McTag wrote: It's amazing how many surnames you can get from (old) occupations
Farmer, Groom, Shepherd, Grieve
Skinner, Tanner, Sadler, Cooper
Fisher, Smith, Cook, Gardener
Thatcher, Joyner, Waller, Carpenter
Taylor, Weaver, Carver, Mason
Clark, Scrivener, Sawyer, Planer
Driver, Millward, Turner, Coleman
Plater, Potter, Merchant, Baker
That's a very interesting theme you started there, McTag
-You think so, mate? kind of you to say so. I wasn't sure if folks would go for it, like
Oh Yeah! It's fascinatin'. Kind of interestin', if you get my drift. You think there are any more, maybe?
-Well, there might be a few. Lessee, now
Slater, Glover, Fuller, Wright
Forester, Warriner, Tinker, Roper
Collier, Cutler, Lister! Hah, that's a good one! Geddit?
Okay maybe you can stop now.