Chai Tea wrote:OK
I just went back and looked at your previous posts exitmusic.....correct me if I'm wrong with this recap....
You posted on 8/14 that you engaged in some heavy petting and oral sex, and your boyfriend, who MAY have gotten some ejaculate on his hand, and put his finger in your vagina. This happened on the 10th.
You say you were due to get your period in about 3 weeks. That BTW, makes you due for you period on 9/11, which is still a few days away. All these occured 4 days before you posted, you would still be due right around now.
Young Lady, and I use the term loosely; apparently you don't read very carefully. I have my dates perfectly straight, as you can see. In addition, I have 33 years on you as far as counting the days to my next cycle, so I would trust my math.
For someone who was trembling in their boots just a few hours ago, you're acting very blithely. I wasn't the one sure my life was down the toilet because of some diddling.
By the way dear, it seems when you blasted off at me at how judgemental I am, you neglected to say you'd gotten your period. What, did that happen suddenly between your little speech and when you read my 2nd post?
So, welcome to the club. Nearly everyone goes through this at least once. You had some very nice ladies hold your hand and say "there, there dear". I'm not that nice. If you could figure out a way to get alone with your boyfriend to get felt up, you could've figured out a way to get a pregancy test. Instead, you used some here as surrogate mothers. That's fine. I guess it's what you needed. I'm not maternal, and certainly owe no one an apology for not being a mommy giving advice type.
Finally, every time you brought up using birth control pills to miscarry, I had to laugh. Think about it exitmusic....If someone was on birth control pills happened to get pregnant anyway, she would have continued taking the pills for a length of time after getting pregnant regardless. Obviously taking the pills didn't cause that woman to miscarry.
Before you continue calling out names, read over desperate posts, begging for reassurance and advice, then compare how you can now blow it off.
So, you're a woman now....take responsibility for yourself.
14 years old is old enough to know what goes where, but young enough for you to respect your elders, especially when up to this time you've shown a wealth of disinformation.
Tell your boyfriend to go buy a box of rubbers, and keep them in a cool, dry place....not his wallet, where it can get holes in it, and not the glove compartment of a car, or some other hot place.
And don't start in with this "I'm going to try not to have sex stuff" The operative word there is "try" Be prepared all the time.
I'm not your mother so I'm not going to talk to you about morals, especially since I don't have that many myself. I'm not cuddlely either, so call me whatever you want...
The responsibililty for your body is in your hands now.
Good luck and good night.