I think I may have started the confusion re: taking birth control pills after becoming pregnant having a bad effect on the pregnancy, sorry. From my bc pill package insert:
Quote:1.Missed periods and use of oral contraceptives before or during early pregancy
There may be times when you may not menstruate regularly after you have completed taking a cycle of pills. If you have taken your pills regularly and you miss one menstrual period, continue taking your pills for the next cycle but be sure to inform your health care provider before doing so. If you have not taken the pills daily as instructed and missed a menstrual period, you may be pregnant. If you missed two consecutive menstrual periods, you may be pregnant. Check with your health care provider immediately to determine whether you are pregnant. Do not continue to take oral contraceptives until you are sure you are not pregnant, but continue to use another method of contraception.
There is no conclusive evidence that oral contraceptive use is associated with an increase in birth defects, when taken inadvertently during early pregnancy. Previously, a few studies had reported that oral contraceptives might be associated with birthdefects, but these findings have not been seen in more recent studies. Nevertheless, oral contraceptives or any other drugs should not be used during pregnancy unless clearly necesary and prescribed by your doctor.
That's for mine, yours might be different.
I'd suggest:
1.) Find your package insert + read it.
2.) Get a pregnancy test.
3.) Use other forms of contraception until you get your period (if you're not pregnant).
4.) Once you have your period, start a new packet of bc pills.
5.) Most importantly, and superceding 1-4, talk to a doctor about all of this.