Steve wrote-
Quote: People with a more aspirational outlook are constantly surprised and irritated when things screw up.
I heard Carmina Burana in full the morning. It was on Classic FM I think they call it. I listen to that a lot. It was inspiring. I pulled into the first stopping place.
The trouble is Steve that we need people, not all, to be aspirational and it is the nature of aspirational people to be impatient and get irritated when they can't just get what they want and thus no blame in incurred. One may as well blame them for having bow-legs.
That's not really the problem. The problem, it seems to me, is continuing the aspiration drive once reasonable expectations have been met which is a function of a larger force or forces.
I was aspirational. More than most. But I knew when to knock it off. I wasn't going to work my whatsits off and spend my precious time in impatient irritation aspiring to a pile of nonsense like going on bloody foreign holidays and buying the most expensive engagement ring just because Posh has been flashing a 100grander at the starry eyed.
I had read Veblen you see. Twice. I didn't quite understand it the first time but I got it clean and neat next.
Then the youthful aspiration faded out to the point where it only returns in dreams on proper lettuce leaves like the other night when I opened this chest in a sunken wreck and the lucre sparkled like Haggard described it in King Solomon's Mines and there was green slime on the lid.
I aspire to higher things now (reaches for onion).
And money's no use.
Wanna see some aspiration described Steve?
Try Leo Vincey in Ayeasha and..of course
Spendius in that masterpiece Salammbo.
I might easily have chosen Vincey for my username but I'm glad I didn't.
Spendius aspired to his homeland. Leo aspired to the "WOMAN".