How is Mr Noddy doing with this news, Noddy? Are you able to get some extra help around the house?
I saw your post on the aging thread, Noddy. I can see how Mr Noddy is doing. Are you able to get some extra help during your recovery?
0 Replies
Sat 29 Jul, 2006 12:07 pm
Beautiful Noddy,
thinking of you and wishing for the best.
If only I had a way to get to the Brave New World, I'd offer up my (if I do say so myself) amazing maid skills.
I'd clean your toilet any day, baby.
Interested to hear the answer to jb's q.
0 Replies
Sat 29 Jul, 2006 01:25 pm
My son will be coming down for a few days after surgery. I'm very comforted knowing that there will be another adult around the house so that I can let someone else run the world.
Meanwhile, Mr. Noddy is doing what he can. He's made several telephone calls to his side of the family. He's also promised that if I have to have a cleaning woman come in that he will leave the house so he won't be tempted to follow her around talking while she works.
I'm quite touched by your offer to clean toilets. That is one of Mr. Noddy's jobs--he does do a share of household drudgery. All the same, I appreciate the practical thought. The world would be a better place if more people were like you and focused on essentials.
0 Replies
Sun 6 Aug, 2006 07:48 pm
The surgeon (male) recommends a sports bra. Has anyone tested this notion?
I have never tested this notion, but I do know that Lady Grace does have mastectomy experts on staff , all women, who can advise and measure you for a bra. Perhaps you could visit a lady Grace shop.