Ok. I completely understand if you have a dislike for it, because it is a matter of personal taste, and it is my misinerpetation of what everyone has been saying, as no-one really given an in-depth opinion on it before on the thread, so I just presumed that no one
had one.
My mistake.
Quote:Modern art has broken the barriers of the preconcieved ideas of what art should be like in order for artists to express themselves fully.
Now this is what I don't understand; what barriers? And who's preconcieved barriers? Not mine. There are many works of art that I admire, particularly Hepworth. Artists have always expressed themselves fully, that's why they are artists.
Have artists expressed themselves fully? In the past, I am sure that some haven't. Don't forget that artists need to eat, why do you think so many of them died in poverty, they became famous, then pushed the boundaries of art to try and express themselves further (e.g. rembrant) then everyone said 'this isn't art, this is a monstrosity!' and didn't pay them.
People do have preconcieved barriers of what art is, look at critics such as Clement greenburg, talking of 'high art' and 'low art' all the time.
If people dont have preconcieved ideas about what art is then why do we get the'modern art isn't really art' arguments.
You simply cannot say Modern art is better than 'old art'.
I didn't say that, I said in some ways, I think it is better.
Quote:I'm aware that the light turning off and on is a comment on modern life, what else could it be? Sitting in front of a Van Gogh will make you think and reflect, but then Van Gogh is 'modern art'. But there is no reason to sit in front of an unmade bed and reflect on another woman's life and past relationships, I have them of my own, why should Emin's be more significant than mine? What is it saying to me? Absolutely nothing. What is it saying about class and elitism? Shed loads, to use the vernacular.
In this case, your opinion is that you don't like modern art because you don't see it's relevence? Fair enough.
Quote:so no, not everybody CAN do that
You mean that not everyone has a chance to make an instillation about a light turning on and off.
But what I meant was, anyone canmake a light turn on and off. Providing you have a light, of course.
Like wise, all this is just my humble opinion too. Its nice to have a good debate about such a subject.
I am intrested on your opinion that art is about elitism.
pq xxxxxxxxxxxx