Just 'cos you're an old codger with a stick - doesn't give you the right to judge, Mr Gussethoffer or whatever your name is...
I've seen your signature - who said that? I'll killem! Dead!
I'm not being judgemental, smorgs. I found your story to be quite entertaining and I only wish I had been there to take advantage of you while you were in such a state.
Sounds like a good time was had by all, Sarah. Hope you're recovering OK.
Thanks, Ellpus...
Nice to know someone cares...
I'm not actually - do you think I'm safe to drive?
I'll just have to come and pick you up, I suppose.
Is that really a no, Ellpus?
Am I not safe yet?
When is it safe?
Seriously? It depends on how much you had to drink.
Without getting too technical, a rule of thumb is at least 18 hours for a man who's had a skin full, and up to 24 hours for a woman.
This varies wildly though, depending on your own metabolism.
D'ya think the cat would go to the chemist for me, if I tuck a fiver and a note in her collar?
All the food and treats I give that cat as well!
Should have got a dog!
Poor smorgs, I would go for you if I lived near.
Hi smorgs, Mr G won't let me get drunk. He says I have to be a good girl and if I drink to much it makes me a silly girl. So I just have two drinks and then drink soft drinks
But I have a sniff when I go to the ladies.
One thing seemingly lacking in your knowledge smorgsy is that the female liver is appreciably smaller than that of males and thus alcohol has a more deleterious effect on ladies than on gentlemen. And by quite a margin.
I would concern yourself more with that than with whether you are fit to drive which is a trivial matter.
Dearie dearie me Lyn- that was a cheap way of getting a stripe.
What is a stripe Mr Spendius
It is a manifestation of being approved of in the context I used it.
It does have other meanings but I will refrain from mentioning them in order to avoid exciting you, and possibly others.
That is not a sensible answer Mr Spendius
And a manifestation means like when a ghost comes
Do you have lemsip, smorgs? Loads of honey in one of those, works a treat, I find.
Do ghosts come. I never knew that. Not ordinary ghosts at least.
Stripes are those chevrons which are sewn onto the uniform of military personnel usually on the upper sleeve but not always. A lance-corporal has one, a corporal two and a sergeant three. These can be elaborated of course with other insignia.
Do you not have a dictionary Lyn?
Did I make you laugh smorgs and I cant answer your letter either