The turkey runs hither and yon
Though the ground his head sits on...
(happy incipient dead turkey day)
The Pilgrims all said
Off with his head!
Happy thanksgiving everyone !
Somehow this thread just popped up on my radar...
Time to revive?
While posting on Able2Know
While posting on Able2Know
I was eating some pizza, to go
It fell in my lap
Where I'd opened my flap
While posting on Able2Know
I was eating some pizza, to go
It fell in my lap
Where I'd opened my flap
Giving my trousers a warm rosy glow.
Now my keyboard is covered with cheese...
Now my keyboard is covered with cheese,
Which isn't a thing to give ease..
My fingers keep sticking
And all need a licking
Now my keyboard is covered with cheese,
Which isn't a thing to give ease..
My fingers keep sticking
And all need a licking
And pizza sauces freezes the keys!
My mouse has a pizza shaped pad...
My kids have a lizza shaped dad
Sorry should have read:-
My kids have a pizza shaped dad
My mouse has a pizza shaped pad
My kids have a pizza shaped dad
And when I am lyin'
with a chubby Hawaian
My mouse has a pizza shaped pad
My kids have a pizza shaped dad
And when I am lyin'
with a chubby Hawaian
I feel that the world ain't all bad!!!
Last night, when I marched through the door
I declined to make sure of the floor
Last night, when I marched through the door
I declined to make sure of the floor -
I was floating on air....
And it felt good up there...
Last night, when I marched through the door
I declined to make sure of the floor -
I was floating on air...
And it felt good up there...
A second later's the part I abhor
Elijah the Tishbite wore jodpurs
Elijah the Tishbite wore jodpurs,
And his cat, who sat by the hod, purrs:
Oh, tishbite, old thing
wabbit, you are a treat...internal rhyme even! You can start the next.
Elijay the Tishbite wore jodpurs,
And his cat, who sat by the hod, purrs:
Oh, tishbite, old thing
Yes, Michael Jackson can sing
Though sad how he saddles up toddlers
Old Tish gave a puzzling glance