Lamont Leading Lieberman In Early REturns

Reply Wed 9 Aug, 2006 07:39 am
How are you practicing your "profiling", cjhsa?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 9 Aug, 2006 07:44 am
cjhsa wrote:
The fact those two lost shows how out of touch with reality Democrats and their party have become.

You think McKinney's defeat shows how out of touch with reality Democrats have become?

Never would have taken you for a McKinney fan, cjhsa.
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Reply Wed 9 Aug, 2006 07:45 am
William Rivers Pitt: It Wasn't About the War
William Rivers Pitt writes that it wasn't just the war. It was a long, slow slide that eventually tipped Lieberman's applecart. It was a process of insinuation into the cash-and-carry culture of Washington, DC. It was a series of astonishingly bad votes on incredibly important issues. It was, above all, political cowardice; Lieberman attached himself to Bush while Bush was riding high, and was unable to extract himself as Bush's popularity collapsed.
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Reply Wed 9 Aug, 2006 07:54 am
nimh wrote:

Never would have taken you for a McKinney fan, cjhsa.

You'd be right and I admit the error in my post. I didn't really follow that election, figuring she was toast.
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Reply Wed 9 Aug, 2006 08:11 am
nimh wrote:
The news for now:

Schwarz evens count with Walberg; Bouchard solid

[Henry Payne 08/08 11:11 PM]

Despite trailing by 2-1 in early returns, the night looks brighter for Michigan 7th district incumbent Joe Schwarz with each passing hour. With Schwarz's home county of Calhoun reporting at 10:45 pm, the moderate ex-doctor had pulled dead even with the more conservative Walberg, 1,936 votes to 1,944!

That leaves only Jackson County to count, and both Mitchell and Detroit News pollster Tim Kiska say this one will go right down to the last ballot.

Dunno where Henry Payne's numbers up there came from - I was watching the Michigan Secretary of State Election Returns Website on-and-off mosta the night; Schwartz won only his home county, by 5,648 to 4,167, and one other, by 4,958 to 3,988. At no time was Walberg's overall lead threatened, or in fact anything other than substantial. The final total was Walberg 33,144, Schwarz 29,349.

Predictably, McKinney, who was rejected by a nearly 3-to-2 margin, 59%/41%, in her concession speech blamed voting machines and media slander for her defeat - and the concession event itself, beyond McKinney's truculence, was indecorous.

Back to Connecticut, Lamont's victory speech had moments reminiscent of the infamous Wellstone rally from years back - gotta wonder if there might be portent there. In any event, as mentioned earlier, the Connecticut Senate race is going to be more of a contest than the DNC had planned on, and Lamont's victory well could be a Trojan Horse, a gift to The Republicans overall; its certain to provide a Republican focus point and will be used to further assail The Democrat's National Security/War on Terror stance, one of the few issues on which The Republicans score well. As of the moment, a number of reasonably respectable pundits (if that term isn't an oxymoron) are postulating a strong Lieberman performance, up to and including a possible victory, perhaps even a substantial victory, despite lack of Party support, in the November election; it is to be expected many Republicans will cast their votes for Lieberman in the event his Independent campaign remains viable over the next 3 months. The lead-up polls will be very interesting, and very closely watched.
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Reply Wed 9 Aug, 2006 09:50 am
I agree that All the Young Dudes is not a song for a woman to sing. She was on RockStar: SUpernova last night and was probably the worst contestant of the five or six that I saw. One of the panel -- not certain whether it was Tommy Lee or another band member -- cited her flat notes.

Anyway, I am not certain if this thread is about Lieberman -- who lost because he is pro-war -- or about the woman singing All the Young Dudes.

However, I found Rockstar: Supernova entertaining, after the above mentioned woman stopped singing. The vocalists were unique, talented (with that exception) and attractive in the manner of rock singers.
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Reply Wed 9 Aug, 2006 06:26 pm
cjhsa wrote:
Start profiling. I am.

No kidding. You've been profiling since Elvis had his first hit.
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Reply Wed 9 Aug, 2006 06:38 pm
plainoldme wrote:
Anyway, I am not certain if this thread is about Lieberman -- who lost because he is pro-war -- or about the woman singing All the Young Dudes.

As the thread starter, I am entitled to tell you: either one.

I was searching for PBS to see if they had an election special when I saw the numbers under the reguloar programming, so I stuck with the channel.

I must confess to having a surreal experience seeing an attractive young woman, dressed like a glam-rock star of the late seventies, singing a song somewhat misintroduced as "David Bowie's All The Young Dudes", (Bowie wrote it but Mott The Hoople had the big hit), while watching the percentages of my state's Senate race and how many precincts reporting.

I'm not sure I'm over it yet. Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Wed 9 Aug, 2006 06:49 pm
timberlandko wrote:
AP Wire: McKinney loses.

No word of a concession announcement from McKinney yet.

There weren't enough cell phones to punch enough people to a victory.

Poor thing!
0 Replies
Reply Wed 9 Aug, 2006 06:59 pm
Lash wrote:
timberlandko wrote:
AP Wire: McKinney loses.

No word of a concession announcement from McKinney yet.

There weren't enough cell phones to punch enough people to a victory.

Poor thing!

Yes, I am sure she would have fared better as a republican.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 9 Aug, 2006 07:00 pm
A moment for Lieberman.

I thought he was a class act in DC. He had high personal standards and always went with what he thought was right. His party disagreed with his views and let him know.

If you have to go out, going out with your principles intact in DC is nothing short of a miracle.

I hope he'll figure out he's a Republican, and come on over.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 9 Aug, 2006 07:02 pm
dyslexia wrote:
Lash wrote:
timberlandko wrote:
AP Wire: McKinney loses.

No word of a concession announcement from McKinney yet.

There weren't enough cell phones to punch enough people to a victory.

Poor thing!

Yes, I am sure she would have fared better as a republican.


The Dems have more dead voters than we ever dreamed of digging up.
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Reply Wed 9 Aug, 2006 07:16 pm
Lash wrote:
A moment for Lieberman.

I thought he was a class act in DC. He had high personal standards and always went with what he thought was right. His party disagreed with his views and let him know.

If you have to go out, going out with your principles intact in DC is nothing short of a miracle.

I hope he'll figure out he's a Republican, and come on over.

Quite the sentiment for someone who Republicans point out voted 90% on the liberal side.

Gee, I can't wait to hear the next round of spinning from you guys. I'm sure Karl Rove could use a few suggestions...
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Reply Wed 9 Aug, 2006 07:21 pm
I don't think you'll find many people here who felt Joe was more Dem than conservative.

Who made that 90% claim?
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Reply Wed 9 Aug, 2006 07:22 pm
Dookie, I doubt Rove is looking for pointers - the Dems are furnishing plenty of fodder as it is.
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Reply Wed 9 Aug, 2006 07:23 pm
<screaming laughter>
0 Replies
Reply Wed 9 Aug, 2006 07:27 pm
just what is the latest poll? is it that 61% of american thinks the invasion of iraq was a mistake? Joe disagrees. The majority wants him out. You all really hate majority rule? Interesting take on the republicans view of democracy.
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Reply Wed 9 Aug, 2006 07:28 pm
THis thread is destructing fast.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 9 Aug, 2006 07:32 pm
dyslexia wrote:
just what is the latest poll? is it that 61% of american thinks the invasion of iraq was a mistake? Joe disagrees. The majority wants him out. You all really hate majority rule? Interesting take on the republicans view of democracy.

Um. Chucklehead.

I agreed with what happened.

I didn't see anyone else say it shouldn't have happened.

Now that I've called you a chucklehead, I hope you don't find where anyone said it shouldn't have happened. He was a classic DINO. He just didn't know it.

Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Wed 9 Aug, 2006 07:32 pm
Lash wrote:
I don't think you'll find many people here who felt Joe was more Dem than conservative.

Who made that 90% claim?

His voting record speaks for itself; Joe's a Librul's liberal. 90% overall is a little overgenerous, however, he scored up in those reaches only once that I can think of. Over his 18 years in the Senate, he's averaged something like 80% Liberal. Kerry and Kennedy, for comparison, consistently score in the 90s.
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