Thank you for the suggestions but I've tried both, Swimpy. The bleach works for that one load but I don't like the harsh chemicals in bleach and don't like to use it often. And I can't bleach colored clothes. I'm going to try vinegar today but who likes to go around smelling like vinegar? Also, I use only 1 or 2 Tbs of detergent at the most all the time. That is one of the things I have loved is the savings in detergents but now I have a lot of stinky clothes and am supposed to wait three days for a repairman. But, if I miss the call they may make that day, I miss the repairman, as I was told by the repair center.
I bought one of the most expensive machines on the market and hubby wanted to skip the warranty. We now have a one year warranty but I haven't heard great news about the service anyway. I guess I thought that if we paid between $2500 and $3000 for a set of washer and dryer, it might actually last for a few years.
From what I understand the Kenmore Elites were made by three different companies but I don't know how to verify that information. Some have had problems, serious problems.
I used the liquid detergent because a doctor told me many years ago that they rinsed out of clothes better than the powder and my 10yos has skin sensitivities and allergy problems. But, perhaps I'll try the powder and see how he does, and the machine. Do you use just a Tbs or two of the powder as well in your front loader?
Thanks so much for the tips. I'm open to trying about anything. Something else that sticks in my mind is the fact that when hubby cleaned the drain out, there was gunky goop around it that looks like fabric softener. One small bottle of Downy will last me probably two years or more because we don't use it that often. I love good smelling clothes but the fragrances can be bothersome to my son, they are hard on your clothes and I get nauseous easily when pregnant. Thanks again.