Lightwizard wrote:
Those who believe they have changed themselves into heterosexuals go against all the scientifically researched psychological findings of over sixty years. It's all suppose to be that faith has intervened and made the homosexual into a heterosexual. False.
I see. So the shrinks know better than those who live the life. 'You may think you're not a homosexual because you are married and only have heterosexual relations, but you are wrong'.
You're paranoia is unbelievable. You just can't accept the fact that someone can change can you?
OK, let's turn this around. What about the person who lives until 25 or 30 as a heterosexual and now is living as a homosexual?
Is he wrong also? He may 'think' he is a homosexual but he's wrong isn't he? Because people can't change, can they?
It would go against all the psychological findings blah blah blah for this one to suppose that he is a homosexual. He is a heterosexual living in denial, right? Cause he can't change, right?