfyre wrote:

She actually says the kind of stuff I would like to say and she generally does it with more good humor than spite and with more wit than rancor.
I like to use humor, satire, and exaggeration to make my point too and that is as poorly understood and accepted by those on the Left as Coulter is. So in a wierd, warped, sort of way, she's almost a soul sister. Does that make sense?

That's very much was I was afraid of.
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