Graphic from the print report in today's Chicago Tribune (15.09.2006, page 3)
Added from own search:
Escherichia coli (O157:H7) is an emerging cause of food-borne illness. An estimated 73,000 cases of infection and 61 deaths occur in the United States each year
Infection often leads to bloody diarrhea, and occasionally to kidney failure. Most illness has been associated with eating undercooked, contaminated ground beef
Person-to-person contact in families and child care centers is also an important mode of transmission
Infection can also occur after drinking raw milk and after swimming in or drinking sewage-contaminated water
Consumers can prevent E. coli O157:H7 infection by thoroughly cooking ground beef, avoiding un-pasteurized milk, and washing hands carefully
Because the organism lives in the intestines of healthy cattle, preventive measures on cattle farms and during meat processing are being investigated