Jesus Christ and Homosexuality.

Reply Wed 16 Aug, 2006 11:24 am
Also, while I'm on a roll...

What business does the US government (bound by separation of church and state) have in joining/marrying people in the sight of "God"?

Marriage is only used by the heteros to show how promiscuous and evil that homosexuals are.

Homosexuals have no conventional way to commit to one another in "traditional" means so, I blame most of the homosexual promiscuity on the inequality, bigotry and social intolerance associated with the mostly failed institution of heterosexual marriage.
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Reply Wed 16 Aug, 2006 11:29 am
RexRed wrote:
I heard said once on a Bible show I recall watching on the discovery channel that there were acceptable Judean practices of men pleasuring themselves anally on their female virgin future wives before they married them... (This to prevent premature conception.)

So the practice is only "unclean" Biblically when it is used promiscuously.
Romans 1:26 makes it clear that certain sexual practices are debased. Do we really need a list?
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Wolf ODonnell
Reply Wed 16 Aug, 2006 11:40 am
Yes and we can interpret that particular list in Romans as meaning ritualistic acts of sex.

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Reply Wed 16 Aug, 2006 11:41 am
What strikes me about the gay marriage movement is the insistence of many that the union be referred to as marriage.

It would seem reasonable to me that any committed pair, whether it be brother/sister friend/friend or whatever/whoever should be permitted to apply for the same legal status as a married couple. That would apply most particularly to fiduciary arrangements, but to other benefits as well.

Calling the arrangement 'marriage' is certain to bring out the most vocal opposition.
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Reply Wed 16 Aug, 2006 11:46 am
RexRed wrote:
Also, while I'm on a roll...

What business does the US government (bound by separation of church and state) have in joining/marrying people in the sight of "God"?

Marriage is only used by the heteros to show how promiscuous and evil that homosexuals are.

Homosexuals have no conventional way to commit to one another in "traditional" means so, I blame most of the homosexual promiscuity on the inequality, bigotry and social intolerance associated with the mostly failed institution of heterosexual marriage.

I thought this country was founded on christian beliefs. I guess that would explain why, don't you think?
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Wolf ODonnell
Reply Wed 16 Aug, 2006 11:46 am
Well, why can't they call it marriage? It's not as if the Christians own and copyright it. It's not as if we're forcing the Churches to marry us.

(Frankly, I wouldn't want to be married to a Church anyway. Laughing)
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Reply Wed 16 Aug, 2006 12:05 pm
Wolf_ODonnell wrote:
Well, why can't they call it marriage? It's not as if the Christians own and copyright it. It's not as if we're forcing the Churches to marry us.

(Frankly, I wouldn't want to be married to a Church anyway. Laughing)

I refer you to my post here
neologist wrote:

There may very well be a causal relationship between societal pressure and 'gay suicide'.

When I was 13, I was confused about my sexual feelings and was afraid that I might be gay. At that time, half a century ago, I had no way to evaluate the validity of my thoughts and no person I could trust to help me. It was three or four years before I discovered that same sex attractions are common and not a determination of who you are.

Damn, it was a frightening time. I remember contemplating suicide.

All this does not advance the gay rights cause in the least; but it does serve to condemn the gay bashers to their rightful place in the sewers of history.
I can't imagine the current acceptance of homosexuality in some quarters would have made things any easier for me. I understand now the deep regrets I most certainly would have had for following my curiosity.
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Reply Wed 16 Aug, 2006 01:08 pm
neologist wrote:
RexRed wrote:
I heard said once on a Bible show I recall watching on the discovery channel that there were acceptable Judean practices of men pleasuring themselves anally on their female virgin future wives before they married them... (This to prevent premature conception.)

So the practice is only "unclean" Biblically when it is used promiscuously.
Romans 1:26 makes it clear that certain sexual practices are debased. Do we really need a list?

God sees us as neither male nor female but spiritual... That means that in the end there will be no vestige of the flesh left when we enter our heavenly destination. The spirit reflects what "sex" we are, not the flesh.

Homosexuals who reject God are given over to the same sad life that others who reject God face. Homosexuals seem to just suffer worse because of the prejudice deeply engrained within society.

Since there will be no sexuality as we know it in heaven and hell will be no more, it seems we will not be divided by duality.

The only duality will be matter and energy (heaven and paradise) as it was in the beginning. (no sex)

So the same thing can be applied for heterosexuals in Romans 1. There are many heteros with "reprobate" minds too... reprobates are not relegated to some homosexuals only. It is a pattern of people who have for some reason or another completely rejected God "spiritually" because they look to the natural instead of the spiritual.

We are not judged by the natural but by the spiritual. Homosexuals and heterosexuals are often unaware that their natural behavior cannot corrupt the gift of God within them. This deeply rooted confusion is what often leads down a long road of self emaciation.
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Reply Wed 16 Aug, 2006 01:45 pm
I guess some haven't heard of the SDI's that men get from women. My guess is these people have virtually no sex at all, perhaps because of abstinance, perhaps because they are unattractive, their equipment doesn't work, they think all sex is dirty other than between a man and a woman who want to have children, and a myrid of other reasons. It's unhealthy to get in a car and drive down nearby streets as that is where most people are killed in an auto accident. It's unhealthy to go out to public places where one can contract communicable diseases. It's unhealthy to eat a lot of salt, drink a lot, smoke a lot or breath second-hand smoke, eat at MacDonalds, live in the city and breath bad air and a myriad of other unhealthy activity. I suggest these people find a cave on a desert island and go live in it.

Kinsey and subsequent studies all but prove without a shadow of a doubt that many woman, but less men, experiment in their youth with sex with the same sex. If you are basically heterosexual, it shouldn't be a source of shame or regret. It can be disregarded as a normal growing up process. Gay men, on the other hand, have no sexual attraction to the opposite sex but are strongly attracted by another male, studies recently finding that this includes attraction to male pheremones.

These studies are being assembled in some new books to update Kinsey, Masters and Johnson and others. The crown crowing here about it being a choice will read none of them.
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Reply Wed 16 Aug, 2006 01:53 pm
But, RR, I don't reject a God per se -- I reject the Judeo-Christian concept of God. I think it is way off target and fabricated through superstition. Aristotle's Great Mover is as close as I can come because, when all is said and done, any God is an abstract ideal and has no real basis in reality. I honor your choice of believing in Jesus Christ as a product of immaculate conception and his resurrection but do not in one minute put credence in any of it. He was a great prophet who was a Jewish Rabii and as Roman history reveals hundreds of crucifixions during that time frame, anything anyone had to do was pick one.
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Reply Wed 16 Aug, 2006 02:02 pm
Lightwizard wrote:
But, RR, I don't reject a God per se -- I reject the Judeo-Christian concept of God. I think it is way off target and fabricated through superstition. Aristotle's Great Mover is as close as I can come because, when all is said and done, any God is an abstract ideal and has no real basis in reality. I honor your choice of believing in Jesus Christ as a product of immaculate conception and his resurrection but do not in one minute put credence in any of it. He was a great prophet who was a Jewish Rabii and as Roman history reveals hundreds of crucifixions during that time frame, anything anyone had to do was pick one.

The mystery of a celibate human saviour "born" within us spiritually is a rather attractive idea to me.
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Reply Wed 16 Aug, 2006 02:11 pm
Matthew 2:16 Then Herod, when he saw that he was mocked of the wise men, was exceeding wroth, and sent forth, and slew all the children that were in Bethlehem, and in all the coasts thereof, from two years old and under, according to the time which he had diligently enquired of the wise men.
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real life
Reply Wed 16 Aug, 2006 11:58 pm
Lightwizard wrote:
neologist wrote:
real life wrote:
hi Lightwiz,

Let me see if I understand you correctly:

A man who lives up to age 25 as a heterosexual and thereafter as a homosexual is 'coming out' and 'expressing his true sexual orientation'.

But a man who lives up to age 25 as a homosexual and thereafter as a heterosexual is just 'in denial' and is 'living a lie'.

Is that about the sum of your belief?
Choose an answer. . .

Which you will continue to ignore in favor of strawman arguments.

You mean similar to the way you ignored the obvious inconsistency in your belief?

Go ahead, address it.

Why do you claim that a heterosexual CAN change to homosexual, but a homosexual CANNOT change to heterosexual?
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Reply Thu 17 Aug, 2006 12:21 am
What Light Wizard does not know is that homosexuality is NOT COMPLETELY BASED ON GENETICS>

If that were so, all Identical Twins in which one was a overt homosexual, would always show that the other one was homosexual also. That is not the case!

LIght WIzard does not know that an overt Homosexual, who I know, who is a brilliant Doctor---Dr. Dean Hamer--the chief of Gene Structure and Regulation at the National Cancer Instituted's Laboratory of Biochemistry, has written in his boook--Living with our Genes--


Therefore, a young person, who is exposed to some kind of environmental influence that bends him or her towards homosexuality will then tend in that direction if there is a predisposing genetic influence.

Those who have a genetic tendency towards Heart Disease do not always get Heart Trouble IF THEY CAN CONTROL THEIR ENVIRONMENT.

What this means, of course, is that people become homosexual not only because of their genetics but also because of their surroundings and the people they interact with when young.

I am happy I interacted with the right people.

That is why I will always remember my gay Scout Master!!!
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Wolf ODonnell
Reply Thu 17 Aug, 2006 04:38 am
Great... BernardR is showing us that he's gone senile, as he's repeating himself.

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Reply Thu 17 Aug, 2006 07:08 am
The cut-and-paste Alzherimer's symptom is just another on of the aberrations only BenardR could explain.

I straight man does not "turn into" a gay man. He's been in the closet, in denial of his sexual orientation. You just don't "turn gay." In reverse, a gay man cannot magically turn straight unless they put themselves into denial that they are gay. The particular organizations believe that religion is the answer, even though the world psychiatrists have formally taken homosexuality off their lists as a mental disorder -- it is not treatable in therapy. Of course, with some individuals (the 10% which is all they can claim) can be convinced that praying to God will take away their desire for the same sex. That it temporarily will work (there are no 12 step programs for giving up homosexuality) means very little as even that 10% have member who admit they have slipped. You can supplant the desire but it is still part one one's psyche. It is basically a one-step program to support the illusion. If you're getting the existance of gay men who are latently heterosexual, there are no studies that support that. If you've ever seen the interviews with couples, the man has distinctly feminine mannerisms which might be attractive to a female partner -- the ultimate sensitive man which doubles as a girl friend. There are strange relationships in this world and the woman can hope that the male partner who has suddenly become straight is not attractive to other men and living in a demography where the gay population is extremely limited. If the man insists on living in San Francisco, I can't imagine the female partner being that dumb.
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Reply Thu 17 Aug, 2006 07:54 am
BernardR wrote:
That is why I will always remember my gay Scout Master!!!

I'll bet that's not the only reason.
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Reply Thu 17 Aug, 2006 10:25 am
BernardR wrote:
What Light Wizard does not know is that homosexuality is NOT COMPLETELY BASED ON GENETICS>

If that were so, all Identical Twins in which one was a overt homosexual, would always show that the other one was homosexual also. That is not the case!

LIght WIzard does not know that an overt Homosexual, who I know, who is a brilliant Doctor---Dr. Dean Hamer--the chief of Gene Structure and Regulation at the National Cancer Instituted's Laboratory of Biochemistry, has written in his boook--Living with our Genes--


Therefore, a young person, who is exposed to some kind of environmental influence that bends him or her towards homosexuality will then tend in that direction if there is a predisposing genetic influence.

Those who have a genetic tendency towards Heart Disease do not always get Heart Trouble IF THEY CAN CONTROL THEIR ENVIRONMENT.

What this means, of course, is that people become homosexual not only because of their genetics but also because of their surroundings and the people they interact with when young.

I am happy I interacted with the right people.

That is why I will always remember my gay Scout Master!!!

My scout master was "straight" and used to make a demeaning, embarrassing and harassing issue with my personal sexual choice in front of my fellow scouts. He mocked me on several occasions. It is hard to earn "merit" badges in this type of atmosphere.

I might add that my fellow scouts are probably more tolerant of homosexuals today because of me and not my scout "leader". Besides they are all mostly closet queens and were back then. I was the only one with guts to admit what they couldn't. I was more aware of what being a boy scout really meant. The whole honor and duty and love for God thing is still with me today.

My scout leader was also clergy, well, so am I today. And I know more scripture than he ever could or will.

The way I see it is that all he ever really contributed to my life was bigotry and hate.

I wonder if my life would have been better never knowing him?
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Reply Thu 17 Aug, 2006 07:25 pm
John 10:16 And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd

Luke 6:32 For if ye love them which love you, what thank have ye? for sinners also love those that love them. 33 And if ye do good to them which do good to you, what thank have ye? for sinners also do even the same. 34 And if ye lend to them of whom ye hope to receive, what thank have ye? for sinners also lend to sinners, to receive as much again. 35 But love ye your enemies, and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing again; and your reward shall be great, and ye shall be the children of the Highest: for he is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil. 36 Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful.

37 Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven: 38 Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure
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Reply Thu 17 Aug, 2006 09:27 pm
Lightwizard how do you figure that if a straight man goes gay, he's been in denial of his gayness, but if a gay man goes straight, he's still in denial of his gayness? Does that seem to follow logically to you, or is that just 'the way it is'?
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