Of reality, it's often said,
That the hat should shelter the head.
What it means I can't say,
But I like it that way.
I'll try sheltering hamsters instead.
A hamster crawled into my shirt
A hamster crawled into my shirt.
I hope the poor feller's not hurt.
He just wanted to rest
Snug next to mt breast
A hamster crawled into my shirt
And nibbled on me till it hurt.
I sometimes pretend
He's my small boyfriend
<now we need two last lines. Clary, where art thou?>
Hey, Whooda.
A hamster crawled into my shirt
And nibbled on me till it hurt.
I sometimes pretend
He's my small boyfriend
Then I found he was dumber than dirt.
Watch out for that carpenter ant
Watch out for that carpenter ant
Especially if you are a plant
Watch out for that carpenter ant
Especially if you are a plant.
Or if you're a tree
I suggest that you flee
Watch out for that carpenter ant
Especially if you are a plant.
Or if you're a tree
I suggest that you flee
Unless you want to be holy (full of holes)
Now you have to post a new first line, Cyracuz.
oh, ok. Here goes.
A bicycle rides a lonely road
A bicycle rides a lonely road
Carrying a heavy load
A bicycle rides a lonely road
Carrying a heavy load
Whom we all know as Carrie
A bicycle rides a lonely road
Carrying a heavy load
Whom we all know as Carrie
The girl you should marry
If you want to be tied to a toad.
The sun shone on Jessica's knee
The sun shone on Jessica's knee
As Johnny went on a killing spree
Exterminating houseflies
The sun shone on Jessica's knee
As Johnny went on a killing spree
Exterminating houseflies
As quick as a mouse dies
But Jessica said "Look at me!"
Long lanes never have any turnings
Long lanes never have any turnings
Nor peepers in trees doing gurnings
Like in days of old
When men were more bold
Long lanes never have any turnings
Nor peepers in trees doing gurnings
Like in days of old
When men were more bold
And witches were punished with burnings.
I seem to be trapped in first liners
I seem to be trapped in first liners
Between canaries and coal miners
I seem to be trapped in first liners
Between canaries and coal miners
The oxygen's low
And I'm starting to go..
I seem to be trapped in first liners
Between canaries and coal miners
The oxygen's low
And I'm starting to go..
The way of St. Thomas Aquiners
Or was that Assisi, I'm thinking
I must cut down on the drinking