Lamont Leading Lieberman In Early REturns

Reply Tue 8 Aug, 2006 09:18 pm
wheeeee. I hope this is a bad omen for war mongers.
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Reply Tue 8 Aug, 2006 09:19 pm
Former Republican Senator and Independent Governor Lowell Weicker, ("what did the president know and when did he know it") is on the stage with Lamont. So are Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.
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Reply Tue 8 Aug, 2006 09:20 pm
In Georgia, w/90% of precincts reporting, McKinney 41.1%, Johnson 58.9%. McKinney is complaining about "irregularities".

Lotta interest in the Lamont/Lieberman contest; highest turnout ever for a Democratic Primary in Connecticut, according to AP Wire. What's really interesting outta this is how the DNC is gonna react - Connecticut, considered a safe Red State, was not slated for significant Party money or effort. Tonight's results, given Lieberman's relatively close finish and declared intent to carry on regardless well may be the source of some consternation up the ladder. I look forward to hearing what John Dean has to say.
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Reply Tue 8 Aug, 2006 09:23 pm
McKinney's going DOWN!!!
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Reply Tue 8 Aug, 2006 09:25 pm
Whats the news on Schwarz vs Walberg in Michigan? Republican primary, interesting because its a moderate incumbent (Schwarz) vs a conservative challenger (Walberg), in a heavily republican district. Walberg was set to have a good chance.

Should be interesting example to gauge how much mobilisation power the far right still has in Republican heartland - or, vice versa, if there's any sign of a movement towards the centre among the grassroots yet, out of Bush-weariness, to match that going on stealthily at the top.
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Reply Tue 8 Aug, 2006 09:27 pm
AP Wire: McKinney loses.

No word of a concession announcement from McKinney yet.
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Reply Tue 8 Aug, 2006 09:28 pm
Lash wrote:
McKinney's going DOWN!!!

Cant say Im sorry to see her go.

Defeat for both Lieberman and McKinney is twice good news far as I'm concerned.

Cut the fringes off and get something akin to a coherent message out. (The Democratic Party, I mean.)
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Reply Tue 8 Aug, 2006 09:41 pm
nimh wrote:
Whats the news on Schwarz vs Walberg in Michigan? Republican primary, interesting because its a moderate incumbent (Schwarz) vs a conservative challenger (Walberg), in a heavily republican district.

Background on that race here: GOP looking to define itself - Hot race pits centrist, conservative

The news for now:

Schwarz evens count with Walberg; Bouchard solid

[Henry Payne 08/08 11:11 PM]

Despite trailing by 2-1 in early returns, the night looks brighter for Michigan 7th district incumbent Joe Schwarz with each passing hour. With Schwarz's home county of Calhoun reporting at 10:45 pm, the moderate ex-doctor had pulled dead even with the more conservative Walberg, 1,936 votes to 1,944!

That leaves only Jackson County to count, and both Mitchell and Detroit News pollster Tim Kiska say this one will go right down to the last ballot.
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Reply Tue 8 Aug, 2006 09:41 pm
In Michigan, with two of seven counties in the district reporting as of 11:30PM Central, Walberg leads Schwarz by 6,252 to 3,436

Michigan Secretary of State: Election Results
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Reply Tue 8 Aug, 2006 09:46 pm
Early voting has been pretty interesting this year, hasn't it?

We'll see what happens between now and november...

Cheers to one and all

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Reply Tue 8 Aug, 2006 09:59 pm
The de-mokkker-rat party has been weighed in the scales and found wanting.
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Reply Tue 8 Aug, 2006 10:15 pm
timberlandko wrote:
Connecticut, considered a safe Red State, was not slated for significant Party money or effort.

Connecticut a Red State? Well, we do have a Republican Governor. But we've had two Democratic Senators since forever, and the last time we voted for a Republican for President was 1988.

Connecticut should be considered a Blue State.
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Reply Tue 8 Aug, 2006 10:18 pm
timberlandko wrote:
I look forward to hearing what John Dean has to say.

I guess it's my fault for bringing up Lowell Weicker and his famous Watergate era quote. But don't you mean Howard Dean? Very Happy
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Reply Tue 8 Aug, 2006 10:23 pm
I hear there's an Al-Queda/Hezbolla rally scheduled in CONN/MI /A2K tomorrow.

I'm planning to do my part and move to SE Michigan to harrass the islamic sympathizers - whoever they are.

Michigan has a real problem - nothing new - but this time it's decidedly anti-all-that-is-American and personal.

The societal reject liberals here at A2K refuse to believe we're at war. France and the U.N. has suggested we shell Israel.

Get with the program folks.
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Reply Tue 8 Aug, 2006 10:42 pm
kelticwizard wrote:
timberlandko wrote:
I look forward to hearing what John Dean has to say.

I guess it's my fault for bringing up Lowell Weicker and his famous Watergate era quote. But don't you mean Howard Dean? Very Happy

Yeah - Howard is who I meant ... though mebbe something pertinent from John might be interesting Laughing

And while I'm 'fessin up,

kelticwizard wrote:
timberlandko wrote:
Connecticut, considered a safe Red State, was not slated for significant Party money or effort.

Connecticut a Red State? Well, we do have a Republican Governor. But we've had two Democratic Senators since forever, and the last time we voted for a Republican for President was 1988.

Connecticut should be considered a Blue State.

My bad - meant to say Blue State. Only excuse I've got is that I'm tired, and surfin' a buncha websites and newsgroups at the moment - should be payin' more attention to what I'm doing here, obviously Embarrassed
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Reply Wed 9 Aug, 2006 12:15 am
gungasnake wrote:
The de-mokkker-rat party has been weighed in the scales and found wanting.

Why Gungasnake, would you be Tomzz on Freerepublic?


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Reply Wed 9 Aug, 2006 07:12 am
cjhsa wrote:
France and the U.N. has suggested we shell Israel.

Get with the program folks.

Do I even want to ask where you come up with such bullshite?
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Reply Wed 9 Aug, 2006 07:16 am
No, you don't want to know.
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Reply Wed 9 Aug, 2006 07:18 am

but two out of three (Lieberman and McKinney defeated) aint bad.

Walberg upsets Schwarz in 7th

in the other closely watched GOP primary, challenger Tim Walberg of Tipton upset first-term U.S. Rep. Joe Schwarz in the 7th Congressional District.

The Schwarz/Walberg contest was considered a national test race between a moderate Republican -- Schwarz -- and a conservative challenger -- Walberg. Schwarz was endorsed by President Bush, the state Republican Party, U.S. Sen. John McCain and key special interest groups. But the Club for Growth, a Washington, D.C.-based anti-tax, anti-regulatory group, spent heavily on Walberg's behalf. And the challenger was supported by Right to Life. [..]

With nearly 90 percent of precincts counted, the conservative Walberg, 55, led Schwarz, a 68-year-old physician and former Battle Creek mayor, 54 percent to 46.

Walberg, a minister and former state lawmaker, attack what he called Schwarz' liberal voting record and made campaign issues of Schwarz' support of abortion rights and his opposition to a U.S. constitutional amendment banning gay marriage.

That district covers all or parts of seven counties in the south central part of the state.

The primary, watched nationally because it pitted a moderate Republican against a conservative challenger, was costly and nasty, financed largely by ideological interest groups from outside Michigan. The 7th District GOP primary winner will be heavily favored in November, because the district is decidedly Republican.
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Reply Wed 9 Aug, 2006 07:20 am
The fact those two lost shows how out of touch with reality Democrats and their party have become.

We're at war folks. Start profiling. I am.
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