No, no theme Steve, but it's going to be couples...
I'm going to be out of place...
Women hate, women like me at parties like this! The world according to smorgs...
Darn't flirt - in case there's some eagle eyed housewifey, polyester-clad harriden, clutching a glass of lambrini - keeping tabs on 'her man'.
And it's all open plan so I can't even seek sanctuary in the kitchen.
I'm begining to sound bitter (smorgs slaps her self around the face and plugs in her Carmens)
harridens, carmens, lambrini
this is a new world to me s
anyway have a good time
or if you do remember to drink 1/2 pint water and a couple of paracetemols before hitting the sack
(Friend of mine in Cornwall is going to a punk party tonight...took her ages to chose the right bin liner)
Take no notice of him smorgs, make sure you take a crisp tenner with you
you never know when you'll need it.
Get the choker on and a tiara and tell em your revival as Shirley Valentine is all on account of The F Plan. :wink:
what time is it? I'm so drunk.....
Ha! It WAS about 12.30, sg.
Talk to you tomorrow....sounds like you had a great time.
Laugh a little louder why dontcha!
Why on earth are you up so early, Smorgs? It's Sunday at your end,
remember? Go back to bed!!
Because I'm ill calam... HAD to get up!
Oh! I am sorry to hear that, Sarah. Hope you're feeling better soon....
Why me? It's not even 10:00 pm here....
Poor smorgs. Sick and all. I'm going to have a hard time getting through the day just thinking about that suffering British lass.
CalamityJane wrote:Why me? It's not even 10:00 pm here....
You're frail, Jane. You need your rest.
And thanks for that link, by the way. I don't recall if I thanked you previously.
You could visit her - play a bit Florence F***ing Nightingale
gustavratzenhofer wrote:
And thanks for that link, by the way. I don't recall if I thanked you previously.
Right, you never ever thanked me for anything.
Aren't we chippy this evening.