Renatus5 wrote:Do you know what the definition of racism is, Mame? If you did, you would know you are wrong. I defy you to get a dictionary definition of Racism and post it. Of course, if your mind is closed, you won't do so.
Turns out, R5, that you are right, dictionary-wise. However, when I said "racist", I was saying it in the same context of ageist or sexist or any other
ist, whereby a person is identified by their age, race, or gender. That is to say that I might say, "My neighbour, you know, the old Chinese guy who lives in the blue house", identifying him as being old, Chinese and living in the blue house. If he weren't Chinese, I would have said, "The old guy who blah blah...". It's discriminatory in a small way because some of these descriptives may not be necessary (as in, perhaps he is the only Old Guy, or only Chinese Guy, or only Blue House, etc)...but we say them anyway, and it's good to look at why.
When I said what I said in my last post, I was certainly not referring to behaviour such as calling someone a "spick" which is something no enlightened individual would do.
Is this making any sense?
Am I going to get slimed? Should I get a towel?