Well, I'm new here but I have been reading alot of what people have been saying.... So anyway I just wanted to tell u that I have had alot of experience with depo. I recently (well about 3 years ago now) changed from the depo shots to the Orthoevara patches because I couldn't stand everything that the depo was doing to me. I was on the depo shots 4 about 10 years. When I first started on the shots I bled for 3 months straight then that changed to no periods at all. Which mind u I thought was great (at first) I had always had really awful Aunt Flo visits so I loved not having a period until the side effects came.(DUH DUH DUH) I gained a massive amount of weight and I always looked like I was about 9 months pregnant. Alot of my weight concentrated in that area. My mood swings were terrible!!! I probally could have been diagnosed as bi-polar. (yes that bad) then I started having hot flashes, ringing in my ears, night sweats so bad that I would wake up sans clothes alot of mornings,dry mouth and dry areas else where so sex was impossible,btw.. it kills your sex drive also,breast pain,leg cramps (which was scary as h*ll because i smoke and feared blood clots),my teeth started to get really bad also, my hair started to fall out in clumps,and the list goes on and on. Yes I know that sounds alot like menopause...but when I finally got off the shots I was only 27 years old. Now I am on the patches and have none of those problems. Yes I now get my period but if thats the only side effect I'll take it thank you. Plus I dropped alot of the weight I gained and then some!!!

So I recommend that u get off the shots ASAP before u get the pleasure of all those side effects . Well that was my 2 cents. Thanks Iposted this in the other depo thread but thought that it might also be useful here....