neologist wrote:RexRed wrote:I heard said once on a Bible show I recall watching on the discovery channel that there were acceptable Judean practices of men pleasuring themselves anally on their female virgin future wives before they married them... (This to prevent premature conception.)
So the practice is only "unclean" Biblically when it is used promiscuously.
Romans 1:26 makes it clear that certain sexual practices are debased. Do we really need a list?
God sees us as neither male nor female but spiritual... That means that in the end there will be no vestige of the flesh left when we enter our heavenly destination. The spirit reflects what "sex" we are, not the flesh.
Homosexuals who reject God are given over to the same sad life that others who reject God face. Homosexuals seem to just suffer worse because of the prejudice deeply engrained within society.
Since there will be no sexuality as we know it in heaven and hell will be no more, it seems we will not be divided by duality.
The only duality will be matter and energy (heaven and paradise) as it was in the beginning. (no sex)
So the same thing can be applied for heterosexuals in Romans 1. There are many heteros with "reprobate" minds too... reprobates are not relegated to some homosexuals only. It is a pattern of people who have for some reason or another completely rejected God "spiritually" because they look to the natural instead of the spiritual.
We are not judged by the natural but by the spiritual. Homosexuals and heterosexuals are often unaware that their natural behavior cannot corrupt the gift of God within them. This deeply rooted confusion is what often leads down a long road of self emaciation.