So now let's get on the road
And pay a call on dear Maud
She's open all hours
And doesn't do sours
And she's certainly not a bawd.
Maud's place is a bit out-of-way,
Just an hour from old Mandalay.
Maud's place is a bit out-of-way,
Just an hour from old Mandalay.
She'll lay out the mat
And show you her cat
Maud's place is a bit out-of-way,
Just an hour from old Mandalay.
She'll lay out the mat
And show you her cat
And wish you a very good day.
And then the fun will begin
As we start to guzzle her gin
And then the fun will begin
As we start to guzzle her gin
When Yin meets the Yang
The garters will twang
(MA- Are you like Fielding's Merry Andrew?)
That last question read-
Are you like Fielding's Merry Andrew. How Sylvester Stallone got there instead is a mystery to me.
And then the fun will begin
As we start to guzzle her gin
When Yin meets the Yang
The garters will twang
And then the fun will begin
As we start to guzzle her gin
When Yin meets the Yang
The garters will twang
And we'll all get as potted as sin.
(Spendi -- who's Fielding?)
Maud is a splendid ol' gal.
I'll try it this way-
Are you like the character in Tom Jones who has the name which is the same as your username which I will not mention because when I do Sylvester Stallone comes up.
MA- You have never heard of Henry Fielding!!!!
Goodness gracious!!
If I type your username Sylvester Stallone is there instead when I submit and MERRY ANDREW is still there on the edit frame. I've used capitals to try to outwit this gremlin.
This is amazing. I typed the full version of MA on each of those posts.
What's going on?
Oh, I know of Henry Fielding, all right. I didn't get the connection to Sylvester Stallone, though. As to the change in my nom-de-net, it's just the hamsters having their April Fool's go. Many posters are being quoted under other names on this All Fools Day.
I didn't even know it was Fool's Day.
Maud is a splendid ol' gal.
Greenbacks are her very best pal....
Maud is a splendid ol' gal.
Greenbacks are her very best pal.
For a dollar or more
To settle the score
Maud is a splendid ol' gal.
Greenbacks are her very best pal.
For a dollar or more
To settle the score
For which she will then say "I shall".
It helps the game Andy if the "a" rhyme has a lot of matches which "gal" does not have.
And that's when your troubles begin...
And that's when your troubles begin...
When the soles of your shoes have worn thin
And that's when your troubles begin...
When the soles of your shoes have worn thin
From pacing the floor
Lika a lonely whore
And that's when your troubles begin...
When the soles of your shoes have worn thin
From pacing the floor
Lika a lonely whore
Whose life has been thrown in the bin.
When you think of the times you've been sad
When you think of the times you've been sad
And of all the bad troubles you've had,
Does it make you think
When you think of the times you've been sad
And of all the bad troubles you've had,
Does it make you think,
I'll be dead in a wink!
So I'd better start to make myself glad.
Of stressers in life there are many
of stressers in life there are many
with an uncanny ability, they demise me
That's not a limerick, he said
when he'd finished the thing he'd just read
it's confusing at times
and only technically rhymes