Tue 22 Aug, 2006 07:07 pm
As many of you know, our muslim friends have been harping that today (AUG22) would mark an "end of times" in their modi of timekeeping. Ive maxed out my credit cards, was about ready to take delivery of a new San Juan 58' yatch, and was gonna take up drinking again.
Well, good sense prevailed when, at 3PM, crusty and dirty from working on the sludgiest piece of boat paraphernalia one could imagine, I realized that, hey, everything is still OK. BUT, I then thought, "The day aint over yet" Well, here it is 9PM EDT which would make it about ^AM tomorrow, Mecca Time.
We seemed to have been led astray by those crazy 'Slamers. I noticed that, this PM Mahmoud Ahmedinijad was in a very accomodating mood, willing to talk about "deals" and "proposals".
The last big Cosmic "no show" was in 1917 when Charles TAze Russlell, predicting the return to earth of Jesus, had to do a lot of sidestepping of the issue to reporters . His argument was that "Yep, jesus came down, in spirit , and just took off again"
Never busy yourself in predicting Messiah reappearances or 7 horse parlays
Yeah......but they didn't say when today... it's still only 9:15 EST....
I covered my ass on that point . Its now 9;20, whats that glow in the sky?
the bursting of 72 Hymens?
Everybody knows Nostradamus is the real authority on predicting end times and everything else. He even predicted the Muslims would wrongly pick today.
farmerman : you should have told me yesterday ... don't feel like going out at night and maxing out my creditcard ... well , there is always a 'next time' ...
cant argue with ole Notre Dame.
Im still gonna have 2 dips of ice cream .
2012, 21st of December....
...the second coming of Elvis.
well ****.
I missed another reason to have a " the sky is falling" party
why am I always the last to know?
Here you go...two dozen party dates.
My girlfriend told me about this a lunch today, so we ordered fried chicken, macaroni & cheese and had pie with ice cream for desert. We were sure we wouldn't have to pay the consequences tomorrow. Now I'll have to live on salad and water for a week - damn lousy predictions...
Good Morning. Now how am I gonna pay for this Lamborghini?
well squinney is downstairs paying off the transvestite dwarves and shooing out the mule and I'm about to go to the dump with the rubber sheets and all this kitty litter......... man do we feel sheepish....
Aug 23, Aunt Flo finally visits after 20 weeks and 3 days.
If only the world had ended yesterday.
Well Chai, at least you can go and paint the town red....
Welcome home Lord. So the world didnt end over on your side of the planet either eh?
The world dropped out of my brother's bottom on or around August 15th, due to an over exposed egg and truffle entree, but apart from that, everything seems tickety-boo over here, fm.
Someone should go over to one of the ISWlam threads and let them know that theyre as full of crap as the CAtholics.
I agree in principle farmerman but must admit that I'd rather be buggered by a priest than have my head cut off by a islamofascist.
(actually I just like using the word islamofascist.... rolls right off the tongue... the newest euphemism for slimy c*nt among polite society) :wink: