Bush Supporters' Aftermath Thread III

Reply Sun 24 Dec, 2006 04:07 am

I won't argue your thesis on Christmas Eve, why get involved?

But I think your dates might be a tad off, though not by much.

georgeob1 wrote:
I suspect many Chinese would argue it started in 1936I suspect many Chinese would argue it started in 1936....

Japan invaded China in December 1937.

georgeob1 wrote:
I believe in a century or so the common historical view will be that ther was one great war in the 20th century and it began in 1914 and ended im 1945 (or possibly 1952 in Korea).
Korea ended in 1953.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 24 Dec, 2006 05:38 am
georgeob1 wrote:

Just back from a great meal in the City with Sons, Daughters, Spouses and grandchildren, A new Italian restaurant specializing in Tuscan cuisine on California street, near the Embarcadero. Walter, what is that wonderful German word that refers to the sweetness of life?

Sounds good to me, George. I wish you joy of it, and Jack Aubrey says.

Not sure of the word you mean...they have so many...Gemuetlichkeit?

Ein gemuetliche heilige Abend to all of you.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 24 Dec, 2006 05:40 am
Merry Christmas, McT. May santa bring you bags and bags of oats.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 24 Dec, 2006 09:17 am
blatham wrote:
Merry Christmas, McT. May santa bring you bags and bags of oats.

Why thank you, Bernie. And a happy nosebag to you, too.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 24 Dec, 2006 10:06 am
georgeob1 wrote:

There was little difference between the inhuman tyrannies of the Nazis and the Soviets, and once they were at each other's throats, there was a good case for standing aside and watching. That was the viey of the "America First" Isolationists who are so often villified by uinquestioning people whio blandly accept conventinal views.

There was also the little matter of the Nazis occupying and subjugating the whole of Europe (except for some offshore islands), the eastern Mediterranean, and north Africa.
Also, starving Britain into submission by sinking Atlantic shipping.
Thank goodness, the case for getting involved became irresistible. Thank goodness also, Hitler decided to attack Stalin when he did. Otherwise outcomes might have been considerably different.

Coincidentally there will be a TV programme shown here next week, on related topics, and I reproduce here the description/synopsis from "Radio Times":

"Mortgaged to the Yanks- BBC 4

On the New Year's Eve just gone, some Brits will have been celebrating more than just the end of 2006. On that day, Britain finally paid off the dregs of its multi-billion dollar debt to America.

After the Second World War our finances were in tatters, so economist John Maynard Keynes tapped the US Government for guilt money. Seeing as they had joined the war effort late, he figured they owed us. But the deal brokered wasn't nearly as cushy as Keynes hoped for.

Former Ambassador to Washington Sir Christopher Meyer tells this story and, in doing so, debunks our so-called special relationship with America."
0 Replies
Reply Thu 28 Dec, 2006 04:17 am
from media matters...
Most outrageous comments of 2006

How extreme were conservative commentators in their remarks this year? How about calls to nuke the Middle East and an allegation that a "gay ... mafia" used the congressional page program as its own "personal preserve." Right-wing rhetoric documented by Media Matters for America included the nonsensical (including Rush Limbaugh's claim that America's "obesity crisis" is caused by, among other things, our failure to "teach [the poor] how to butcher a -- slaughter a cow to get the butter, we gave them the butter"), the offensive (such as right-wing pundit Debbie Schlussel's question about "Barack Hussein Obama": is he "a man we want as President when we are fighting the war of our lives against Islam? Where will his loyalties be?"), and the simply bizarre (such as William A. Donohue's claim that some Hollywood stars would "sodomize their own mother in a movie"). Since there were so many outrageous statements, we included a list of honorable mentions along with the top 11, which, if not for Ann Coulter, we might have limited to 10.

The top 11 (in chronological order):

William A. Donohue, president of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights: "Well, look, there are people in Hollywood, not all of them, but there are some people who are nothing more than harlots. They will do anything for the buck. They wouldn't care. If you asked them to sodomize their own mother in a movie, they would do so, and they would do it with a smile on their face." [2/9/06]

Fox News host John Gibson: "Do your duty. Make more babies. That's a lesson drawn out of two interesting stories over the last couple of days. First, a story yesterday that half of the kids in this country under five years old are minorities. By far, the greatest number are Hispanic. You know what that means? Twenty-five years and the majority of the population is Hispanic. Why is that? Well, Hispanics are having more kids than others. Notably, the ones Hispanics call 'gabachos' -- white people -- are having fewer." [5/11/06]

Right-wing pundit Ann Coulter on The New York Times' decision to report on the Bush administration's warrantless domestic wiretapping program and a Treasury Department financial transaction tracking program: The Times had done "something that could have gotten them executed, certainly did get [Julius and Ethel] Rosenberg[] executed." [7/12/06]

Coulter responding to Hardball host Chris Matthews' question, "How do you know that [former President] Bill Clinton's gay?": "I don't know if he's gay. But [former Vice President] Al Gore -- total fag." [7/27/06]

Nationally syndicated radio host Michael Savage: "That's why the department store dummy named Wolf Blitzer, a Jew who was born in Israel, will do the astonishing act of being the type that would stick Jewish children into a gas chamber to stay alive another day. He's probably the most despicable man in the media next to Larry King, who takes a close runner-up by the hair of a nose. The two of them together look like the type that would have pushed Jewish children into the oven to stay alive one more day to entertain the Nazis." [8/7/06]

Coulter on Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA), an African-American: "Congresswoman Maxine Waters had parachuted into Connecticut earlier in the week to campaign against [Sen. Joseph I.] Lieberman because he once expressed reservations about affirmative action, without which she would not have a job that didn't involve wearing a paper hat. Waters also considers Joe 'soft' on the issue of the CIA inventing crack cocaine and AIDS to kill all the black people in America." [8/9/06]

Nationally syndicated radio host Rush Limbaugh, blaming America's "obesity crisis" on "the left," "liberal government," and "food stamps": "Because we are sympathetic, we are compassionate people, we have responded by letting our government literally feed these people to the point of obesity. At least here in America, didn't teach them how to fish, we gave them the fish. Didn't teach them how to butcher a -- slaughter a cow to get the butter, we gave them the butter. The real bloat here, as we know, is in -- is in government." [8/29/06]

Coulter on Sen. Lincoln Chafee (R-RI): "They Shot the Wrong Lincoln." [8/30/06]

Conservative pundit and former Republican presidential candidate Pat Buchanan: "Look, [Rep. Jim] Kolbe [R-AZ] is gay. He is an out-of-the-closet gay. [Rep. Mark] Foley [R-FL] was gay. The House clerk who was in charge of the pages [Jeff Trandahl] was gay. Foley's administrative assistant, Mr. [Kirk] Fordham, The New York Times tell us, was gay. You hear about a lot of others. What's going on here, Joe [Scarborough, MSNBC host], is basically these, this little mafia in there looked upon the pages, I guess, as their -- sort of their personal preserve. And it stinks to high heaven what was done. And it stinks to high heaven that it was not exposed and these types of people, thrown out by the Republican Party." [10/9/06]

CNN Headline News host Glenn Beck to Rep.-elect Keith Ellison (D-MN): "OK. No offense, and I know Muslims. I like Muslims. ... With that being said, you are a Democrat. You are saying, 'Let's cut and run.' And I have to tell you, I have been nervous about this interview with you, because what I feel like saying is, 'Sir, prove to me that you are not working with our enemies.' " [11/14/06]

Right-wing pundit Debbie Schlussel on Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL): So, even if he identifies strongly as a Christian ... is a man who Muslims think is a Muslim, who feels some sort of psychological need to prove himself to his absent Muslim father, and who is now moving in the direction of his father's heritage, a man we want as President when we are fighting the war of our lives against Islam? Where will his loyalties be?" [12/18/06]

Honorable mentions (also in chronological order):

Beck: "Cindy Sheehan. That's a pretty big prostitute there, you know what I mean?" [1/10/06]

Republican strategist Mary Matalin: "I mean, you know, I think these civil rights leaders are nothing more than racists. And they're keeping constituency, they're keeping their neighborhoods and their African-American brothers enslaved, if you will, by continuing to let them think that they're -- or forced to think that they're victims, that the whole system is against them." [2/8/06]

Pat Robertson, host of the Christian Broadcasting Network's The 700 Club: "But it does seem that with the current makeup of the court, they still don't have as many judges as would be needed to overturn Roe [v. Wade]. They need one more, and I dare say before the end of this year there will be another vacancy on the court." [3/7/06]

Albert Mohler, president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and host of the daily Christian radio show The Albert Mohler Program: "Well, I would have to say as a Christian that I believe any belief system, any world view, whether it's Zen Buddhism or Hinduism or dialectical materialism for that matter, Marxism, that keeps persons captive and keeps them from coming to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, yes, is a demonstration of satanic power." [3/17/06]

Nationally syndicated radio host Neal Boortz on Rep. Cynthia McKinney's (D-GA) hairstyle: "She looks like a ghetto slut. ... It looks like an explosion in a Brillo pad factory. ... She looks like Tina Turner peeing on an electric fence. ... She looks like a shih tzu!" [3/31/06]

Boortz on McKinney's hairstyle (again): "I saw Cynthia McKinney's hairdo yesterday -- saw it on TV. I don't blame that cop for stopping her. It looked like a welfare drag queen was trying to sneak into the Longworth House Office Building. That hairdo is ghetto trash. I don't blame them for stopping her." [3/31/06]

Limbaugh discussing a videotape released by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the then-leader of Al Qaeda in Iraq: "t sounds just like the DNC [Democratic National Committee] is writing his scripts now." (4/26/06)

Beck: "Blowing up Iran. I say we nuke the bastards. In fact, it doesn't have to be Iran, it can be everywhere, anyplace that disagrees with me." [5/11/06]

Jonathan Hoenig, managing member of Capitalistpig Asset Management LLC, on Fox News' Your World with Neil Cavuto: "I think when it comes to Iran, the problem is we haven't been forceful enough. I mean if you -- frankly, if you want to see the Dow go up, let's get the bombers in the air and neutralize this Iranian threat." [6/5/06]

Fox host Geraldo Rivera: "I've known [Sen.] John Kerry [D-MA] for over 35 years. Unlike me, he is a combat veteran, so he gets some props. But in the last 35 years, I've seen a hell of a lot more combat than John Kerry. And for a smart man like that in a political ploy to set a date certain only aids and abets the enemy, and the Democrats are at their own self-destructive behavior once again." [6/22/06]

Savage: "I don't know why we don't use a bunker-buster bomb when he comes to the U.N. and just take [Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad] out with everyone in there." [7/21/06]

Boortz: "I want you to think for think for a moment of how incompetent and stupid and worthless, how -- that's right, I used those words -- how incompetent, how ignorant, how worthless is an adult that can't earn more than the minimum wage? You have to really, really, really be a pretty pathetic human being to not be able to earn more than the human wage. Uh -- human, the minimum wage." [8/3/06]

Syndicated columnist and Fox News host Cal Thomas on businessman Ned Lamont's victory in Connecticut's Democratic primary for the U.S. Senate: "It completes the capture of the Democratic Party by its Taliban wing. ... [T]hey have now morphed into Taliban Democrats because they are willing to 'kill' one of their own, if he does not conform to the narrow and rigid agenda of the party's kook fringe." [8/10/06]

Fox News host Sean Hannity, two months before the November midterm elections: "This is the moment to say that there are things in life worth fighting and dying for and one of 'em is making sure [Rep.] Nancy Pelosi [D-CA] doesn't become the [House] speaker." [8/29/06]

Beck: "The Middle East is being overrun by 10th-century barbarians. That's what I thought at 5 o'clock this morning, and I thought, 'Oh, geez, what -- what is this?' If they take over -- the barbarians storm the gate and take over the Middle East (this is what I'm thinking at 5 o'clock in the morning) -- we're going to have to nuke the whole place." [9/12/06]

Savage: "My fear is that if the Democrats win [in the November midterm elections], and I'm afraid that they might, you're going to see America melt down faster that you could ever imagine. It will happen overnight, and it could lead to the breakup of the United States of America, the way the Soviet Union broke up." [10/13/06]

Republican pollster Frank Luntz on Nancy Pelosi's appearance: "I always use the line for Nancy Pelosi, 'You get one shot at a facelift. If it doesn't work the first time, let it go.' " [10/31/06]

Limbaugh on the Middle East: "Fine, just blow the place up." [11/27/06]

Fox News host Bill O'Reilly (on his radio show): "Do I care if the Sunnis and Shiites kill each other in Iraq? No. I don't care. Let's get our people out of there. Let them kill each other. Maybe they'll all kill each other, and then we can have a decent country in Iraq." [12/5/06]

New York Post columnist Ralph Peters on Iraq Study Group co-chairman James Baker: "The difference is that [Pontius] Pilate just wanted to wash his hands of an annoyance, while Baker would wash his hands in the blood of our troops." [12/7/06]

Conservative syndicated radio host Michael Medved on the animated movie Happy Feet: The film contains "a whole subtext, as there so often is, about homosexuality." [12/11/06]

Fox captions

Additionally, although these are not examples of specific conservative commentators making outrageous comments, we would be remiss if we did not mention that Fox News made a regular practice of attacking Democrats or repeating Republican talking points in on-screen text during its coverage of political issues. Some examples:

"All-Out Civil War in Iraq: Could It Be a Good Thing?" [2/23/06]

"Attacking Capitalism: Have Dems Declared War on America?" [2/18/06]

"Dems Helping the Enemy?" [5/22/06]

"A Lamont Win, Bad News for Democracy in Mideast?"

"Have the Democrats Forgotten the Lessons of 9/11?"

"Is the Democratic Party Soft on Terror?" [8/8/06]

"The #1 President on Mideast Matters: George W Bush?" [8/14/06]

"Is the Liberal Media Helping to Fuel Terror?" [8/16/06]
0 Replies
Reply Thu 28 Dec, 2006 07:07 am
From the Media Research Center:

The Nineteenth Annual Awards for the Year's Worst Reporting

Tin Foil Hat Award for Crazy Conspiracy Theories

Blue State Brigade Award for Campaign Reporting

Madness of King George Award for Bush Bashing

Bring Back the Iron Curtain Award

Slam Uncle Sam Award

Damn Those Conservatives Award

Terrorists Have Rights Too Award for Condemning "Domestic Spying"

Drowning Polar Bear Award for Promoting Gore's Inconvenient "Truth"

Pain at the Pump Award for Bashing "Big Oil"

Media Hero Award

Barbra Streisand Political IQ Award for Celebrity Vapidity

Politics of Meaninglessness Award for the Silliest Analysis

Good Morning Morons Award

Cranky Dinosaur Award for Trashing the New Media

State of Denial Award for Refusing to Acknowledge Liberal Bias

Recognizing the Obvious Award for Admitting There's Liberal Media Bias

Quote of the Year
0 Replies
Reply Thu 28 Dec, 2006 07:20 am
From Times Watch:

Times Watch Quotes of Note 2006

The Worst Quotes of the Year from The New York Times

It's unanimous! Times Watch guest judges Stephen Spruiell, who runs National Review Online's Media Blog, and Times critic William McGowan, author of the upcoming book Gray Lady Down, both picked as his worst quote of the year one from New York Times Publisher Arthur Sulzberger Jr. (The quote also earned Quote of the Year honors from Times Watch's parent organization, the Media Research Center.) Spruiell says it was the "sheer arrogance" of Sulzberger's speech that put the paper's publisher over the top.

Enjoy the quotes.

Left-Wing Love-Fest on 43rd Street

"Our government had turned its energy and attention away from upholding the rule of law and toward creating law-free zones at Guantanamo Bay, Abu Ghraib, Haditha, and other places around the world. And let's not forget the sustained assault on women's reproductive freedom and the hijacking of public policy by religious fundamentalism." -- Supreme Court reporter Linda Greenhouse talking at Harvard, June 9.

"Cecile Richards, the new and instantly embattled president of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, would like those retro 'folks' -- her word -- intent on knocking her organization, and the entire abortion rights movement, off the map to know she takes after her maternal grandmother. That would be the tall, whip-thin woman who, nine-months pregnant and bedridden, took a timeout from home-birthing a future governor of Texas -- Ms. Richards's mother, Ann -- to wring the neck of the chicken her family was having for dinner. Plucky." -- From Robin Finn's March 10 "Public Lives" profile of Richards.

"The defendants called themselves 'grannies' because they are all old enough to be grandmothers, even if some of them are not, and because in their view, grandmothers are a core American value, as patriotic as mom and apple pie. Essentially, Judge Ross had found himself with grandmotherhood on trial in his courtroom....When it was over, the grannies seemed ready to do it again. 'The decision today says the First Amendment protects you to protest peacefully,' Mr. Siegel said, addressing his clients outside the courthouse after the verdict. 'So -- go do it!' And the grannies cheered." -- From Anemona Hartocollis' profile of 18 left-wing anti-war "grannies" arrested for blocking a military recruitment center in Times Square.

"The portrait [feminist Betty Friedman] painted was chilling. For a typical woman of the 1950's, even a college-educated one, life centered almost exclusively on chores and children. She cooked and baked and bandaged and chauffeured and laundered and sewed. She did the mopping and the marketing and took her husband's gray flannel suit to the cleaners. She was happy to keep his dinner warm till he came wearily home from downtown." -- From Margalit Fox's February 6 obituary for left-wing feminist Betty Friedan.

"The warnings of global warming that led former President George Bush to mock Mr. Gore as 'Ozone Man' in 1992 hardly seem far-fetched in these days of melting ice caps and toasty winters. Mr. Gore's tough condemnation of the war in Iraq, once derided by the White House as evidence of Mr. Gore's extremism, seems positively mainstream today." -- Chief political reporter Adam Nagourney, May 28.

"Critics also say that Latinos often wind up as cannon fodder on the casualty-prone front lines. African-Americans saw the same thing happen during the 1970's and 1980's, an accusation that still reverberates. Hispanics make up only 4.7 percent of the military's officer corps." -- Lizette Alvarez in a story on U.S. Army recruiting of Hispanics, February 9.

"Yesterday's court ruling against gay marriage was more than a legal rebuke, then -- it came as a shocking insult to gay rights groups. Leaders said they were stunned by both the rejection and the decision's language, which they saw as expressing more concern for the children of heterosexual couples than for the children of gay couples. They also took exception to the ruling's description of homosexuality as a preference rather than an orientation." -- From chief New York political reporter Patrick Healy's July 7 news analysis.

We Can't Bear Conservatives

"All manner of televised talkfests, including 'Today,' welcome [Ann] Coulter's pirate sensibilities back aboard whenever she has something to peddle, in part because seeing hate-speech pop out of a blonde who knows her way around a black cocktail dress makes for compelling viewing. Without the total package, Ms. Coulter would be just one more nut living in Mom's basement. You can accuse her of cynicism all you want, but the fact that she is one of the leading political writers of our age says something about the rest of us." -- Media reporter turned columnist David Carr, June 12.

"Representative F. James Sensenbrenner Jr. has no tolerance for illegal immigrants, either in his political life or personal life….A bipartisan irritant from a state nowhere near the Mexican border, he has outsize influence on the fate of the country's estimated 11 million illegal immigrants….He is commonly described as 'prickly,' 'cantankerous' and 'unpleasant'….One could dismiss him as something of a cartoon, except that Mr. Sensenbrenner has been a feared and vital character in some defining political dramas, like the Clinton impeachment, the passage of the USA Patriot Act and the current legislative donnybrook over immigration, an issue that he calls his toughest in nearly four decades of public life." -- From Mark Leibovich's July 11 profile of Republican Rep. Sensenbrenner of Wisconsin.

"They certainly should have done more. And that, in a way, is the most profound ethical transgression, that this, it seems to me, is a part of a larger pattern of the administration's habit of secrecy, of cover-ups. We see other example in Bob Woodward's book. You know, democracy relies on transparency and openness. And to undermine that is really an ethical transgression. It's a profound assault on civic virtue, on democracy itself."

-- Randy Cohen, author of the "The Ethicist" column for the Times, ostensibly commenting on the Rep. Mark Foley scandal, on CNN's "Anderson Cooper 360 Degrees," October 2.

"Mr. Cheney's favorability ratings might be in an underground bunker, somewhere beneath the president's (at 20 percent in the most recent New York Times poll). Critics deride him as a Prince of Darkness whose occasional odd episodes -- swearing at a United States senator, shooting a friend in a hunting accident and then barely acknowledging it publicly -- suggest a striking indifference to how he is perceived. Even admirers who laud his intellect and steadiness rarely mention anything about his electrifying rooms or people. But then there are people like these, at the Capitol Plaza Hotel Manor Conference Center in Topeka." -- Mark Leibovich, October 17.

"If you are sure you will be raptured into heaven, your clothes left behind with the nonbelievers, then this news should cheer you up. If you are rational, however, these may be some of the last few weeks or months in which to enjoy what is left of our beleaguered, dying republic and way of life." -- Former Times Middle East bureau chief Chris Hedges in an October 9 online column for Truthdig, on the aftermath of what he predicted would be an imminent attack by Bush on Iran that could happen "in as little as three weeks."

"As the scion of a politically influential family from Memphis, Mr. Ford was faced with overcoming the suspicions of rural whites skeptical about his race, his background and his city….The first issue came to the fore in a television advertisement featuring a winking, bare-shouldered white woman intoning, 'Harold, call me.' Produced by the Republican National Committee and eventually disavowed by Mr. Corker, the commercial played on Mr. Ford's reputation as a man about town but also spoke to -- or so critics charged -- age-old white Southern fears of miscegenation….The crowd in the room packed with Corker supporters told its own story: It was almost entirely white." -- Adam Nossiter on black Democrat Harold Ford Jr.'s defeat in the Tennessee Senate race, November 8.

"Ad Seen as Playing to Racial Fears." -- Online headline to an October 26 story by Robin Toner on RNC ads mocking Harold Ford Jr.

"Fox, by its mere existence, undercuts the argument that the public is starved for 'fair' news, and not just because Fox shills for the Republican Party and panders to the latest of America's periodic religious manias. The key to understanding Fox News is to grasp the anomalous fact that its consumers know its 'news' is made up….Fox Television showed us the future -- outright lies and paranoid opinions packaged as news under the oversight of Rupert [Murdoch], a flagrant pirate, and Roger Ailes, an unprincipled Nixon thug who had assumed a journalistic disguise in much the same way that the intergalactic insect in Men in Black shrugged into the borrowed skin of a hapless hillbilly." -- Times former Executive Editor Howell Raines, from his new autobiography on fly-fishing, "The One that Got Away."

Bush, Epitome of Evil

"I'm in my mid-40s and who grew up in poor countries like Morocco, you know, they will tell you that when they went to school in the mornings, they used to get milk, and they called it Kennedy milk because it was the Americans that sent them milk. And in 40 years, we have gone from Kennedy milk to the Bush administration rushing bombs to this part of the world. And it just erodes and erodes and erodes America's reputation." -- Reporter Neil MacFarquhar on the July 31 edition of Charlie Rose.

"In a climate of national debate in the United States about the overriding of certain civil liberties to fight terrorism, the movie looks back on a worst possible scenario in which such liberties were taken away. It raises an unspoken question: could it happen here?"
-- Movie critic Stephen Holden in a review of "Sophie Scholl," February 17.

"Everyone says that Karl Rove is a genius. Yeah, right. So are cigarette companies. They get you to buy cigarettes even though we know they cause cancer. That is the kind of genius Karl Rove is. He is not a man who has designed a strategy to reunite our country around an agenda of renewal for the 21st century -- to bring out the best in us. His 'genius' is taking some irrelevant aside by John Kerry and twisting it to bring out the worst in us, so you will ignore the mess that the Bush team has visited on this country." -- Columnist Thomas Friedman, November 3.

"I don't know how far action will follow rhetoric, but some days it sounds like the administration is declaring war at home on the values they profess to be promoting abroad." -- New York Times Executive Editor Bill Keller, in an email to left-wing investigative reporter Murray Waas, as reported April 26 on mediabistro.com.

"That sort of thing plays a little differently here. First, there is a sense of relief that characters on television are talking about the events openly and irreverently. Then there is the punch of confirmation that much of the rest of the world may indeed despise the United States for what the Bush administration calls the war on terror." -- Critic Anita Gates reviewing the BBC America detective series "Cracker: A New Terror," October 30.

"That said, it's still possible that the Republicans will hold on to both houses of Congress. The feeding frenzy over John Kerry's botched joke showed that many people in the news media are still willing to be played like a fiddle. And if you think the timing of the Saddam verdict was coincidental, I've got a terrorist plot against the Brooklyn Bridge to sell you." ---Columnist Paul Krugman, November 6.

"As he has in his previous speeches, Mr. Bush said he had made mistakes in Iraq and acknowledged in a more personal way than before the suffering he himself had caused."
-- White House reporter Elisabeth Bumiller on President Bush's address to the nation, December 19.

"George Clooney in 'Good Night, and Good Luck' made a well-crafted look at a time in American history when anything less than complete fealty to the republic was seen as treason, which sounds familiar to some moviegoers." -- From David Carr's Oscar predictions, March 3.

"For amusement's sake, it is possible to read 'Basic Instinct 2' as a metaphor for contemporary American-British political relations (a psychotic Yank lures a decent Brit into a web of deceit and murder), but this is a poor reward for two hours of drift and sludge." -- From Manohla Dargis' review of the movie "Basic Instinct 2," March 31.

Always Blame Israel

"Peace is much spoken of here. But at times, as I race along the narrow moral precipice, running between a military checkpoint and a suicide bombing, I think of the old Russian proverb: 'We shall struggle for peace so hard that not a tree will be left standing.'" --Jerusalem bureau chief Steven Erlanger, writing from Jerusalem for the Times' travel section on April 16.

"Once Again, Gazans Are Displaced by Israeli Occupiers." -- Headline over a story by Jerusalem bureau chief Steven Erlanger, July 12.

"The pattern has recurred time and again for several years: Palestinians fire rockets from northern Gaza that cause damage or casualties only occasionally, yet prompt a tough Israeli response, like the offensive now under way." -- Israel-based reporter Greg Myre, July 9.

"Now, with hundreds of Lebanese dead and Hezbollah holding out against the vaunted Israeli military for more than two weeks, the tide of public opinion across the Arab world is surging behind the organization, transforming the Shiite group's leader, Sheik Hassan Nasrallah, into a folk hero and forcing a change in official statements." -- Neil MacFarquhar from Damascus on July 28.

"The situation is made all the more complicated by the nature of Hezbollah. It functions as a civil aid group as well as a militia, helping with schools and in hospitals, and in many cases providing essential public services at times in the years of the war when the government was simply not able. It has a savvy media operation, with a spokesman who takes groups of journalists on tours of the devastation in southern Beirut with a truck that blares Hezbollah fighting songs from rows of speakers." -- Sabrina Tavernise, July 25.

"The asymmetry in the reported death tolls is marked and growing: some 230 Lebanese dead, most of them civilians, to 25 Israeli dead, 13 of them civilians. In Gaza, one Israel soldier has died from his own army's fire, and 103 Palestinians have been killed, 70 percent of them militants. The cold figures, combined with Israeli air attacks on civilian infrastructure like power plants, electricity transformers, airports, bridges, highways and government buildings, have led to accusations by France and the European Union, echoed by some nongovernmental organizations, that Israel is guilty of 'disproportionate use of force' in the Gaza Strip and Lebanon and of 'collective punishment' of the civilian populations." -- From a July 19 story by Jerusalem bureau chief Steven Erlanger.

"But this town is also the gateway to Hezbollah country, where Hezbollah controls everything from local administration and schools to security. Hezbollah has its footprint everywhere here, from its signature yellow banners to portraits celebrating fallen martyrs." -- Hassan Fattah from Tyre, Lebanon on July 18.

"Now there is Sheik Nasrallah, a 46-year-old Lebanese militia chieftain hiding in a bunker, combining the scripted logic of a clergyman with the steely resolve of a general to completely rewrite the rules of the Arab-Israeli land feud....The name instantly reminds everyone of his personal credibility and commitment to the fight." -- Neil MacFarquhar on Hezbollah's leader, August 7.

Just Plain Goofy

"Breaking a Travel Stereotype -- Women, Minorities and Gays Make Business Trips, Too." -- Headline to Michael Luongo's May 23 Business story.

"Sami Antar also blew a large hole in his circle of family and friends, who did not see this coming." -- Steven Erlanger on a Palestinian suicide bomber, January 20.

"Careers that last as long and have been as distinguished as [singer Tony] Bennett's have something to tell us about collective cultural experience over decades. It has been said that Sinatra's journey from skinny, starry-eyed 'Frankie,' strewing hearts and flowers, to the imperious, volatile Chairman of the Board roughly parallels an American loss of innocence. As Sinatra entered his noir period in the mid-1950's, his romantic faith gave way to a soul-searching existentialism that yielded the most psychologically complex popular music ever recorded. Following a similar arc, the country grew from a nation of hungry dreamers fleeing the Depression and fighting 'the good war' into an arrogant empire drunk on power and angry at the failure of the American dream to bring utopia."

-- Critic-at-large Stephen Holden, August 2.

"Mao's image may also be considered China's first and only global brand. Even though China is a rising economic power, it still does not have a BMW or a Coca-Cola to sell to the rest of the world. But it does have Mao -- a kind of George Washington, James Dean and Che Guevara wrapped in one; a historic and pop figure who continues to be hip and fashionable, even when Communism and the Communist Party are not." -- From David Barboza's May 28 Week in Review story on mass murderer Mao Tse-Tung.

"Just hours before, Mr. Ahmadinejad took issue with the great Satan, too. But what a difference. Where Mr. Chávez was Khrushchevian, waving around books and stopping just short of shoe-banging, Mr. Ahmadinejad was flowery, almost Socratic in his description of behavior that only the devil would condone." -- Helene Cooper, September 21.

"I've been taking my daughter around the block lately, helping her unload Girl Scout cookies on obliging neighbors -- and wondering whether we're killing them. The problem is that most of those Girl Scout cookies have trans fatty acids. Those are the worst kind of fat, killing far more Americans than Al Qaeda manages to." -- From Nicholas Kristof's May 21 column.

Special Hypocrisy Section

"Greed was on display throughout 2005 as throngs of executives pocketed pay that was even greater than the previous year's. To hear them talk, they deserved the amounts because -- are you sitting down? -- they enhanced shareholder value. Never mind that many of their companies' stocks ended the year lower than where they began it."
-- Economics reporter/columnist Gretchen Morgenson, January 1.


"A year ago -- on Jan. 3, 2005 -- Times stock closed at 47.2. On Jan. 3, 2006, the stock was trading at a day's low of 26.16….the real surprise to staffers was, instead, the generous holiday handouts on the paper's 14th floor. In addition to [Times chief executive Janet] Robinson's 74,000 shares of free Class A stock, publisher Arthur Sulzberger Jr. received 30,000 shares, worth a bit less than $800,000, plus stock options worth about $4.1 million." -- From the January 16 edition of the New York Observer.

Bias? What Bias?

"I bet you don't believe me, but it's the truth: Reporters are driven by digging out the news, not by pressing partisan opinions." -- Managing Editor Richard Berke in an online Q&A, September 12.

"It is a liberal editorial page and a liberal editorial board that reflects core values the paper has had for a long time. But I would challenge anyone, if you look at our news reports on those big issues of the day -- tax policy, foreign affairs -- to say it is a liberal newspaper. It is objectivity they strive hard to do." -- New York Times Editorial Page Editor Gail Collins, in an interview with Joe Strupp of Editor & Publisher, July 14.

And now…

The New York Times Quote of the Year

"It wasn't supposed to be this way. You weren't supposed to be graduating into an America fighting a misbegotten war in a foreign land. You weren't supposed to be graduating into a world where we are still fighting for fundamental human rights, whether it's the rights of immigrants to start a new life, or the rights of gays to marry, or the rights of women to choose. You weren't supposed to be graduating into a world where oil still drove policy and environmentalists have to fight relentlessly for every gain. You weren't. But you are. And for that, I'm sorry."

-- From New York Times Publisher Arthur Sulzberger Jr.'s May 21 commencement address at the State University of New York at New Paltz.

C-SPAN has posted streaming Real video of the entire address.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 28 Dec, 2006 08:56 am
The New York Times Quote of the Year

"It wasn't supposed to be this way. You weren't supposed to be graduating into an America fighting a misbegotten war in a foreign land. You weren't supposed to be graduating into a world where we are still fighting for fundamental human rights, whether it's the rights of immigrants to start a new life, or the rights of gays to marry, or the rights of women to choose. You weren't supposed to be graduating into a world where oil still drove policy and environmentalists have to fight relentlessly for every gain. You weren't. But you are. And for that, I'm sorry."

-- From New York Times Publisher Arthur Sulzberger Jr.'s May 21 commencement address at the State University of New York at New Paltz.

Coulter responding to Hardball host Chris Matthews' question, "How do you know that [former President] Bill Clinton's gay?": "I don't know if he's gay. But [former Vice President] Al Gore -- total fag." [7/27/06]

I've always admired the depth and the sincerity of your apprehension of the Christian message, tico.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 28 Dec, 2006 09:10 am
blatham wrote:
I've always admired the depth and the sincerity of your apprehension of the Christian message, tico.

Merry Christmas, Bernie.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 28 Dec, 2006 09:18 am

And peace on earth. And goodwill towards men of the sort who are exempted from our various hatreds.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 28 Dec, 2006 09:22 am
blatham wrote:

And peace on earth. And goodwill towards men of the sort who are exempted from our various hatreds.


But shouldn't you be out hugging a tree in Central Park?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 28 Dec, 2006 10:21 am
Why President Bush is a Hero
0 Replies
Reply Thu 28 Dec, 2006 11:23 am
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 28 Dec, 2006 11:33 am
For some "balance" on Bush.

Bush Born on Third Base -- Thinks He Hit A Triple
In his first four years, George W. Bush managed to destroy millions of jobs, to alienate most of the world's people, and to declare perpetual war. Just imagine what he'll do now that he has another chance! After all, he's only begun to loot social security, and his band of Likud-loving neo-con zealots have a lot more Muslim nations to invade and conquer. God has told him that he is fighting on the side of Good in a war against the "forces of evil." He's a war president with war on his mind, and We The People should be glad he has anything on his mind at all, because for a man of such minor intellect, it's a real burden to think at all. That explains why he had so many nice things to say about Don Rumsfeld when the public learned that Don had allowed detainees to be killed and tortured under his watch. It also explains why Bush has such regard for Dick Cheney, even though Dick's dealings with Halliburton before and after becoming the Vice President rank right up there with the criminal misdeeds of Enron's "Kenny Boy" Lay. Or why he thinks new-cyoo-ler energy is "clean." It explains why he appointed John Ashcroft attorney general, a man who couldn't win a senate race against a dead opponent, and who has remained unapologetic about his mismanagement despite his failure to fund counter-terrorism efforts in early 2001.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 28 Dec, 2006 11:36 am
Ford Disagreed With Bush About Invading Iraq

By Bob Woodward
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, December 28, 2006; Page A01

Former president Gerald R. Ford said in an embargoed interview in July 2004 that the Iraq war was not justified. "I don't think I would have gone to war," he said a little more than a year after President Bush launched the invasion advocated and carried out by prominent veterans of Ford's own administration.

In a four-hour conversation at his house in Beaver Creek, Colo., Ford "very strongly" disagreed with the current president's justifications for invading Iraq and said he would have pushed alternatives, such as sanctions, much more vigorously. In the tape-recorded interview, Ford was critical not only of Bush but also of Vice President Cheney -- Ford's White House chief of staff -- and then-Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, who served as Ford's chief of staff and then his Pentagon chief.

President Gerald R. Ford, center, with Chief of Staff Donald H. Rumsfeld, left, and Rumsfeld's assistant, Dick Cheney, on April 28, 1975. (By David Hume Kennerly -- Ford Library Via Associated Press)

On July 28, 2004, former president Gerald R. Ford sat down for an interview with The Washington Post's Bob Woodward. The interview was conducted at Ford's Beaver Creek, Colo., house; the former president agreed that his comments could be published any time after his death. Below are audio excerpts from the interview:

LISTEN: Ford says he does not believe the United States should intervene militarily overseas unless it is directly in America's national interests.
LISTEN: Ford says that, based on the facts as he understands them, he does not think that he would have ordered the Iraq war if he had been president.
LISTEN: Ford says he believes that President Bush, Vice President Cheney and Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld erred in justifying the Iraq war as one aimed at eliminating Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction.
LISTEN: Ford says that while he never publicly criticized the Bush administration's war in Iraq, he does think they made a mistake in how they justified the war.

Gerald Ford and the Press
Ron Nessen, press secretary to President Gerald Ford from 1974 - 1977, discusses the former president, from his rise to the presidency after the Watergate scandal to his unsuccessful bid to be elected president.

"Rumsfeld and Cheney and the president made a big mistake in justifying going into the war in Iraq. They put the emphasis on weapons of mass destruction," Ford said. "And now, I've never publicly said I thought they made a mistake, but I felt very strongly it was an error in how they should justify what they were going to do."

In a conversation that veered between the current realities of a war in the Middle East and the old complexities of the war in Vietnam whose bitter end he presided over as president, Ford took issue with the notion of the United States entering a conflict in service of the idea of spreading democracy.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 28 Dec, 2006 11:47 am
cicerone imposter wrote:
For some "balance" on Bush.


Why would you think posting the wacko bleatings of a deranged Bushophobe would provide balance?
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 28 Dec, 2006 11:52 am
Because all the Bush supprt comments are psychotic and fiction.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 28 Dec, 2006 11:55 am
cicerone imposter wrote:
Because all the Bush supprt comments are psychotic and fiction.

It's not as if we all didn't know it before, but you continue to hyperbolically demonstrate how balanced and reasoned your perspective is.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 28 Dec, 2006 11:59 am
Balanced and reason concerning Bush is an oxymoron to begin with.

I'll just start with "I'm a uniter, not a divider." Or how about "mission accomplished!"
0 Replies

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