The Republican leader in the Senate said that Iraq's weapons of mass destruction was not the main justification for the US-led invasion of Iraq.
"I'm not sure that's the major reason we went to war," Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist told NBC's Today Show.
"I am absolutely convinced, based on the information that's been given to me, that the weapon of mass destruction which can kill more people than an atomic bomb -- that is, biological weapons -- is in the hands of the leadership of Iraq."
Bill Frist
MSNBC Interview
January 10, 2003
"What is unique about Iraq compared to, I would argue, any other country in the world, in this juncture, is the exhaustion of diplomacy thus far, and, No. 2, this intersection of weapons of mass destruction."
Bill Frist
NewsHour Interview
January 22, 2003
"Iraq is a grave threat to this nation. It desires to acquire and use weapons of mass terror and is run by a despot with a proven record of willingness to use them. Iraq has had 12 years to comply with UN requirements for disarmament and has failed to do so. The president is right to say its time has run out."
Bill Frist
Press Release
January 28, 2003
Let there be no mistake about our nation's purpose in confronting Iraq: Saddam Hussein's regime poses a clear threat to the people of United States, its friends and its allies, and it is a threat that we must address now."
Bill Frist
Senate Speech
March 7, 2003
"Getting rid of Saddam Hussein's regime is our best inoculation. Destroying once and for all his weapons of disease and death is a vaccination for the world."
Dr. Bill Frist
Washington Post op-ed
March 16, 2003
The United States . . . is now at war "so we will not ever see" what terrorists could do "if supplied with weapons of mass destruction by Saddam Hussein."
Bill Frist
Senate Debate
March 20, 2003
"We simply cannot live in fear of a ruthless dictator, aggressor and terrorist such as Saddam Hussein, who possesses the world's most deadly weapons."
Bill Frist
Speech to American Israel Political Action Committee
March 31, 2003
"I am not eager to send young Americans into harm's way in Iraq, or to see innocent people killed or hurt in military operations. Given all of the facts and circumstances known to us, however, I am convinced that if we wait, a threat will continue to materialize in Iraq that could cause incalculable damage to world peace in general, and to the United States in particular."
Bill Frist
Letter to Future of Freedom Foundation
March, 2003
I would say that Frist, physician and majority leader, has officially earned an honorary doctorate in Revisionism from Rush Limbaugh's College of Advanced Conservative Studies.