It's time for a conspiracy theory forum

Reply Fri 15 Sep, 2006 03:47 pm
According to the Wikipedia article on the Whitewater investigation, which includes much more than the Lewinski blow job, the Office of the Special Prosecutor spent fewer than $80,000,000. (That article is linked below, and includes their sources.) F4F is trying to bullshit us that more than 500 times that amount was spent. Small wonder F4F has zero credibility beyond a small coterie of other wild-eyed conspiracy fanatics.

[url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whitewater_scandal#Ray_Report][b]The Wikipedia Article[/b][/url] wrote:
Kenneth Starr's successor, Robert Ray, released a report in September of 2000 that stated "This office determined that the evidence was insufficient to prove to a jury beyond a reasonable doubt that either President or Mrs. Clinton knowingly participated in any criminal conduct." Ray's report effectively ended the Whitewater investigation, with a total cost to American taxpayers of nearly $80 million dollars.
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Reply Fri 15 Sep, 2006 03:51 pm
Setanta wrote:
freedom4free wrote:
They spent $40 Billion investigating Clintons BJ, and $15 Billion on 911 - America's worst terrorist attack in history.

What a loon.

What is your source for the outrageously hilarious claim that the United Staes government spent $40,000,000,000 investigating Clinton's blow job.

Small wonder everyone thinks you're a nut case, when you attempt to peddle bullshit like that.

Got it wrong, Million not Billion. Typo error.

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Reply Fri 15 Sep, 2006 03:54 pm
And after all of that expenditure, Clinton was convicted of nothing. The Senate threw out the fake charges!!!
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Reply Fri 15 Sep, 2006 03:56 pm
freedom4free wrote:
Dartagnan wrote:
What I find most amusing about the conspiracy fans is their self-righteousness, as in, "Those who reject us are afraid of the truth!"

Such zeal. It's almost touching...

Isn't that obvious. If the righties wern't afraid of the 'truth', they would have demanded a re-investigation of 9/11. They spent $40 Billion investigating Clintons BJ, and $15 Billion on 911 - America's worst terrorist attack in history.

It's not just righties who reject your theory, and I am not one. You might know this if you spent any time on threads other than those dedicated to 9/11 and the theme of all Jews as thugs. Come up for air some time.
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Reply Fri 15 Sep, 2006 04:01 pm
Dartagnan wrote:
It's not just righties who reject your theory, and I am not one. You might know this if you spent any time on threads other than those dedicated to 9/11 and the theme of all Jews as thugs. Come up for air some time.

Don't hold your breath waiting for that to happen.
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Reply Fri 15 Sep, 2006 04:04 pm
Dartagnan wrote:
freedom4free wrote:
Dartagnan wrote:
What I find most amusing about the conspiracy fans is their self-righteousness, as in, "Those who reject us are afraid of the truth!"

Such zeal. It's almost touching...

Isn't that obvious. If the righties weren't afraid of the 'truth', they would have demanded a re-investigation of 9/11. They spent $40 Billion investigating Clintons BJ, and $15 Billion on 911 - America's worst terrorist attack in history.

It's not just righties who reject your theory, and I am not one. You might know this if you spent any time on threads other than those dedicated to 9/11 and the theme of all Jews as thugs. Come up for air some time.

Thanks for answering the question, that explains why they spent more on Clintons BJ than 9/11. Good work. Rolling Eyes
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Reply Fri 15 Sep, 2006 04:40 pm
Million, billion, gazillion....
Any way you slice it, republicans would have ensured that any amount flowed in the right direction in order to neuter Slick.
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Merry Andrew
Reply Fri 15 Sep, 2006 05:05 pm
I know the truth. But I ain't telling.

But, as for your suggestion, joe, I think it's excellent. If we fail to clean up the Politics forum and get the C-Theorists into their own padded cells, our entire democratic system is in grave peril. The terrorists have already won. It's too late to do anything about that. But maybe -- just maybe -- we can still preserve some semblance of the democratic process. Ok, call me a dreamer, but I think there's a chance it it can be done.
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Reply Sat 16 Sep, 2006 05:31 am
Voted in favour of Joe's idea.
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Reply Sat 16 Sep, 2006 05:35 am
Re: It's time for a conspiracy theory forum
Thomas wrote:
Everybody thinks they have well-funded opinions. Conspiracy stories is what everybody else has. So I don't think anyone would start a thread in this forum.

That need not be a problem. Threads are being moved around to a more correct forum by the moderators all the time.
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Reply Sat 16 Sep, 2006 06:11 am
Re: It's time for a conspiracy theory forum
nimh wrote:
Thomas wrote:
Everybody thinks they have well-funded opinions. Conspiracy stories is what everybody else has. So I don't think anyone would start a thread in this forum.

That need not be a problem. Threads are being moved around to a more correct forum by the moderators all the time.

Yeah, Joe already said that. Who are you and him getting your instructions from? Mossad? CIA? Section 31?
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Reply Sat 16 Sep, 2006 07:03 am
The Fourth International.
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Reply Sat 16 Sep, 2006 07:33 am
Thomas knows too much: he must be dealt with.
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Reply Sat 16 Sep, 2006 02:03 pm
Why are we joking on a serious matter. Doesn't anyone pay attention to the news? Hugo Chavez, the PRESIDENT of Venezuela has said that the evidence on 9/11 points to Bushie and the Jews as the conspirators who caused the deaths of 3,000 people!!
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Merry Andrew
Reply Sat 16 Sep, 2006 02:06 pm
MarionT wrote:
Why are we joking on a serious matter. Doesn't anyone pay attention to the news? Hugo Chavez, the PRESIDENT of Venezuela has said that the evidence on 9/11 points to Bushie and the Jews as the conspirators who caused the deaths of 3,000 people!!

Are you off your meds again, Marion?
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Reply Sat 16 Sep, 2006 02:07 pm
What are you saying? Are you denying that Hugo Chavez said that? Look it up! He did say that!!
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Merry Andrew
Reply Sat 16 Sep, 2006 02:10 pm
MarionT wrote:
What are you saying? Are you denying that Hugo Chavez said that? Look it up! He did say that!!

I don't doubt for a moment that he said that. And he is -- what? The ultimate authority? Fearless Leader? The president of Venezuela spouts some nonsense and this is supposed to be a pronouncement from On High???
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Reply Sat 16 Sep, 2006 02:15 pm
If you listen to the Bushites you would think that only creepy characters who hide in caves believe what Chavez said. In fact, I would bet that most of the people at the conference where he spoke believe that it is true that Bushie and his people conspired with the Mossad to kill 3,000 of our citizens in order to consolidate power and attack the Middle East to get its oil.
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Reply Sat 16 Sep, 2006 02:27 pm
You know, its funny, I got a chance last night to doublecheck that I really behave very differently IRL than here.

I was at this small party, nine or ten of us sitting around eating and drinking. There was this American guy, I really like him, he's an artist, in his fifties I guess, big bushy beard, very kind. He was talking with his friend and me, and explaining to his Hungarian friend how the Democrats were going to win in November, Bush was falling and falling in the polls, to the high twenties now - and once the Democrats were going to get in they would impeach Bush - for war crimes.

Whew, where to even begin. I let the polls thing go, Bush falling to the high 20s was true enough a coupla months ago (OK, four months ago), who's to quibble at a party. So I only expressed cautious hesitation that the Democrats would really impeach Bush, you know, considering that they say they wont, after all. - Yes, of course they are saying that, but once they win they will have to. OK, I let that slide too, and only politely smiled that well, I was a little less optimistic than him about being so sure the Democrats would win. After all, two years ago everyone also said that Bush wouldnt win.

Ah, but he didnt!, my artist acquaintance retorted. Bush didnt win. It was the voting machines, they rigged it, Diebold. You know who won? Halliburton, thats who won! I nodded vaguely and as he turned to his Hungarian friend to explain what Halliburton was, drifted off into the other room to take a peek at Susannah's fascinating book collection, before joining some of the others.

Its odd, huh, how one can be so much wiser IRL than here?
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Reply Sat 16 Sep, 2006 02:29 pm
<providing case in point>

MarionT wrote:
If you listen to the Bushites you would think that only creepy characters who hide in caves believe what Chavez said.

What about if you listen to the many of us liberals and social-democrats who despise Bush but would also not put much belief in what Chavez says?
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