So that hurt.
I got a topical anasthetic but that was followed by a needle full of numbing stuff right in the corner of my eye.
Yes, let me restate that: a needle full of numbing stuff right in the corner of my eye. It was comperable to a shot in the mouth. The numbing stuff before hand works just enough to make you think it won't hurt and then when they poke you, your eyes well up and you curse the gods in four different languages.
Then, the laser....which I didn't feel working at all due to the needle full of numbing stuff right in the corner of my eye...started. Blue, bright and uncomfortable because it was blinding me. It took all of 2 minutes and I was done. The doc said it would be a bit sore, feeling like a bruise for a while. Feeling pretty good cuz it was over, hoping I didn't have to have the other eye done. I left and of course felt nothing. Then.....3 hours later after the numbing wore off...YOOOWZER! A bruise? What kind of bruise? The kind that is caused by a swift whack to the shin with a 2x4, I guess. My eye was SO sore. Blinking hurt. And it felt like something was in it. Ugh. It's Monday now, and it's still sore. Not nearly as sore, but still sore.
What a pain in the ass.