I broke wind and the dog moved away
A little revenge, one might say.
By the look on his face
That fart was like mace
And the dog bit my leg later that day
I don't know whether to laugh or cry
Everyone's letting this one go by
There's some rhythm disjoint
That provokes "What's the point?"
Though you have to respect any try.
The woman next door is quite loud
And has me, I confess, a mite cowed
She is some piece of work
And her husband's a jerk
So I'll leave them the field, I'm not proud.
My lim'ricker's gone on the blink
But I'll have it back, quick as a wink
Fingers poised at rhymezone
I'll be holding my own
It sure beats me having to think
Halloween snow in the States?
The cold is the weather I hates,
But I'll trudge round the houses
Wearing three flannel blouses
On top of my costume and skates
My family's flying in for the feast
My shirt's washed, and my trousers are creased
That's pants pressed, over here
And may I be sincere?
I hope there's some food left, at least.
Like a locust swarm they'll be descending
With a hunger that's vast and unending.
We'll hold hands 'round the table
And if we are able
We'll eat till our gussets are rending
We like giving thanks for our stuff
But some don't know when the've had enough
We like giving thanks for our stuff
But some don't know when they've had enough
Uncle Jim, after dinner
Is the snore contest winner
Though his nose is clearly not up to snuff