Definitely include pyrotechnics then....pull a 'Great White' and you will be forever remembered
von, I'm not sure why you kept the date of your speech a secret up until now, but pyrotechnics will definitely win you a place in history of the school - and maybe the fire department. c.i.
Now, in what country are you situated ?
With a speech in the dead heat of summer assuming that youre not in the deep southern hemisphere, youre going to have to liven it up or everyones going to zone out . I think that we should return to the concept of you interviewing a bunch of the members of the class from the podium. Of course, everyone will have stock prepared answers(prepared by you) and you will weave a splendid story concocted to give your buds who arent valedictorians, a little of the fifteen minutes. Also, more importantly, they wont fall asleep.
You think you could pull off this sort of thing ?
Wait, hold on -- you just mean "15 minutes of fame," right farmerman? If the dude's expected to go for a quarter of an hour at that podium in front of a captive audience, I'd recommend laryngitis.
SARS would definitely be a way out. c.i.
Cav don't like SARS jokes right now

I know c.i. was only being sarscastic
Sorry, cav, sometimes sarcasm can backfire - like this one. c.i.
No time ;(
Hmm .. sounds like a good idea but.. I don't have much time for the speech. Especially that the principal of the school along with a few other "high ranked guests" are going to give speeches as well. So I have limited time for my speech there's no room for more than that
c.i. should recheck my spelling in that SARS post
cav, The worst speller on the planet has no business checking other people's spelling.
